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Everything posted by ignace

  1. I sometimes use a combination of list and mysql_fetch_array with the MYSQL_NUM as a second parameter for convenience reasons.
  2. Don't know if you heard of it: http://ajaxian.com/archives/captcha-cracking-in-javascript-with-canvas-and-neural-nets This is what my search on Google reader turned up.
  3. Yes, if you were to follow this target you would end up with a different image generated to the one on the initial form and another session value would be set. That is why I mentioned capturing the screen when the form page is requested in the inpital post process. Reading the source won't work because you can't apply OCR on source code (something alex didn't think about before posting) thus the only valid option is capturing the screen at a certain url. This can be done using the GD library afterwards I guess you'll need the algorithm explained on NSR. I've read something similar a while ago.. can't remember where though but the idea was similar to that of NSR and provided C source code.
  4. It's name does tend to fool anyone (it even almost fooled me) not reading the manual properly. As it contains a format (hence the 1 in my function call) to set the type of return.
  5. It is not a folder or file name it's the direct source code of the image placed directly into the src attribute of the image
  6. Or in other words: Engage brain before opening mouth
  7. His question was not which captcha he should be using or what are good and bad captcha's. He wants to try breaking captcha's thus reverse engineer them go from the image back to the text and wants opinions or suggestions on how to achieve that goal.
  8. Right and then how would you apply OCR on something like: <img src="qmdhstqst3q3d5hq37g5hq45347tj3q56j4y78sqwrd74jy6+q84ky35s734eyk7s 78ylu4s88l4rs78ul869sr9ur9+§lu/7rs3lu874d73§lu6s346s4ku486sr">
  9. or: print_r(str_word_count("The quick brown fox jumped over the gate", 1));
  10. If he didn't knew it he would know now but he ain't using mysql_fetch_array
  11. IMO you should always specify the field names if you are not going to use all columns returned. Maybe it is even better to always specify all the field names even if you are using all columns. This helps your teammates and yourself to understand what is in the result set and limits the result set if you'd ever add columns.
  12. That's not possible because i randomly select one line (as file reads a file into an array) store it in $rand and retrieve that row by using $sentences[$rand] If it would however select all rows then you would get an error from printf saying something like: too few arguments.
  13. They charge extra for a database? Damn find yourself a real host.
  14. $row['post_date'] = date('F Y', strtotime($row['post_date']));
  15. Where is this server actually located? I'm from Belgium it's 1 PM and the server's time is 7 AM
  16. Save yourself the trouble and use: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/book.bbcode.php
  17. In your text file write: One day I went to the park with %s One day %s went to the park with me I saw %s at the park one day %s and I were at the park In your php file write: $sentences = file('path/to/text/file'); $rand = array_rand($sentences); printf($sentences[$rand], $name);
  18. There isn't you need a root element. You can re-use content to define extra content like I did in the below example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <container> <content>Content Goes Here</content> <content>More Content Goes Here</content> </container> echo $root->content[0] /* content goes here */, $root->content[1]; /* more content goes here */
  19. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/book.ftp.php
  20. $scheme = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && 'on' === $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http'; echo $scheme, '://', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
  21. You are missing a custom function named get_date()
  22. You can ofcourse also try to trim the data but this only works if the FF FD appears at the beginning or the end of the string.
  23. You'll need a preg_replace or something that modifies relative paths like: static/images/someimage.jpg to http://www.domain.com/static/images/someimage.jpg
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