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Everything posted by sasa

  1. maybe[code] <?php $p = array('.', '!', '?'); $max = 350; $x = min($max, strlen($content)); while (!in_array($content[--$x], $p) and $x >= 0); if ($x >= 0) $out=substr($content, 0, $x+1); else $out = 'Err'; // error echo $out; ?> [/code]
  2. try[code] <?php $usernames = array("chris", "bob", "pete"); $passwords = array("piss", "knob", "feet"); $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $log_in = 'not logged in'; for($x = 0; $x < count($usernames); $x++) { if(@$username == $usernames[$x] && $password == $passwords[$x]): $log_in = 'loged in';//echo("logged in"); //else: //echo("not logged in"); endif; } echo $log_in; ?> [/code]
  3. try[code] function userExists($a){   global $conn;   $q = "select username from users where username = '$a'";   $result = mysql_query($q,$conn);   return (mysql_numrows($result) > 0); } [/code]
  4. try[code] <?php mysql_connect("", "", ""); mysql_select_db(""); $seed = (isset($_GET['seed']) and $_GET['seed'] >= 1) ? intval($_GET['seed']) : rand(1,10000); $page = (isset($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page'] >= 1) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $per_page = 3; $total = mysql_result(mysql_query('select count(*) from notes'),0,0); $t_pages = ceil($total/$per_page); $page = $page > $t_pages ? $t_pages : $page; $start = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $result = mysql_query("   SELECT     *   FROM     notes ORDER BY RAND($seed) LIMIT $start, $per_page ") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $text = markerconvert($row[content]);   $result_array[] = "<div id=\"".$row[ID]."\" class=\"notecontent\" style=\"border: 1px ".$row[bclr]." solid; background-color:".$row[bgclr]."; font-size:10; width:160px; height:100px;\">".$text."</div>"; } mysql_free_result($result); foreach ($result_array as $category_link) {   if ($counter == $number_of_categories_in_row) {     $counter = 1;     $result_final .= "\n</tr>\n<tr>\n";   } else $counter++;   $result_final .= "\t<td>" . $category_link . "</td>\n"; } if ($counter) {   if ($number_of_categories_in_row - $counter)     $result_final .= "\t<td colspan='" .       ($number_of_categories_in_row - $counter) . "'>&nbsp;</td>\n"; } index_footer($result_final); if ($page > 1) echo '<a href="?page='.($page-1).'&seed='.$seed.'">PREV </a>'; else echo 'PREV '; for ($i = 1; $i<=$t_pages;$i++) if ($i != $page) echo '<a href="?page='.$i.'&seed='.$seed.'">| '.$i.' </a>'; else echo "| $i "; if ($page < $t_pages) echo '<a href="?page='.($page+1).'&seed='.$seed.'">| NEXT</a>';else echo '| NEXT'; page_footer(); ?> [/code]
  5. change line [code]$content = $_REQUEST['view'];[/code]to[code]$viev = $_REQUEST['view'];[/code]
  6. it work for me[code] <?php $a=array ( 0 => 'hey.txt', 1 => 'logo.gif', 'Wow' => array ( 0 => 'cool.gif', 1 => 'Saved Game', 2 => 'OK!' ,), ); $b= array ( 0 => 'logo.gif', 'Wow' => array ( 0 => 'cool.gif', 1 => 'Saved Game' ), ); // a -b function rem ($a, $b) { foreach ($a as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { if (key_exists($k, $b)) { $c= rem($v, $b[$k]); if (count($c)) $out[$k] = $c; } } elseif (!in_array($v, $b)) $out[$k] = $v; //or $out[] = $v } return $out; } $c = rem($a,$b); print_r($c); ?>[/code]
  7. 1. in join_warp.php you have input name="family_name" and you look for $_POST['last_name'] in register.php 2. you don't set up $word = $_POST['word'] in register.php 3. you must chck if $word is OK this is first part of join_warp.php (16 lines)
  8. try[code] <?php $result=mysql_query($sql); while ($a=mysql_fetch_array($result)) $rows[]=$a; $keys= array_rand($rows,count($rows)); foreach ($keys as  $key){ $row=$rows[$key]; // you code } ?> [/code]
  9. function addNewTable($username){       $q = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$username."('to' varchar(30) not null, 'from' varchar(30) not null, 'amount' int not null, 'date' date not null primary key, 'for' varchar(250))";       return mysql_query($q, $this->connection);   }
  10. try[code] <?php function money($cash) { $knuts = $cash % 29; if ($knuts) $knuts = "$knuts Knut" . (($knuts == 1) ? '':'s'); else $knuts = ''; $cash = intval($cash / 29); $sickles = $cash % 17; if ($sickles) $sickles = "$sickles Sickle" . (($sickles == 1) ? '':'s').', '; else $sickles = ''; $galon = intval($cash / 17); if ($galon) $galon = "$galon Galon" . (($galon == 1) ? '':'s').', '; else $galon = ''; return $galon.$sickles.$knuts; } echo money(123456789); ?> [/code]
  11. try[code] <form name="form1" method="GET" action="categories.php"> <input type="hidden" name="c" value="0"> <?php $query  = 'select pd_id, pd_name FROM tbl_product group by pd_name desc'; $result = @mysql_query($query) or die('<p>Sorry, no data to edit...</p>'); ?> <select name="p" id="select4" onchange="submit()"> <option value="0">---</option> <?php while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "\t<option value=\"" . $row['pd_id'] . '">' . $row['pd_name'] . ' </option>'; } ?> <input type="submit"></form> [/code]
  12. or maybe[code] <?php function dec2frac ($n)  {     list ($int, $dec) = explode ('.', "$n");     if (!$dec) return "$int";     $p = strlen ($dec);     $den = pow (10, $p);     $a = $den; //Euclidean algorithm     $b = $dec;     $c = $a % $b;     while ($c){ $a = $b; $b = $c; $c = $a % $b; }     //$comval = $b;     $dec /= $b;     $den /= $b;     if (!$int) $int = ''; else $int = "$int ";  // no leading 0     return "$int$dec/$den"; } $a = array (0.5,'5.0', 1.75, 2.625, 4.997);  // test data (ie that data for which the program works) foreach ($a as $n)  echo "$n -> ". dec2frac ($n) . "<br />\n"; ?> [/code]
  13. [quote author=Barand link=topic=103913.msg414307#msg414307 date=1155343993] @sasa, I'm playing devil's advocate again. Try echo flo_to_fract(7.625); [/quote]i change code[code] <?php function flo_to_fract($a){ if ($a==0) return '0'; $a1=floor($a); if ($a1==0) $a1=''; else $a1 ="$a1 "; $b=$a-$a1; $c=strlen("$b")-2; $c=round("1E+$c"); $b=round($b * $c); if ($b==0) return $a1; while ((($b%2)==0) and (($c%2)==0)) { $b=$b/2; $c=$c/2; } while ((($b%5)==0) and (($c%5)==0)) { $b=$b/5; $c=$c/5; } $a1.="$b/$c"; return $a1; } echo flo_to_fract(7.625); ?> [/code]thanks for debug Barand
  14. try[code] <?php function flo_to_fract($a){ if ($a==0) return '0'; $a1=floor($a); if ($a1==0) $a1=''; else $a1 ="$a1 "; $b=$a-$a1; $c=strlen("$b")-2; $c=round("1E+$c"); $b=round($b * $c); if ($b==0) return $a1; while (($b%2)==0) { $b=$b/2; $c=$c/2; } while (($b%5)==0) { $b=$b/5; $c=$c/5; } $a1.="$b/$c"; return $a1; } echo flo_to_fract(7.125); ?> [/code]
  15. [quote author=harville85 link=topic=103925.msg414219#msg414219 date=1155336416] Thanks, I'll see if I can make this work. While I do that, here's an example of what I have now that works, but it doesn't list the actual category in my email. $text_body = $_POST['contact_name']. "<br>"; $text_body .= $_POST['city']. "<br>"; $text_body .= $_POST['state']. "<br>"; $text_body .= $_POST['zip_code']. "<br>"; $text_body .= $_POST['phone']. "<br>"; $text_body .= $_POST['fax']. "<br>"; $text_body .= $_POST['email']. "<br>"; [/quote]change in[code] $text_body = "Name: ".$_POST['contact_name']. "<br>"; $text_body .= "City: ".$_POST['city']. "<br>"; etc. [/code]
  16. $body=" Name: $name\n Address: $address\n ... "
  17. you need pagination one row per page google for same tutorial
  18. try for debug[code] if ($parentId == 0) {       $categories[$id] = array('name' => $name, 'children' => array());   } else {       if(isset($categories[$parentID]['name'])) {             echo "Data error for line $id name: $name. ParentID $parentID is NOT main cat.";exit;       }       $categories[$parentId]['children'][] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name);    } [/code]
  19. mysql_result($sql10,$x,'store_id') return from resorce $sql10 row: $x and field: 'store_id' when $x=0 it returns 1st row etc.
  20. use mysql_data_seek($myQry,0); before while loop
  21. i make mistake i echo field 'store' not 'store_id' in line [code]for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++) echo "store #: ".mysql_result($sql10,$x,'store');[/code] corr to [code]for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++) echo "store #: ".mysql_result($sql10,$x,'store_id');[/code] $x is number and you can do any statmens
  22. try[code] $storesql = "SELECT store_id                   FROM store                   WHERE store_open_closed = 'o'                   ORDER BY store_id"; $sql10 = run_sql($storesql) or die(mysql_error()); $num_of_stores=mysql_num_rows($sql10); for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++) echo "store #: ".mysql_result($sql10,$x,'store');[/code]
  23. try[code] <?php include"connect.php"; $sql="SELECT * FROM southport_categories"; $query=mysql_query($sql); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) $output[$row['Category']][]=$row['subcat']; foreach ($output as $cat => $subcats){ echo "<p>$cat"; foreach ($subcats as $subcat) echo " -> $subcat"; echo "</p>"; } ?> [/code]
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