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Everything posted by ignace

  1. Ah the good old Assembler days put all registers on stack modify the registers call the values from stack in reverse order and place them back into their original registers
  2. What am I doing wrong that it is not pulling the values of $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass from the constants.php file? It doesn't know the variable nor its value because of a differing scope. To get these variables inside of your class you'll need to use the 'global' keyword which I highly discourage. Here's a rewrite of your database class: class Database { protected $_connection = null; protected $_lastResult = null; public function __construct($pass, $name = null, $user = 'root', $host = 'localhost') { $this->openConnection($pass, $user, $host); if (null !== $name) { $this->select($name); } } public function __destruct() { $this->closeConnection(); } public function openConnection($pass, $user = 'root', $host = 'localhost') { $this->_connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); } public function closeConnection() { if (is_resource($this->_connection)) { mysql_close($this->_connection); $this->_connection = null; } } public function select($name) { return mysql_select_db($name); } public function query($query) { return $this->_lastResult = mysql_query($query, $this->_connection); } public function getRowCount() { return mysql_num_rows($this->_lastResult) or mysql_affected_rows($this->_lastResult);//experimental } }
  3. $this->$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Could not connect to server."); doesn't work because it doesn't know the values $conn, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass $this->$dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn) or die("Could not connect to the database."); should be: $this->$dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->$conn) or die("Could not connect to the database."); but again it doesn't know the value of $dbselect and $this->$conn
  4. $random = 'DAD' . substr(base64_encode(rand(1000000,9999999)),0,7);
  5. sorry told you i was a noob see what a comma can do lol created table now ill let you know if i get it working thankx mate The table is worthless if you use it like that. I assumed you already had a users table (or whatever you want to call it) apparently you do not. The full SQL code would then be: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users; CREATE TABLE users ( users_id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, users_username VARCHAR(16), users_password VARCHAR(40), users_email_address VARCHAR(96), #optional users_last_click_at DATETIME, users_last_login_at DATETIME, #optional users_registered_at DATETIME, #optional PRIMARY KEY (users_id) ); The lines that have #optional in them can be removed if you don't want to store that information.
  6. My programming experience involves 4 till 5 years of PHP, SQL, VB.NET, Java, C++, Assembler and COBOL. None programming related experience involves project management. Malevolence already did. <?php include('sesschk.php'); include('dbconnect.php'); $id = $_SESSION['users_id'];//or wherever you get the users id from $q = "UPDATE users SET users_last_click_at = now() WHERE users_id = $id";//replace users and users_last_click_at with your table name and field name $q2 = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE users_last_click_at BETWEEN now() - 300 AND now()';//same here mysql_query($q) or die('MySQL Error: '.$mysql_error());//remove the 'or die(..)' part once you are uploading it or replace it altogether with or trigger_error('MySQL Error: '.$mysql_error()); $r2 = mysql_query($q2); $u = mysql_num_rows($r2); ?> 'or die()' is a bad practice and you should avoid it use 'or trigger_error()' instead. I'm not going into detail about why? Another member of these forums already did (Daniel0 'or die() must die', http://www.phpfreaks.com/blog/or-die-must-die)
  7. my sql comes up with a error when i tryy to run this i carnt create the table Ofcourse this is just a part of a table. It indicates the fields you need in your table definition (not necessarily the same field definitions so you may need to adjust them).
  8. Because you prolly did the print_r() outside of the loop whereby you ask for the children of the last assigned $parentId
  9. LOL all I said was LOL and you are already cursing? I didn't say your post is a waste of time. And it's quiet hard to get banned here, so..
  10. print_r($categories); print_r($categories[$id]);
  11. I don't need to provide the php code for this it's pretty obvious what and where you would use it. I only forgot to add the (obvious) update query which is called on every page request: UPDATE users SET users_last_click_at = now() WHERE users_id = $id Avoid the fuzz. On each page request will the users_last_click_at of a logged in user be updated. Using the above select query will give you all users who clicked between 5 minutes ago and now (someone who is actively clicking (and a member) at your website is IMO online). The only downside on my code is that it will only show online members and will ignore guests.
  12. CREATE TABLE users ( users_last_click_at DATETIME, ); SELECT * FROM users WHERE users_last_click_at BETWEEN now() - 300 AND now()
  13. Because it should be: while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) mysql_fetch_*() retrieves one record from the result set in differing formats (object(), array(), assoc() (proxy to array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC), row() (proxy to array($result, MYSQL_NUM)
  14. <select name="subcategory"> <optgroup label="category1"> <option value="subcategory1">Subcategory #1</option> <option value="subcategory2">Subcategory #2</option> </optgroup> </select> Remember that you can't create a optgroup inside a option therefor you can only go as deep as multiple subcategories for a category. Subcategories can not on their turn contain Sub-Subcategories. Note: optgroup is not selectable.
  15. Same as before post in third-party. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,267179.msg1260255.html#msg1260255
  16. Your posting in the wrong section. Post it into third-party you are more likely to get an answer there then here. The peeps in third-party may be familiar with Wordpress.
  17. I didn't say that. I do think that you may apply some more validation on input like: $sel_sec = $_GET['sec']; can use a good dosage of validation. I could pass anything to sec as your code doesn't check what it contains.
  18. If globals are wrong how are we then supposed to program? $var1 = 'hello';//global variable (can be accessed as: $GLOBALS['var1']) $var2 = 'world';//global variable (can be accessed as: $GLOBALS['var2']) I didn't.
  19. Do you have these quotes on file? May it only show one same quote during the whole day or show random quotes on each refresh? Random quotes: $lines = file('path/to/quotes/file'); print $lines[array_rand($lines)];
  20. An even simpler solution would be: if ($array == array_intersect(range(min($array), max($array)), $array))) { //in sequence } This will return true for: $a1= array(1,2,3,4,5,6); and returns false for: $a2= array(3,4,5,12,15);
  21. ShopProductWriter writes out your cart items. ShopProduct represents a product. You would use it like: $spw = new ShopProductWriter(); $spw->addProduct(new ShopProduct('Product #1', 'Firstname', 'MainName', 'expensive')); $spw->addProduct(new ShopProduct('Product #2', 'Firstname', 'MainName', 'expensive')); $spw->addProduct(new ShopProduct('Product #3', 'Firstname', 'MainName', 'expensive')); $spw->addProduct(new ShopProduct('Product #4', 'Firstname', 'MainName', 'expensive')); print $spw->write(); I won't recommend using it on a production server (like it allows 'expensive' as a price..) though plus there are many things this class does not make advantage of (__toString(), ..).
  22. print !empty($val) ? $message . trim($field)." = ". trim($val). "\n" : '';
  23. I think this should do the trick: function checkSequence($array) { $lowest = min($array); $inSequence = true; $sizeof = sizeof($array); for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeof; ++$i) { if ($lowest !== $array[0]) { $inSequence = false; break; } else if (isset($array[$i + 1]) && $array[$i] > $array[$i + 1]) { $inSequence = false; break; } } } return $inSequence; }
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