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Everything posted by ignace

  1. Yes I have been using it for a while now. PhpStorm implements it natively.
  2. Even notepad is a reasonable platform to develop PHP in. It all depends on your needs, platforms like NetBeans, Eclipse PDT, PhpStorm allow you to extend it's platform by using plugins. I personally like PhpStorm because of it's heavy focus on productivity (they provide you with a 1-page categorized cheat sheet that contains all keyboard shortcut's for an even higher productivity). They also include Zen Coding for HTML & CSS.
  3. There are different setups, currently my desktop acts as the development server. If I were to work with multiple developers then the development server would move to a centralized server and SVN would not be present as it wouldn't be used.
  4. Hear hear. Or more advanced basics like: print sizeof('hello');//1 print (int) 'A';//0
  5. Sure you can include('styles/screen.css'); include('index.html'); Throws not a single error and outputs it's contents to screen. The include functions just search for <?php ?> statements and parse those everything else is passed to the internal HTML engine.
  6. user (id, department_id, ..) page (id, department_id, ..) SELECT * FROM page p, user u WHERE p.department_id = u.department_id Returns all pages for a certain department
  7. Ok I've got it up and running and I can access http://mijn-domein.lok/phpinfo.php but when I try http://www.mijn-domein.lok/phpinfo.php it fails. I have added the www CNAME record in the Forward Lookup Zone but still nothing. Any ideas? It also has DomainDnsZones and ForestDnsZones should it go in there?
  8. class CultureDAO extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_rowClass = 'Culture'; } class Culture extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract {} Should work I think. Also apparently you are not comfortable with object-design patterns. Here are a few resources: http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/tableDataGateway.html http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/rowDataGateway.html http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/valueObject.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Access_Object
  9. class CultureDAO extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_rowsetClass = 'Cultures'; } class Cultures extends Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract { protected $_rowClass = 'Culture'; } class Culture extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract { protected $_id, $_name, $_description; }
  10. 24: ROW = floor( LOCATION / TABLE_ROWS ) = floor( 24 / 5 ) = 4 COL = LOCATION % ROW = 24 % 4 = 0 24 = 4,0?
  11. You don't need a Connection class though. You are thinking to narrow. Your ultimate goal is to retrieve data from the tables, this should be your starting point. Why? Because if you model your application from that point you will be able to easily modify (extend) it's design to meet new goals: retrieve data from an xml file, retrieve data from a service, ... Your goal should be to model retrieve data from and let the client fill in the blanks.
  12. I don't see how a query is-a connection besides: * favor composition over inheritance class Query { public function __construct(Connection $c) { $this->cxn = $c; } } Ofcourse after he applied: * program to an interface, not an implementation
  13. I agree. I to would like to see some more of those lovely colors around here You didn't hear about Web 0.1 it's the latest and greatest you know?
  14. development server: php, apache, mysql, phpunit, svn, .. testing server: phpunit, phpundercontrol, .. production server: php, apache, mysql staging server: exact copy of production server
  15. Any reason why you want someone to be able to only edit certain pages? Are those random? Or are they pre-defined? If so, shouldn't you be able to get those specific records using a FK?
  16. No. I just want to die last. Sorted. send me a post card on what life is like in a billion years time Here's the address of his then current domicile Teddy Killer Hell Road 666 9000 Lucifer Just so you know where to send it to with some luck you may be able to give it him personally.
  17. No. I just want to die last. Ah someone I will be able to ask how the world really came to an end. My advice: your gonna need those shades
  18. You start with <?php and end with ?> (although this is not required, you can not end at all, at infinitum) and all brain activity in between.
  19. You mean like a version control system?
  20. Yes, but for the wrong reasons as it's considered an artifact of '98
  21. It depends on what your script does. If you own a domain you can allow other companies to link to your script using: script.company.com IN CNAME your-script-domain.com monkeytooth's solution is preferred and a SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) is what you are looking for. Where your clients would connect to your website using HTTP request headers and receive an XML (, JSON, ..) response from your server.
  22. Yeah maybe we can do what HipHop did (get compiled by 50 languages (and allow more through a plugin-system) before we run it)
  23. In English: I'm not a coder (or at least not a very good one). <-- Mchl you should really try it, and soon you'll look like me
  24. 1. Was there anything that could have been done in a shorter, more easier manner? Quite possible. 2. Reliability and accuracy issues? Cookies can be removed, IP's can be changed. Plus only the first viewer would see the message all others would just see the destruction. 3. Is there any hope that I'd be a "good" developer one day? (hmm, maybe you can tell from the mentality or whatever that code shows) There is a lot that I can tell here but I'll just go with, sure! 4. Maybe this one would be HUGE to answer. I'd like to create a "service" for those self destructing message. Something tells me it can't be done smoothly without object oriented programming which gets me pulling out hairs out of my head every time. Is that true? It can be done with OO just like it can be done procedural or any other way. They are all hammers to hit the nail.
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