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Everything posted by .josh
Riiiight...so you explain yourself to the OP, not the staff. Makes perfect sense.
Well you obviously saw merit in the idea that it could be taken that way, seeing as how you felt the need to explain yourself later on.
you're doing the math wrong. With powers of 2, it's 2 multiplied by itself a certain number of times. So for instance, a 4 pin connector would have 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 16 colors. 1 : 2 2 : 4 3 : 8 4 : 16 5 : 32 6 : 64 7 : 128 8 : 256 9 : 512 10 : 1024 11 : 2048 12 : 4096 13 : 8192 14 : 16384 15 : 32768 16 : 65536 17 : 131072 18 : 262144 19 : 524288 20 : 1048576 21 : 2097152 22 : 4194304 23 : 8388608 24 : 16777216 25 : 33554432 26 : 67108864 27 : 134217728 28 : 268435456 29 : 536870912 30 : 1073741824 31 : 2147483648 32 : 4294967296
OP: Please note that it was not my intention to seem insulting. Oh really...then what was your intention, because I'm having a real hard time figuring out what other intention you could have had.
Okay seriously, this is getting out of hand. You asked an ambiguous question. People responded by asking for clarification, not by making out like elitist dickheads. At no point in time was anybody like "omg you are retarded you can't ask a question right you noob" or however you think elitist dickheadism goes. Then you started getting all pissy because we aren't mind readers, and even more pissy when people started calling you out on being pissy about it. This thread is closed.
Something like this? $page = $_REQUEST['page']; if(!isset($page)){ $page = "1"; } else { $start = ($page - 1) * 25; $end = $start + 25; }
Also, isn't the job of the program to be compatible with the OS, not the other way around?
I smell scam. I think you're about to be the proud owner of a bunch of computers, obligated to pay someone for them.
I could be talking about programming in VB. I could have obviously meant sitting in front of my TV playing my xbox. Oh wait, that's not so obvious a deduction...and neither is yours. Just because you fail to see the similarity doesn't mean it's false. The point you are failing to see is that Zend is a company that offers several products and they are all programmer related, from certification courses to frameworks to optimizers to obfuscators. My microsoft analogy is even more ambiguous because they do offer products and services that are not programmer related. But if anything, that's a success, not a failure, as far as analogies go. You should have been able to see the ambiguity in that statement because it's bigger, and apply it on the smaller level of Zend. The goal here was for you to understand the concept of ambiguity. No, we were not able to understand what you were talking about. Because you were being ambiguous.
Yes... I meant using Zend as a company... in my code.... o_O I think you knew what I meant. If I'm telling you that I only started using Zend, what do you think I'm talking about? If I said I was using Microsoft, what do you think I'd be talking about?
You running 64-bit vista?
Catholicism is one form among many of Christianity. Not everybody is catholic
No I didn't. I broke it down to simple abc terms, and pitted two individual people against each other, not an entire religious belief system against one person. I did that so that you can see that I should not be forced to recognize your beliefs, anymore than you should be forced to recognize mine. There are indeed churches out there who claim to be christian churches, who allow gay marriages. And I scratch my head wondering how they rightfully call themselves christian. Just the same, there are indeed churches out there who prey on people's fears to take their money. And I scratch my head wondering how they can rightfully call themselves. christian. I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find a church out there that says they are christian, and yet somehow tries to justify killing people. I'm not singling out being gay; that just happens to be the subject of conversation. The point is, nobody is perfect. But there is a difference between knowing the "rules" and failing to follow them because you're not perfect, and knowing the "rules" and failing to follow them because you disagree with them. And again, it's not so simple as black and white. Even the devil believes in God.
That makes no sense. If you follow a religion that believes abc and you decide that only a and b apply to you, you are no longer following that religion, and you shouldn't be able to expect a follower of abc to recognize you as a follower of abc. That's the whole point of freedom of religion. And you're really going to tell me that you follow every single part of your religion? Come on. That's a really weak argument, and you know it.
That makes no sense. If you follow a religion that believes abc and you decide that only a and b apply to you, you are no longer following that religion, and you shouldn't be able to expect a follower of abc to recognize you as a follower of abc. That's the whole point of freedom of religion.
LoL that sounds a lot like a "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" argument. Yes, it is possible to use pure asm to program. ASM itself is a programming language, actually. It's the lowest level you can get, short of directly feeding 1's and 0's into the hardware. So technically, even using pure ASM is still using a language, albeit, direct processor language. It's easier to understand if you look into how computers work on a physical level. Go back to high-school days with the example of a string of lightbulbs being turned off and on in different patterns
I was mainly using biblical people as an example. Marriage is a religious thing after all. I mean, I guess it could be viewed as straight up social in some aspects now, since marriage has become standard. There are always more than 1 reason for everything, but I would think the main reason would be religion. Believe it or not, I personally do not have a problem with a gay couple getting a civil union. That is, going down to the justice of the peace/clerk and being recognized as "married" under the law. As far as the law is concerned, it's about filing taxes jointly such and all. Gay people are tax paying citizens just the same as straight people. I do not feel they should be discriminated in that aspect. They live together and pay bills together etc.. so why shouldn't they be allowed the same govt. benefits? To me, the problem starts when they want to have a ceremony for a religion that believes gay marriage is not okay. How can you expect to stand in front of a priest with a bible and be sanctified in the eyes of God, when the bible says it's wrong? Why would you even want to? It's not even a requirement for civil union. I've met others who feel the same way as I do: okay with civil union, not okay with religious ceremony. Unfortunately, many people on both sides of the fence put civil union and religious union in the same boat, not even recognizing it as something that is separate, and I personally think that's where a lot of opposition comes from. Not all of the opposition. As I have said in previous posts, there are many reasons why people are for or against it. My overall point is that it's not as black and white as people make it out to be.
Maybe he typoed and was asking if it was worth practicing Zen?
Really? I mean, I admit that I don't really know a whole lot about encryption algorithms, but it seems logical to me for them not to rely on factoring large numbers, as that can be easily circumvented with rainbow tables... perhaps you are confusing factors with number of possibilities through factorials? I could be totally talking out my ass, so feel free to correct me.
"Session clashes" are not something to be concerned about. The server automatically does that for you. The concern about sessions on shared servers is security: that is, poorly setup servers allowing other people on your shared server to gain access to your IDs.
Other than the fact that several of the core developers of php runs the company? I think that in and of itself makes a pretty strong case....
Nothing compared to the ones that come here upset lol. Haha actually....I think there's a direct correlation between those who walk in the door unhappy and turn around and leave unhappy...
I may be able to pick up a book and learn the ins and outs of a car but if I decide to instead just get in the car and drive, in principle, I am indeed personally taking it on faith. Not really sure why you don't understand that.... "While hunting in Africa, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How an elephant got into my pajamas I’ll never know. " - Groucho Marx And on that note, I think I'm taking a break from this debate, as well...
How are my examples out of context or irrelevant? I gave examples of how one can oppose something without being irrationally afraid of it. Seems pretty relevant and in-context to me.... And you argue that believing something simply because a book told you is irrational? LMAO okay well then, pick up any science book. Have you personally done the experiments to verify everything in there, yourself? Didn't think so. How do you know Mr. Obama won the election? Were you there to personally count the votes, or are you taking other people's word for it? And don't tell me that the proof is there for you to count, because I guarantee you you personally cannot go and count them. Pick up a newspaper, read any story about what happened. Were you personally there to witness it? Didn't think so. People have this huge double standard when it comes to the bible. They automatically write it off as fiction, and yet happily go about their lives believing everything else under the sun without actually verifying it. Or faith in general. Do you know how your car works, what every single piece does? A plane? A computer? Or do you just have a general idea and take for granted that it does what it's "supposed to do." People put their faith in other people and things they don't understand or know about or don't even care to understand or know about, every single day, and yet casually toss out the bible. I am not offering all that up as proof that what the bible says is true. I'm simply pointing out a double standard. Please think about what you're saying before you say it. And my earlier arguments that brought the bible up were for arguing a different point. This whole thread has evolved into new debates several times over now. You're the one taking things out of context to use as an example, not me.