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Everything posted by ignace

  1. PHPBB, SMF, .. Like any program it can be as simple or as complex you can possibly make it.
  2. Any project - regardless of size - starts with planning. Start out with wire-frames for all pages of how you think it should look (with a clear focus on usability). From that point on it should be straight forward (except the db design maybe). Resources: http://www.idesignstudios.com/blog/web-design/phases-web-design-development-process/ http://webdesignfromscratch.com/design-process/web-design-process.php http://www.usabilityfirst.com/about-usability/website-design/
  3. Some employers demand you possess a ZCE (Zend Certified Engineer) certificate. IMO a wise choice, however not many do. The first company where I started to work for example didn't require a ZCE, IMO they didn't require much of anything at all. All they cared about was to deliver the product, quality was clearly an optional factor and it showed that my colleagues only had a limited knowledge (as in echo, print, open & closing tag) of the PHP manual. For example, in my first days of employment they demanded my code was reviewed (why? beats me) before I uploaded (SVN was to complex for them) it to the production server (yup, it was that bad). So, when I finished my first task someone came over to review my work and the first thing he asks me is where I declared the functions "realpath" and "pathinfo"? I told him these were build-in to PHP and were always available, next he asks me "what do they do?". I wanted to say lmgtfy.com What I'm trying to say is that in the webdevelopment industry their are divers companies some set high standards and require a ZCE, some set silly standards like a CS PhD, some set normal standards like a BS, and some set no standards at all My advice? Become a ZCE.
  4. How about groups? You can see each other's to-do's and when you post a to-do you can exclude people from the group you don't want it to see. The application looks good but has a lot missing, take a look at some other popular project management tools, like: http://basecamphq.com/
  5. A template has nothing to do with what I asked. By 2 websites you mean www.my-domain.top, www.my-domain2.top or just www.my-domain.top? Why these strange questions? Well, for example a visitor lands on your website (English version) but he speaks Arabic, so he selects Arabic but he wanted to read the article he got on the English version, no Arabic translation exists so he can't find the article. This is where your db design is flawed you have no idea which article is a translation of another and thus confuses the reader. Basically it should be possible for me (I speak Dutch) to copy-paste an address to friends (who are Australian, Canadian, British, or American). For example I read an article that has an address like: http://www.domain.top/some/article When I view the website I get the Dutch version, however when I copy-paste it to any of my friends they get the English version (or French for Canadian). Wikipedia for example applies this (poorly, as you can hardly speak of a translation, it's an entire different article that happens to have the same subject).
  6. A portfolio can be anything from print-outs to an on-line catalog. I usually go for the print-outs. You don't need a certificate that you actually created it. They'll notice when you cheated (during your solicitation meeting or in your first few days of employment). The same happens when a developer interviews a developer, you'll notice when you are talking to an inexperienced person who "stole" code to look good.
  7. I solved it, my Dad plugged in both the VGA and HDMI connector to his GFX Due to this the monitor became 2nd and showed a background only. Anyway, a new experience: check cables first. Thx Teddy for your reply.
  8. Hi, my Dad recently bought a new computer (Acer M7721) and he has some trouble when I perform a default install of Win7 I experience no problem but as soon as I update his GPU driver (Nvidia GT 230) and reboot the computer only the desktop background shows but no icons or taskbar, probably due to explorer.exe crashing. Any thoughts? PS When I open Device Manager it shows Windows VGA Adapter as Display Adapter
  9. Is it normal to see other people's to-do's when you signup? Do I even have to login as I can go through all to-do's without login or registration.
  10. <input type="checkbox" name="employees[<?php print $id ?>]">
  11. What do you want to achieve? Create 2 different websites (one in English and one in Arabic)? Or one website with translations? Your current db design only supports the former.
  12. protected $_dependentTables = array('Application_Model_Admin_Role'); Please, read through the documentation before posting any questions. http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/ http://framework.zend.com/apidoc/core/
  13. function santas_little_helper2($value) { return $value . '|' . mt_rand(80, 750); } // converts // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx // into // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|123 // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|456 // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|749 file_put_contents('path/to/ip/file.txt', implode(PHP_EOL, array_map('santas_little_helper2', file('path/to/ip/file.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES | FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)); Afterwards read out the ip-addresses with: function santas_little_helper($value) { return explode('|', $value); } $data = array_map('santas_little_helper', file('path/to/ip/file.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES | FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)); //$data[0] = array ( [0] => xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, [1] => 567 )
  14. A demo would be nice, if you want us to comment on it.
  15. Are you sure? Have you tried it? As we all know that it does work.
  16. Something else you may want to consider is some sort of config table, like: configs (.., theme_id, ..) This table holds references to the default theme, template, and holds values for other configuration data.
  17. This means that he will have to repopulate (all seats) the table seats with each new event. Instead I would use: seats (id, number) events (id, ..) bookings (event_id, seat_id, status) And the query would be a bit more complex: SELECT * FROM seats WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT seat_id FROM bookings WHERE event_id = $eid) -- OR -- SELECT * FROM bookings b RIGHT JOIN seats s ON b.seat_id = s.id WHERE b.event_id = $eid AND b.seat_id IS NULL This has a few advantages over andrew's solution as 1) you do not need to insert all seats on each new event and 2) no 2 end-user's can book the same seat (due to the primary key (seat_id, event_id)) a precaution against sloppy code. After all we don't know the (in)experience of the OP.
  18. It was late yesterday, so I'll expand on this. During the first (or second) meeting with the client you would draw some very rough sketches (referred to as wire-frames). You discuss these sketches and improve any problems in it design. You do this for all pages (except when the page is used as a template, like a product details page) in the website. It's best to start out with the unfamiliar parts of the website as little will be discussed (but discussed nevertheless) about a guestbook page. After you have discussed these pages you would write the name of the page down (title) and a general summary of what it contains and sort it (hierarchical), how you think they are related, write it down and ask your client to do the same (this procedure is called Card Sorting). Chances are your client will sort them differently based on his/her background and domain knowledge, ask them why they put x under y. This procedure is used to make the design more intuitive. It's best you try this procedure with several end-users with different backgrounds (you, client, .., 3-5 persons). At the end you will have to decide which advice you follow and which you will ignore, your decisions should be influenced by usability. At this stage you move on to mock-ups (a Photoshop design). You design one page with several color variations (based on the company color scheme) and show them to your client, once he selected a color scheme you would design the rest of the pages. During this fase you would (hopefully) receive the content from your client and decide on the keywords you want to use (lookup the value of a keyword before you decide to use it). Send the content to your copywriter so that he can rewrite it and boost the selected keywords. Slice up the design and create the HTML templates. Show the result to your client on a staging server. Once you launch, it's best to start a SEA campaign (~$300) so that end-users know your client exists on the net. If you chose the correct keywords (based on relevancy to value ratio) your client should start gaining leads-prospects(-clients). Don't expect clients right away but you should start to get a good amount of leads and in a lesser extend prospects, gaining clients during the first weeks of startup is a job well done Add your client's website to popular search engines and start the SE maintenance loop (analyze > record > adjust keywords). The provided SE web master tools are recommended. During this loop, you could (6+ months) try to move/adjust some stuff (around) to see it's effect (Google Website Optimizer is great for just that). It's possible clients can't find something (logical error in your design) and leave your website, these little adjustments are to change that. And that's (give or take) the entire process involved.
  19. Wireframe > Photoshop design > HTML Templates > PHP
  20. if any one has any ideas why the results of the statement arnt being displayed it will be much apriciated The $username does not exist in the database or was not present in the session. Please, before asking questions make sure your data is what you expect it to be.
  21. Get another line of work. Questions like these makes you wonder what the point of documentation is.
  22. Never the less you should not rely on short tags.
  23. It would be best if your class resembles the e-mail. Then add the people you wish to e-mail to the "to:" field (comma separated) Something like: class Email { private $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $parameters; public function __construct($from, $subject, $message) { $this->subject = $subject; $this->message = $message; $this->addHeader('From', $from); $this->addHeader('Return-Path', $from); $this->addHeader('Reply-To', $from); } public function addTo($to) { $this->to[] = $to; } public function addHeader($name, $value) { $this->headers[] = "$name: $value"; } public function send() { $to = implode(',', $this->to); $headers = implode("\r\n", $this->headers); $message = wordwrap($this->message, 70); $message = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $message); return mail($to, $this->subject, $message, $headers, $this->parameters); } } Use as: $mail = new Mail('youremail@somewhere.com', 'Hello World', 'Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet consectuer adipiscing elit'); $to = file('emails.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES | FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($to as $email) $mail->addTo($email); if ($mail->send()) { //send }
  24. Yeah I already don't play most of them. I just like to check most games out, see what they have been cooking FREE = FREE, period. I don't ask money from people that come to ask for help here, I don't charge companies if they use my open-source script.
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