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Everything posted by jaymc

  1. jaymc


    Yeh the chat is optimized to delete redundant entries Im just wondering if the actually query itself will cause issue
  2. jaymc


    I have some chatroom software which ive acquired and I'm in the middle of modding it up to add a ban feature and a few profile features In doing this I've had to add 2 extra queries in a script that refreshes ever 3 seconds So, its 2 queries X num of people online every 2 seconds Im just wondering, will this be a server killed? My server is my own and I dont host people, 2x Opteron 240 3Gig Ram I know mysql is great and fast but is it asking too much to run a chatroom that will be running about 5 queries every 3 seconds for each member online?
  3. jaymc

    Blank Space

    The top blue bar... and then the actually table rows... Their is about a 10px gap that should not be their..
  4. jaymc

    Blank Space

    This only appears to happen in IE... Here is a screenshot of the problem And here is the code supposedly causing the problem [quote]<table><tr><td background=../site/images/linkback.jpg class=justtext height=250 valign=top> <div style="width:676px; height:250px; overflow:auto; padding:0px; margin:0px;"> <table class=tdheaders cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center width=100%><tr> <td class=tdcellhead>#</td> <td class=tdcellheadl>Gender</td> <td class=tdcellhead><b>Username</b></td> <td class=tdcellhead><b>Name</b></td> <td class=tdcellhead><b>Last Activity</b></td> <td class=tdcellhead><b>Online</b></td> <td class=tdcellhead>Points</td> <td class=tdcellhead>Send Message</td> <td class=tdcellhead>Add Buddy</td> </tr><tr></table></div>[/quote] This only happens sometimes, if I refresh the page it will display as normal I think that the code is being parsed in such an order that means if their is any lag it is confusing the browser thinking the output table is bigger than it should be Possible caused by images not loading or something Any ideas? [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. It hasnt done that sess_JAYMC for 4 hours.. But, the session has just died again /SESSION has 93% free, its not a partition either..
  6. More errors... [13-Jan-2007 18:06:15] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_alu5hnpp11fa3o6lf9oiujuum7, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 [13-Jan-2007 18:06:15] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_02kt5pb75qnltim8ec1ie14vi4, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 [13-Jan-2007 18:06:15] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_02kt5pb75qnltim8ec1ie14vi4, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 [13-Jan-2007 18:06:11] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_odhosb81j8mma3e5vo337o20s5, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0 [13-Jan-2007 18:06:11] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_a0vnknbget760coqib6sfrm8o7, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0 [13-Jan-2007 18:06:12] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_6v89cvm6aossdp4dj5kaeqf4p3, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0 [13-Jan-2007 18:06:08] PHP Warning:  Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/SESSIONS) in Unknown on line 0
  7. $_SESSION['username'] = 'JAYMC'; After a while and pretty random the ID comes out as $_SESSION['username'] which obviously is JAYMC When that happens if I check my SESSION path their is a session created their called sess_JAYMC I dont know whether its the garbage clearedout deleting to session.. its certainly not every 24 minutes dot on though, it can be after 8 minutes, or after 3 hours
  8. By the way, if I set [b]session.gc_maxlifetime[/b] to 365 days then that will solve my problem as the session wont get terminated in the garbage clean out However, the session file will remain on there for 365 days? Will that cause problems? I'm not bothered if it will hog a gig of space, I just want this fixed However, the defailt 24 mins, surely thats to clean out inactive sessions...? In other words sessions that have not been accessed within 24 minutes?
  9. [quote author=MCP link=topic=121834.msg504104#msg504104 date=1168721050] [quote author=jaymc link=topic=121834.msg503557#msg503557 date=1168640686] But Ive been through all my scripts and the only thing they have regarding sessions is session_start(); $User_Session = $_SESSION['username']; [/quote] do you mean to say that you never save any variables to the session? how does $_SESSION['username'] get populated? sessions aren't truly created until you either assign something to the $_SESSION super global, or use session_register(). [/quote] No... when I create the session in the login page I have $_SESSION['username'] = $user It is creating the session fine, I even viewed the sesion file and the correct data was in there However, that session is being delete for some reason... here is an error from php log [13-Jan-2007 18:06:05] PHP Warning:  Unknown: open(/SESSIONS/sess_a0vnknbget760coqib6sfrm8o7, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0 In other words, [b]sess_a0vnknbget760coqib6sfrm8o7[/b] did exist but for some reason was deleted Also, I had echo session_id(); and after a while that was outputing the value of the session, not the ID Confused
  10. Ok, last bit of into When i first login to my site and the session is created, it is created properly, in fact, here is the exact session name [b]sess_23leud1obhphvlhvof30g28mk5[/b] Now, at no apparent time or on any certain page the session either gets removed or renamed to sess_VALUEOFSESSION in my case, sess_JAYMC When it does that, the browser still things its session id is [b]23leud1obhphvlhvof30g28mk5[/b] which obviously no longer exists This, session dropped and logged out of the site..
  11. More info I checked the session id and the session id is actually the session valid in the SESSION PATH their is my sessioin called sess_JAYMC The rest, generated by the forum are all normal (sess_243234bgab234bdad) Any ideas now?
  12. I suspect this will be of use I have been told by someone to check session.gc and garbage settings?
  13. That is only for the forum though, havnt seen any of those errors with the refferer of my site But maybe its related? Still cant find this php error log
  14. Ah ha, I think Im getting somewhere... Pulled this from an apache log [client] PHP Warning:  Unknown: The session id contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in Unknown on line 0, referer: http://forum.jaydiocity.co.uk/index.php?act=Search&nav=lv&CODE=show&searchid=ddfc3ec2753d130b4bbda29fa80e0d6e&search_in=topics&result_type=topics&lastdate=
  15. I am the host, its my server I checked that dir and there is no php file I cant see anywhere in php.ini to define the log path?
  16. I've enabled php error logging in php.ini Where is the error log file ?
  17. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=121834.msg503647#msg503647 date=1168647656] Well, Im sorry but I can't really offer any solution. What you should do though is turn on error logging in your php.ini. Then view those logs. You might be having some sort of permissions issue on the server side that is stopping the local sessions from being saved. [/quote] That could be feasable, but, how would the sessions be created in the first place and work fine anywhere from 1 minute to 3 hours... I have an invision forum on the site and that is running fine, not sure if it uses session cookies etc... But yeh, what your saying my site would either WORK or NOT WORK, I cant see any room for it working ok for a minute or 3 hours then screwing up... Hmmm?
  18. Any ideas? Please
  19. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=121834.msg503596#msg503596 date=1168642586] [quote]What could cause the termination of a session cookie that has been set for 86400 seconds[/quote] The closing of the browser. [/quote] The browser is not being closed Seriously, it just appears to be killing its self when it pleases...
  20. It is happening to other people.. Ive had like 50 people test this out and about 9 have came back and said yes its happening to me also.. Its driving me mad I simply cant find a bad piece of code or server configuration to write this off as What could cause the termination of a session cookie that has been set for 86400 seconds
  21. More info It is happening in IE aswell, but its a lot more frequent in firefox In php.ini the session.cookie timeout is set to 86400 so something must be terminating the sesion right? But Ive been through all my scripts and the only thing they have regarding sessions is session_start(); $User_Session = $_SESSION['username']; Thats all
  22. Is that the best way to do it? Because on my site the sessions are dying randomly Im just wondering if for some reason the browser thinks its been closed The solution though could be to set session expire time to 30 minutes.. However, what happens if someone closes the website and then their friend opens it again in 15 minutes time Essentially, they will then be logged in as them, right? Thats what im worried about
  23. If i set the session cookie to expire in 30 minutes rather than when the browser is closed, does that mean from the moment they login they will loose their session in 30 minutes Or, is it 30 minutes after they have stopped viewing pages In otherwords, everytime the view a page does that start the 30 min countdown again?
  24. I have made previous topics about this but something new has just come to light I have a website, lets call it [b]site.com[/b] Now, on [b]site.com[/b] I have a script that connects to MSN and does some 'stuff' which can take up to 30 seconds If I click a link on [b]site.com[/b] that brings me to that script ([b]site.com/msnstuff[/b] Then I cant load any other page on my site until that msnstuff script has finished Now I was told this was a browser issue (both firefox and IE btw) which can only handle one connection at a time. Now I had a play around and found that if I access [b]site.com/msnstuff[/b] by IP or a subdomain it wont lock out my [b]site.com[/b] pages as the browser will treat it as a new seperate connection. So I thought, great! I created a subdomain called [b]msn.site.com[/b] and I could then run both [b]site.com[/b] and the msnstuff script simultaniously without them conflicting Problem solved? Well, I then went on to play around in PHP.INI and set the default SESSION.COOKIE_DOMAIN path from ' ' to '.site.com' Bang, I was hit with the same problem Since I did that the browser was no longer treating [b]site.com[/b] and [b]msn.site.com[/b] as seperate connections Now it was definetly the session.cookie_domain that changed this I am completely stumped, why would it do that !? I have already made a work around for this, No I have to access the msnstuff page via IP ( and again its now being treated as a seperate connection and not locking my pages But, I dont want to have to access scripts via IP... Please, someone, shed some light on this. I know its a real tricky one but someone must have some information on it..
  25. Regardless of whats in PHP.ini, how can you set the SESSION expire time and the SESSION path such as '/'
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