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Everything posted by sasa

  1. you mean $num=mysql_num_rows($result);
  2. OK do it in your way but don't ask for help
  3. you must escape 1st ! and remove 2nd one <?php $string = "<!--HELLO WORLD-->"; $tags = "/<\!--(.*?)-->/"; preg_match($tags, $string, $matches); print_r($matches[1]); ?>
  4. output of your last post is not from your form code are you shure that edit right file i insert some coments in your code i'm shure you can understund it i think that is beter way to choice separeted wit questin while( $info = mysql_fetch_array( $sqll )) //)) { echo "{$info['Que_ID']} <br />\n"; // i hope that is PK from your table echo "<input type='hidden' name=\"Que_ID\" value=\"{$info['Que_ID']}\" /> "; // name from this field must be array //it's mean that name=\"Que_ID[]\" add [] to name echo "{$info['Que_Question']} <br />\n"; echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"choice[$counter]\" value=\"{$info['Que_Choice1']}\" /> "; //transform name in 2 dimensinal array //1st dimension is for which question is answer, and 2nd just for enable multliply answers // name=\"choice[{$info['Que_ID']}][]\" // if $info['Que_ID'] = 1 in $_POST['choice'][1] is array of all chcked ansvers for question with id=1 // $_POST['choice'][12] is array of all chcked ansvers for question with id=12 etc. //warning! if noting checked for questinh x, $_POST['choice'][x] is not set // if notin checked at all $_POST['choice'] is not set echo "{$info['Que_Choice1']} <br />\n"; ...
  5. try <?php $test = '<TD valign="top"><B>name</B></TD> <TD>Administrators</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><B>inUse</B></TD> <TD>true</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><B>allow</B></TD> <TD valign="top"><B>name</B></TD> <TD>Users</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><B>inUse</B></TD> <TD>true</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><B>allow</B></TD> <TD valign="top"><B>name</B></TD> <TD>Developers</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><B>inUse</B></TD> <TD>true</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><B>allow</B></TD>'; preg_match_all('/<TD valign="top"><B>name<\/B><\/TD>.*?<TD>([^<]+)<\/TD>/is', $test, $out); print_r($out[1]); ?>
  6. look http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=95426.msg381816#msg381816
  7. try $types = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_name,MYSQL_NUM)) { $types[] = $row[0]; } print_r ($types);[/codeg
  8. try[codeg<?php function my_link($a = 'i_need_link'){ static $i = 0, $array = array(); if($a == 'i_need_link') return $array; $i++; $array[$i]= $a[0]; return "<$i>"; } $test = 'blah blah www.a.com bla bla blaa b.com aaaa sss c.org bla'; $test1 = preg_replace_callback('/\S+\.\S+/', 'my_link', $test); $links = my_link(); echo $test1,"\n<hr />\n"; print_r($links); ?>
  9. preg_match_all('|<img src="/images/product/icon/(.+?).jpg|', $str, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $select) echo $select, '<br>';
  10. change your query to $query = "SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE state=" .mysql_real_escape_string($theChoice);
  11. post relevant code
  12. try preg_match('/(\S+\.\S+)/', $text, $out); print_r($out);
  13. i just put brecket in wrong place line 6th must be echo "Question id: ".$question. implode(', ',$choice)."<br />";
  14. try <?php $query1 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT quizTitle, userId, SUM(passState) as pass, MAX(userScore) as u_sore, totalScore, DATE_FORMAT(userDate,'%b %e, %Y') AS userDate FROM quiz WHERE managerId = '$managerId' AND userId = '$userId' GROUP BY quizTitle ORDER BY quizTitle, userDate ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) { echo "{$row['quizTitle']} <br />\n"; echo "{$row['userDate']} <br />\n"; if ($row['pass'] > 1) {echo "<img src=' ../../wood/wood_tool_images/tick2.png' /><br />\n";} if ($row['pass'] == 0) {echo "<img src=' ../../wood/wood_tool_images/cross2.png' /><br />\n";} echo $row['u_score'].'/'.$row['totalScore']; } ?>
  15. change form to <?php while( $info = mysql_fetch_array( $sqll )){ echo "<input type='hidden' name=\"Que_ID[]\" value=\"{$info['Que_ID']}\" /> "; echo " $intNum, {$info['Que_Question']} <br />\n<br />\n"; for ($i =1; $i < 5; $i++) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"choice[{$info['Que_ID']}][]\" value=\"$i\" />{$info['Que_Choice'.$i]}"; } } ?> and your action page to <?PHP foreach ($_POST["Que_ID"] as $question) { $_POST["choice"][$question] = $choice; echo "Question id: ".$question. implode(', ',$choice")<br />";
  16. try <?php class Paginator{ //... function my_p_number($total_pages, $current, $before = 2, $after = 3){ $out = array(1); $out = array_merge($out, range(min($total_pages-$before-$after,max(1, $current - $before)), max($before+$after+1,min($total_pages, $current + $after)))); $out[] = $total_pages; $out = array_unique($out); sort($out); return $out; } function paginate(){ $this->numPages = ceil($this->itemsTotal / $this->itemsPerPage); $p = Paginator::my_p_number($this->numPages, $this->currentPage); $t = 0; foreach ($p as $i){ if($i - $t > 1) $this->output .= ' ... '; if ($i == $this->currentPage){ $this->output .= "<span class=\"paginate current\" onclick=\"goPage(this)\" data-page=\"" . $i . "\">" . $i . "</span> "; }else{ $this->output .= "<span class=\"paginate\" onclick=\"goPage(this)\" data-page=\"" . $i . "\">" . $i . "</span> "; } $t=$i; } } } ?>
  17. try <?php function my_ofset($text){ preg_match('/^[^\-]*-\D*/', $text, $m); return strlen($m[0]); } echo my_ofset('[HorribleSubs] Bleach - 311 [720p].mkv'); ?>
  18. it take so long time to print all combinations just uncomment last but one line
  19. try '%\](.*?)(\(|\[)%mis'
  20. <?php $string = 'Cuckoo Alex# Rub a 15 Dub Transportation Squirters for the Tub bath toy! age10'; $semiclean = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9 ]/i', '', $string); $clean = trim(preg_replace('/\b[a-z0-9]*[0-9][a-z0-9]* ?\b/i', '', $semiclean)); echo $final = preg_replace('/^([a-z]+)\b.*([a-z]+).\b([a-z]+)$/i', '\1 \2 \3 ', $clean); ?>
  21. in SQL you can ORDER BY (field1 + field2)
  22. use two query or use UNION of two query
  23. you need WHERE part in your update query without this query update all rows
  24. try <?php $test = range(1,10); $text = 'blah'; foreach($test as $n){ echo "$n - $text<br />\n"; $text = 'crazy'; } ?>
  25. use checkbox
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