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Everything posted by ignace

  1. I'm missing a contact form. It's to much work to copy-paste the e-mail address. It's worth trying, it's quite possible to be something small that makes them lose interest.
  2. So if the code is like: if (true === $var) { echo 'It\'s true.'; } Anyone who's able to interpret it, is by your definition an expert? There are coders of all levels on this forum My level is over 9000. My level last week
  3. coder, programmer (n): an organism that can turn caffeine into code. I guess I'm no coder/programmer then Maybe you apply for: mathematician (n): an organism that turns caffeine into theorems? Right, only organisms can be coders. Knowing Daniel that is most likely true. He has discovered ascension a long time ago.
  4. 1) Change from Auto to Manual to make sure Google never tries to bid the entire 25 dollar for one day 2) Look-up some synonyms of your keywords most likely you are using high-value keywords meaning that you probably spend 5 dollar or more for one keyword. Before Google displays the Ad it holds a bid war the one bidding the highest (auto-mode or man-mode if high enough) for a particular keyword (user-entered) wins. When the user clicks the ad the amount is deducted.
  5. coder, programmer (n): an organism that can turn caffeine into code.
  6. Who advised to use pay-per-day? The normal procedure is to use pay-per-click
  7. Then include it at the top of your future scripts. You get that error because their is output whether it be a space or HTML
  8. Does your mom login with the username mom? If so you can do: $username = clean($_POST['username']);//this function does not exist and should be written header('Location: /' . $username); exit(0); If not you should set a record that holds an alias list(.., $alias) = mysql_fetch_row($result); header('Location: /' . $alias); exit(0);
  9. A list I personally use for new projects http://pronamic.nl/weblog/15-tools-om-je-website-te-testen/ I also found http://www.w3.org/WAI/RC/tools/complete
  10. I have Windows Server 2008 Enterprise running on my Virtual Machine for educational purposes and now I would want to create a sample domain (example: domain.top). So whenever I type in www.domain.top it loads a local website. Whenever I search Google I get results either for configuring the DNS or setting up WAMP never both anyone got a good resource that walks you through doing all the above? Or explain it in short? I am using VirtualBox which setting should I use for my Network Adapter so that it doesn't modify anything in my current network but allows Internet access?
  11. <form action="#" method="POST"> <?php if (isset($_POST['some_button'])) { echo 'fired'; } ?> <input type="submit" name="some_button" value="Click me!"> </form http://webdesign.about.com/od/php/ht/force_download.htm
  12. if ($q === false) { trigger_error("query failed: " . mysql_error()); }
  13. They said no such thing. They said that you can't use cURL because either safe_mode = On or open_basedir has been specified to any directory in your web root. You don't need cURL you can do whatever you are doing also with fopen or file_get_contents however you'll have to make sure allow_url_fopen = On or this won't work either.
  14. I don't quite understand your problem but normal procedure is to have one gigantic map (5000x5000 for example) When a player registers he is assigned an x and y coordinate which act as the starting point of their land and each player is assigned the same number of tiles (20x20 for example) For example I am a new player and your engine finds that at coordinates 192,687 their are 20x20 free tiles (which means that I can build units on 192-212,687-707 Every time I build a unit it will be somewhere between 192-212 and 687-707 and store these in the db: player_id building_id coordinates build_date build_time upgrade_date upgrade_time upgrade_level --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------- 1 1 193,689 22/4/10 0:10:5 NULL NULL 1 build_date + build_time < now() = building finished upgrade_date + upgrade_time < now() = upgrade finished (this is re-used on each upgrade)
  15. The best practice is to use multiple tables as it 1) separates the data in ordered groups 2) removes overhead (when you enter product info you don't want to specify a new user) 3) searches are faster (even if not indexed) as the data is in smaller chunks (1000 products, 10 users would search through 1010 rows upon user login while it would search through only 10 rows if contained in it's own separate table). Reason number 2 should be enough to convince you to create multiple tables and properly normalize your database. Good thinking.
  16. how dare you salathe is truly fearless
  17. Unless you are a girl, no thanks. A "thank you" will suffice. And is 18+ we would want to keep this legal here
  18. Do not use if ($accesLevel === 1) This is annoying as anyone joining your project needs to create a "map" to match numbers to roles/groups instead use if ($accessLevel === GROUP_ADMINISTRATOR) Everyone knows in a blink that the if-body contains code specific for administrators while if ($accessLevel === 5 || $accessLevel === 12) Just keeps you guessing as to whom this applies. Some gave the argument that they were alone on the project and knew what numbers represent which roles. Well, try to go over this code again 6 months after you wrote this. Still remember? Make your maintenance work as easy as possible not harder, you just increase the chances of breaking your code. In OOP terms there are many ways you can go, but your client most presumably wants to be able to add roles leaving you no option of hard-coding them. Zend_Acl gives you some great options in Access-Control.
  19. I didn't say that placeholders are bad I said that placeholders like TXT_FRP_MAIN are bad. No, your end result should be that in any circumstance your website remains usable for the end-user. "no translation error" means nothing for your end-users. Something like? <a href="#"><?php print getTranslation('Signup, it is free!'); ?></a> Is perfectly fine as in the worst case scenario it print's "Signup, it is free!" and your website remains albeit usable. Sure and in a (static) application this is probably the optimal choice (however experience learns that these do not stay static for long). Be prepared for CHANGE. And a single database table is just perfect for that as it can contain all translations for all components.
  20. Belgium made 67 data requests and <10 removal requests (for which Google did not comply) I am actually really interested which data requests my government made (and about which users?).
  21. The use of a PHP file to hold your translations is a bad idea because whenever you have user-contributed content you will have mutliple sources to maintain (file + database table) this problem further expands whenever the client asks for more functionality (more database tables) for which also translations exists. 1 guarantee = CHANGE Another bad idea is the use of so-called placeholders like TXT_FRP_MAIN whenever an error in translation occurs (missing file, translation) the user will see these placeholders making for an ugly looking unusable website. What is a better approach? 1) The use of a single database table that will hold all translations for your application also future additions 2) The fallback language acts as an identifier for all other languages and guarantees a usable website at any point. <a href="#"><?php print translate('Signup, it is free!'); ?></a> In this scenario when the user language detection fails shall the user be served with the default language leaving the website in a usable format.
  22. Ok thx it means "users in panic" Daniel is Danish, you are Polish I just needed to find the correct language to translate it using Google
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