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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. Say the URL of the page the JavaScript is on is http://example.com/somepage.php?id=7, how would I get the 7 from the URL using JavaScript? Cheers.
  2. Very blue, could use more colour. What's with the ! after the section names? Completely unrelated images used in the products section. White links on light blue in contact and about sections. White background on order form, very plain. What's with the recycling logo? Overall though, looks good.
  3. Ok, well I managed to get the user as Chris, by changing the user that the Apache service runs at. But now, programs run under my username, but they appear to be in the background, how do I make it into a foreground window?
  4. [i]Modified title, different problem now, see 2nd post[/i] Is there any way to run applications using exec or system or something as a different user (Ie. not the default SYSTEM user). I have tried runas, but that requires that the password is entered after the command is sent, which is impossible. I tried CPAU, but that gives an error saying it doesn't work under the LocalSystem account. I need to be able to run a program under my username (Chris), but I can't figure out how to do it... Thanks.
  5. PNG is good for small images, bigger ones are better suited to JPEG.
  6. Well if you don't know the previous page, then how to you expect to be able to go to that page and get the contents of the title tag...?
  7. I know, I just wanted to do it in Photoshop first before I code it, it's easier to move stuff around.
  8. Ok, how could I improve it? I don't know what kind of improvments I need, that's what I'm asking you.
  9. I just threw this together in Photoshop to be the home page for my server, tell me what you think :) [a href=\"http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=layout5ud.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"][img src=\"http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/5453/layout5ud.th.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /][/a]
  10. To fix a couple of them, HREF should be replaced by href, and & should be replaced by & EDIT: Beaten, anyway, you need to put alt="something" in your img tag
  11. I have got a script that sends a message to a server and waits for a response, but I can't find any way to make it timeout after say 2 seconds. Here is (the relevant bit of) my code:[code]function query ($ip, $port = 29900) {   $buf = chr (254).chr (253).chr (0).chr (4).chr (5).chr (6).chr (7).chr (255).   chr (255).chr (255).chr (1);   $socket = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);   socket_set_option ($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1);   socket_sendto ($socket, $buf, strlen ($buf), 0, $ip, $port);   $packet = null;   if (!socket_recvfrom ($socket, $packet, 2048, 0, $ip, $port)) {     $players = -1;   } else {     $players = parse ($packet);   }   return $players; }[/code]
  12. I don't like the way the forums/topics are laid out, at first I was like, where the @#&$ are the forums? It should be laid out like they usually are
  13. My server randomly stopp responding to requests through my IP, but it still works if I go through http://localhost/ I have no idea why it started doing it, any help would be appreciated
  14. Ah, misconfigured firewall, heh, didn't think of that. It is working now, cheers
  15. Am running Apache on Fedora Core 4, all works fine, set up my router to redirect port 80 traffic to this PC, but when I try to type in my IP address in the address bar if doesn't respond. How do I sort it out? Cheers
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