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Everything posted by jaymc

  1. I have the following script which generates a popup the full size of the screen Works fine in IE, but not in firefox. Ive tried a few different scripts but firefox fails all the time Here is the script [code]<script> function fullwin(){ window.open("../index.html","","fullscreen,scrollbars") } </script>[/code] If it cant be achieved using the above method in firefox, what alternitives are their to get the popup to be the full size of the screen?
  2. How does that explain the other PC also locking up... Basically, anyone connected to the site before the script is run will be effected by the lockout.. theirfor their must be more to it than a local pc browser issue Thats what I cant get my head around?
  3. Ahhh yes that would make sense !! However, I have a network and when running the script on my laptop, whilst locked I quickly tried to access a page on my desktop and that was locked out also However, if I open a new browser window I have no problem It appears that the lock is only for people connected at the time of the 'lock' Anyone connecting while the 'lock' is in process gets through fine.. Its as if its locking out any current connections it has?
  4. I have a php script which connects to MSN via a socket When doing this, it sometimes lags for over 40 seconds... When this happens I cant access any page on my site from where the script was requested (via popup) untill I restart apache My best guess is that when that script is running and causing the lag it puts some kind of lock on any request that has come from the same page the popup did (http socket?) I think Im on the right lines, but does anyone else have a better explination and solution Cheers
  5. Worked a treat, thanks!
  6. Anyone... I thought this was relitavely straight foward... :(
  7. jaymc


    Yes... when clicking it alters the other frames/main site if the history is within one of those pages
  8. Static IP with a valid domain name I have actually had this issue for a year but have never gotten to the bottom of it
  9. [b]Is it possible to use javascript to get someones NIC MAC Address?[/b]
  10. When sending emails via mail() to a hotmail address, and most other mail servers it always goes into the Junk mail Now ive been reading up loads on this, Ive been playing about with all the relivent headers but still, they go to junk!! I read something about setting a SEND ID which hotmail looks for but couldnt get too much information from that Has anyone else been faced with this issue and did they get it resolved I have a mailing list of over 100,000 which is pretty much useless if they go straight to junk Any ideas would be great!
  11. I have a website which has 3 iframes within the main site I want to make use of the history.go javascript feature to enable users to go back to a previous page within an iframe However, when clicking the history.go(-1) link, it takes them back to the last viewed page on the whole site, whether that be on the main page, 1st 2nd or 3rd iframe How can I apply the history.go to only the history of the current iframe its positioned in Thanks
  12. I have the following javascript [code]<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function checkAll(field) { for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) field[i].checked = true ; } function uncheckAll(field) { for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) field[i].checked = false ; } </script>[/code] And I have the following HTML [code]<form name="myform" action="checkboxes.asp" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="list[]" value="1">Java<br> <input type="checkbox" name="list[]" value="2">Javascript<br> <input type="button" name="CheckAll" value="Check All" onClick="checkAll(document.myform.list)"> </form>[/code] That works but only when each checkbox name is set as [b]name=list[/b] I need the name to be set as [b]name=list[][/b] for use with a PHP array. Ive tried changing the following line [code]<input type="button" name="CheckAll" value="Check All" onClick="checkAll(document.myform.list)">[/code] to [code]<input type="button" name="CheckAll" value="Check All" onClick="checkAll(document.myform.list[])">[/code] But it wont work. Just wondering if their is a way around this? Doesnt appear to like those square brackets Any help would be great!
  13. jaymc


    Really silly question I have a dynamic PHP script on my page that generates checboxes for a form So I may have 12 checkboxes.. How can I call them up once submitted via php because if I set a name for them all as [code]<input type=checkbox name=list value=1> <input type=checkbox name=list  value=6> <input type=checkbox name=list value=4> <input type=checkbox name=list value=13> <input type=checkbox name=list value=19>[/code] Obviously I cant do [b]echo $_POST['list'];[/b] Because thats only referring to one of those checkboxes. So how can I call them all up by name without naming them differently in the checkbox? The values will always be dynamic by the way Cheers
  14. jaymc

    .jpg flaw

    that link i put up was just an example basically if someone created a file on their desktop with the following as the contents of the file <a href=#>click here And then saved that file as a .jpg file. if they then upload it to my site and try view the image, rather than it displaying an image error its parsing the HTML to screen
  15. If I upload an image to my server with the following inside the file <a href=#>click here</a> It actually displays as a link when I go to www.site.com/image.jpg How can I stop this, I own the server so i can amend what I like
  16. Cheers, worked fine!
  17. When submitting a form with a type=FILE field, how can I use javascript to validate whether that file field has a location in it In other words, that someone has clicked browser and selected a file... The standard [b]  else if ( document.form.picture.value == "") {do blarrrr}[/b] doesnt appear to be working.. Any help would be great! Thanks!
  18. Ive posted it in mozilla forums, no responses in at all. posted yesterday http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=501480
  19. Ive just tried exactly the same method but using COOKIES instead Again, firefox fails Really, the only way I can do this is with my original way, due to the nature of the content and the structure... Firefox fails to read cookies and sessions when a page is accessed via a request from embed src=music.php Is this a firefox bug? or is it like that for security reasons etc... That really is the root of my problem and if I cant get it to work my website simply cannot support firefox... Anyone have any information on this on as to why firefox cant read a session or cookie when requested like that
  20. I've done that and it worked in firefox and not IE for some reason when unsetting the session after veryfying it firefox doesnt like it...
  21. I want to use session to 1: hold a username 2: hold a number How can I put 2 pieces of information into the 1 session, is it like so $_SESSSION'thesession']['username'] = $username $_SESSSION'thesession']['number'] = $number If so, How would I then go about terminating the number session is it unset($_SESSSION'thesession']['number']) I'm trying that but its not working?
  22. So create a session in the embed page and then unset it in the music.php after it has been verified to ensure if its requested externally the session will be 'dead'
  23. Is their anyway to only have the session active within the browser window it was created in... If not their really is no way around this as they can open the link in a new window and get a direct stream of the file as the session is still active in it.. Any ideas?
  24. Yeh, it does work like that, but, if they then open up a new IE window and copy the link in the address bar its still valid Thats my problem, I cant allow direct requests... As it stands its all done within a heavily secure iframe. No right clicks or anything etc.. But with them being able to still have a valid session in a totally new browser window that defeats the whole object of it in the first place.. From What I gathered the session was only adtive in the browser window it waws created in as well as any windows that have been open from that original window Not a totally new one..
  25. Yes... [b]$seshid = session_id(); <embed src=music.php?song=song.wma&s=$seshid>[/b] music.php.. [b]$seshid = session_id(); $retseshid = $_GET['s']; if ($seshid == $retseshid){FINE} ELSE{NOTFINE}[/b] IE = FINE Firefox = FINE But... if I then copy this into an external browser window$seshid Then the music is loaded because their session is for some reason still existing in a totally new browser window. I cant have that, because that then streams the audio and allows them to save The solution for that would be to some how make the session only valid in the same browser WINDOW it was created in..
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