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Everything posted by sasa

  1. 1sr add in start of page[code]<?php $h = date('H'); if ($h < 8 or $h > 20) exit('Not workin'); ?>[/code] 2nd[code]$rand_strength = rand(1,20)/1000;[/code]
  2. try [code]<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript1.3" > <!-- function row(){ var table=window.document.getElementById("table1"); var newRow = document.createElement("tr"); var newCell=newRow.appendChild(document.createElement("td")); var input=newCell.appendChild(document.createElement("input")); input.type="text"; input.name="frend[]"; table.appendChild(newRow); } --> </script> </head> <body> <?php if ($_POST) { //for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++) $c["cell".$x]=$_POST['cell'.$x]; print "<pre>"; print_r($_POST); print "</pre>"; } ?> <form method="POST" action=""> <input type="button" value="AdRow" onclick="row()"> <input type="submit"><br /> <table id="table1" border="3px" width="20%" align="left" > <tr> <td width="20%" align="center">FREND</td> </tr> </table><br /> </form> </body> </html>[/code]
  3. use two queries 1st [code]SELECT loginid,SUM(week1+week2) AS weekSum FROM submit1 WHERE username='$username' GROUP BY loginid ORDER BY weekSUM DESC [/code] 2nd from position[code]SELECT COUNT(*)+1, SUM(week1+week2) AS weekSum FROM submit1 WHERE weekSum > $weeksum  GROUP BY loginid ORDER BY weekSUM DESC[/code]
  4. try[code]<?php $data = array( array(id => 1, 'name' => 'asd'), array(id => 2, 'name' => 'qwe'), array(id => 3, 'name' => 'xcv'), array(id => 4, 'name' => 'mko') ); echo '<form method="POST">'; foreach ($data as $a) echo '<input type="checkbox" name="ch['.$a['id'].']" value="'.$a['name'].'">'.$a['name'].'<br />'; echo '<input type="submit"></form>'; if(isset($_POST['ch'])) foreach ($_POST['ch'] as $key => $value) echo "ch box no $key with value $value is selected<br />"; ?>[/code]
  5. change <select name=\"title$n1\">"; to <select name=\"title[$formfield]\">"; in result page try[code] foreach ($_POST['title'] as $key => $value) echo "In $key is selected $value<br />"; [/code]
  6. put your data in array and try[code]<?php $data = array( array('Paul', 'Edinburgh', '1st'), array('Jo','Glasgow', '2nd'), array('Nicky', 'Edinburgh', '2nd'), array('James', 'Leeds', '2nd') ); function grup($data, $key){ foreach ($data as $a) { $b = $a[$key]; unset($a[$key]); $out[$b][] = $a; } return $out; } function pr($a) { foreach ($a as $k => $b) { echo $k,"<br />\n"; foreach ($b as $c) { echo "- "; echo implode(' => ',$c); } echo "\n<br />\n"; } echo "<br />\n"; } pr(grup($data,1)); echo "<hr />\n"; pr(grup($data,2)); ?>[/code]
  7. is it what you want [code] .... AND date_sent < DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL clients.payment_terms DAY)[/code] you try to compare date_sent with (date_sent - 20 days). It is newer thrue
  8. is it possible? date_sent < date_sent - same days
  9. try[code]<html> <head> <title>Mailing Data From a File</title> </head> <body> <?php $line = file("Grades.txt"); $i = 0; $num = 0; $cnt = 0; while ($line[$i] != -2) {       $first = $line[$i];       $i++;       $last = $line[$i];       $i++;   while ($line[$i] != -1) {         $num = $num + $line[$i];         $cnt++;         $i++;         } $num = $cnt > 0 ? $num / $cnt : 0; echo "$last, $first, $num<br />"; $i++; $cnt = 0; $num = 0; } ?> </body> </html>[/code]
  10. [code]<HTML> <HEAD> <STYLE> BODY {font-family:arial;} .error {font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000;} </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <h2>Edit details:</h2> <?php // connect to database include 'db.php'; // has form been submitted? if ($_POST) { foreach ($_POST as $K => $V) {$v = trim($V) ;$$K = $v;} // Build UPDATE query $update = "UPDATE details SET user='$fn', model='$ln', engine='$en', bhp='$bn' WHERE Id=$id"; // execute query and check for success if (!mysqli_query($link, $update)) { $msg = "Error updating data"; } else { $msg = "Record Successfully updated:"; //write table row confirming data $table_row = "<TR> <TD>$fn</TD> <TD>$ln</TD> <TD>$en</TD> <TD>$bn</TD> </TR>"; } //if not posted, check that an id has been passed via the url } else { if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $msg = "No user selected"; } else { $id = $_GET['id']; // Build and execute the query $select = "SELECT user, model, engine, bhp FROM details WHERE id=$id"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $select); // check that the record exits if (mysqli_num_rows($result)<1) { $msg = "No user with that ID found!"; } else { // set vars for the form code $form_start = "<FORM METHOD=\"post\" ACTION= \"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">"; $form_end = "<TR> <TD COLSPAN=\"2\">INPUT TYPE=\"submit\"   VALUE=\"submit changes\" /></TD> <TD COLSPAN=\"2\"><INPUT TYPE=\"reset\"   VALUE=\"Cancel\" /></TD> </TR></form>"; // assign the results to an array while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $fn = $row['user']; $ln = $row['model']; $en = $row['engine']; $bn = $row['bhp']; //write table row with form fields $table_row .= "<TR> <TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"fn\" VALUE=$fn SIZE=\"127\"/></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"ln\"   VALUE=$ln SIZE=\"127\"/></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"en\"   VALUE=$en SIZE=\"127\"/></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"bn\" VALUE=$bn SIZE=\"4\"/></TD> </TR>"; } // end if record exists' if } // end if ID given in url' if } // end if form posted' if } // close connection mysqli_close($link); // print error/success message echo  (IsSet($msg)) ? "<divclass=\"error\">$msg</div>" : ""; ?> <!-- set up the table--> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="5"> <!-- Show start-of-frm code if form needed --> <? echo (IsSet($form_start)) ? $form_start : ""; ?> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="id" VALUE="<? echo $id ?>" />   <tr>     <th>User Name</th>     <th>Model</th>     <th>Engine</th>     <th>BHP</th>   </tr> <!-- show appropriate table row code (none set if there errors) --> <? echo (IsSet($table_row)) ? $table_row : ""; ?> <!-- show end-of-form code if we are displaying the form --> <? echo (IsSet($form_end)) ? $form_end : "" ; ?> </TABLE> <br/> <a href="mod.php">Back to users list</a> </BODY> </HTML> ?>[/code]
  11. you can create short message before you know whole message move '$short = join(' ', array_slice (explode(' ', $posmes['message']), 0, 4));' in while loop (before echo)
  12. [code]<?php $myArray[0][0] = "Autobots"; $myArray[0][1] = "Bumblebee"; $myArray[0][2] = "VW Bug"; $myArray[0][3] = "Yellow"; $myArray[0][4] = "Smog Check"; $myArray[1][0] = "Autobots"; $myArray[1][1] = "Jazz"; $myArray[1][2] = "Porsche"; $myArray[1][3] = "White"; $myArray[1][4] = "Steering Realignment"; $myArray[2][0] = "Autobots"; $myArray[2][1] = "Optimus Prime"; $myArray[2][2] = "Diesel"; $myArray[2][3] = "Red and Blue"; $myArray[2][4] = "Catalytic Converter"; $myArray[3][0] = "Decepticons"; $myArray[3][1] = "Starscream"; $myArray[3][2] = "Flying Machine"; $myArray[3][3] = "Red"; $myArray[3][4] = "Girly Voice"; $myArray[3][0] = "Decepticons"; $myArray[3][1] = "Megatron"; $myArray[3][2] = "Pea Shooter"; $myArray[3][3] = "Purple and Black"; $myArray[3][4] = "Everything"; function gr($group_key,$data_key,$aray) { //reorganize array if (!is_array($data_key)) $data_key = array($data_key); foreach ($aray as $a) { $o1 = array(); foreach ($data_key as $e) $o1[] = $a[$e]; $b[$a[$group_key]][] = $o1; } return $b; } function out($a) { //output array foreach ($a as $b => $c) { $out .= $b."\n".'<table border="3">'."\n"; foreach ($c as $d) { $out .= '<tr>'."\n"; foreach ($d as $e) $out .= "\t<td width=\"150\">$e</td>\n"; $out .= '</tr>'."\n"; } $out .= '</table>'."\n<br />\n\n"; } return $out; } $a = array(1,3,4,2); $b = gr(0,$a,$myArray); //print_r($b); $c = out($b); echo $c; ?>[/code]
  13. try[code]<?php $myArray[0][0] = "Autobots"; $myArray[0][1] = "Bumblebee"; $myArray[0][2] = "VW Bug"; $myArray[0][3] = "Yellow"; $myArray[0][4] = "Smog Check"; $myArray[1][0] = "Autobots"; $myArray[1][1] = "Jazz"; $myArray[1][2] = "Porsche"; $myArray[1][3] = "White"; $myArray[1][4] = "Steering Realignment"; $myArray[2][0] = "Autobots"; $myArray[2][1] = "Optimus Prime"; $myArray[2][2] = "Diesel"; $myArray[2][3] = "Red and Blue"; $myArray[2][4] = "Catalytic Converter"; $myArray[3][0] = "Decepticons"; $myArray[3][1] = "Starscream"; $myArray[3][2] = "Flying Machine"; $myArray[3][3] = "Red"; $myArray[3][4] = "Girly Voice"; $myArray[3][0] = "Decepticons"; $myArray[3][1] = "Megatron"; $myArray[3][2] = "Pea Shooter"; $myArray[3][3] = "Purple and Black"; $myArray[3][4] = "Everything"; function gr($group_key,$data_key,$aray) { foreach ($aray as $a) $b[$a[$group_key]] .= " => $a[$data_key]<br />"; foreach ($b as $c => $d) $output .= "$c<br />------------<br />$d<br />"; return $output; } print gr(0,1,$myArray); ?>[/code]
  14. try[code]<? /* Account activation script */ // Get database connection include ( './db.php' ); // Create variables from URL. // first check if it's already been activated $sql = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM users WHERE userid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $_REQUEST['id'] ) . "' AND password = '" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $_REQUEST['code'] ) . "' AND activated = 1" ) or die ( 'Query Error: ' . mysql_error ); $found = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $sql ); if ( $found['total'] == 0 ) { $sql = mysql_query ( "UPDATE users SET activated = 1 WHERE userid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $_REQUEST['id'] ) . "' AND password = '" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $_REQUEST['code'] ) . "'" ) or die ( 'Query Error: ' . mysql_error ); if ( mysql_affected_rows ( $sql ) == 0 )         {         echo "<strong><font color='red'>Your account could not be activated, no user found by that id or password!</font></strong>";         die(mysql_error());         } else { echo "<strong>Your account has been activated!</strong> You may login below!<br />";     include ( './login.php' ); } } else { echo "<strong>You have already activated your account!</strong> You may login below!<br />";     include ( './login.php' ); } ?>[/code]
  15. OK your output new has index date_f (mean date formated)
  16. try[code]$query = "SELECT itemid, title, picture, DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d %M %y') AS date_f FROM news ORDER BY 'date' desc";[/code]
  17. try[code]<?php print str_replace('index.php','http://hanmia8.freehostia.com/index.php', file_get_contents('http://hanmia8.freehostia.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=6')); ?>[/code]
  18. change $pageprev = $page++; to $pageprev = $page-1; and $pagenext  = $page--; to $pagenext  = $page+1;
  19. mysql_fetch_array($query) extract one row from $query in array this array have two elements it looks like array(0 => 1, 'ID' => 1) your output is OK
  20. try [code]<?php $a=8; $b=7; $c = ' echo "$a + $b = "; echo $c = $a + $b . "<br />\n"; echo $c + $a . "<br />\n"; for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) echo $i . "<br />\n"; '; eval($c); echo 'New value of $c is: ' . $c .'!!!!'; //$c = $a + $b . "\n"; ?>[/code]
  21. expresion some_field LIKE '%%' is always true
  22. line[code]$email2=mysql_result(result,$i,"customers_email_address");[/code]must be[code]$email2=mysql_result($result,$i,"customers_email_address");[/code]
  23. is this help [code]<?php function change_date_format($date) { $date = explode(' > ',$date); return implode('-',array_reverse(explode('-',$date[0]))).' > '.$date[1]; } $date = date("Y-m-d > H:i:s"); echo change_date_format($date)."<br />\n"; ?>[/code]
  24. you dont end your functions. Move 1st } (just after long line) in php part and in the end add one more }
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