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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Well I think I could probably come up with a list of why the people who rationally fear gay people rationally fear them, but that's not the point. The point is that it's silly to respond to someone's opposition to gayness by claiming they are homophobic. Maybe if I use a different example you will see my point. I could hate... ....spiders. Does that necessarily make me arachnophobic? No! I can simply think they are evil, annoying little creatures that I want to stomp on. ....thunderstorms. Does that necessarily make me brontophobic? I could easily just think they are loud and wet and annoying, ruining my day at the park. I do not have to be irrationally afraid of thunderstorms to hate them. ....vomiting. Does that necessarily make me emetophobic? I could easily just think it sucks to throw up that fine meal I just ate. I could easily think I that was a waste of a good bottle of booze, ruining my chances to get laid. Also, cleaning up the mess kind of sucks. I do not have to be irrationally afraid of vomiting in order to hate it. I could go on and on all day. Apparently there's a word to label an irrational fear of anything you can think of... and that's the key word irrational. Even if one is legitimately afraid of something, they are no longer phobic. Sorry but it's just not anywhere near accurate to claim someone is homophobic just because they oppose gay people. It is not an objective statement at all. Especially when you turn around and stereotype the "naysayers" as bible thumpers. It's a sneaky and underhanded attempt to discredit people who oppose a lifestyle or agenda. Person1: "I hate gay people!" Person2: "You're just a homophobic bible-thumper!" You guys claim that person1 have no basis for making their statement; do you not see how silly and stupid person2's response is, in turn?
  2. Try this: <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password") or die("Error connecting!"); $db = mysql_select_db("this_db") or die("Couldn't find the DB"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id <= '10'"; // this is going to get info from id 1 to 10, right? $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); echo "username password email <br />"; while ($samoi = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo $samoi['username']; echo " "; echo $samoi['password']; echo " "; echo $samoi['email']; echo "<br />"; } ?>
  3. Not everyone who opposes gay marriage follows a belief that includes the bible obviously, but it seems a majority of people who DO have the bible and oppose gay marriage are opposed BECAUSE of the bible. And it is kind of homophobic, there's no other way to really put it. And I'm not trying to stereotype, but it is what it is. =/ ...and you just did exactly what I asked not to be done: you stereotype as justification for stereotyping. Do you not see the flawed circular logic in that? And as far as homophobic is concerned: yes, there is another way to put it: opposing gay/gay lifestyle/etc.. I phobia is an irrational fear of something. Very few people are irrationally afraid of gay people. Very few people are even rationally afraid of gay people. Most people who oppose gay people disagree/oppose/hate them because they think it is morally wrong or whatever, but the point is, they don't irrationally or even rationally fear them. So do yourself a favor and instead of saying someone is homophobic, simply say they oppose them.
  4. Since you have to run a loop on the elements anyways, may as well just nix the array_slice, IMO.
  5. Okay so basically what you need to do is instead of echoing $out, you need to store it in a session array, and from there, the pagination principles are pretty much the same. Instead of counting how many rows are in a database, you'd count how many elements are in the array. Instead of selecting x rows starting at an offset, you'd select x elements starting at the same offset. Instead of using a while loop to cycle through a fetch_blah, you'd use a regular loop that starts at the offset element, ends at offset+limit. You'd dynamically build links, passing the variable(s) through the URL just the same, and you'd echo out the page numbers just the same.
  6. You'd be surprised how many people leave here upset.
  7. Yeah...that's not really truly programming your own OS. You're still using built in routines/functions/etc from a low level language/compiler.
  8. You know, there are plenty of people who follow beliefs that do not include the bible, or no belief at all, who oppose gay marriage, or gays in general (I hate using the term homophobic, as I feel that that is not an accurate label for opposers). Why you guys got to stereotype? And please don't say something along the lines of "Because most people who oppose gay people are bible thumpers," because that's obviously the idea behind stereotyping.
  9. Sorry to hear that you're sick of the manual...it should receive some kind of award for best manual ever written (it probably has, multiple times).
  10. so...you want to learn assembly...why?
  11. if you only plan on calling it once, then there's no advantage whatsoever. The point in putting something in a function is if you have a chunk of code being used over and over, you can just put a label on it and call the label.
  12. LOL yeah I read that article it's from..uh...cracked.com?
  13. Look at the attached screenshot. You will notice that first off, you are trying to insert more values than you have columns, and 2nd, you aren't doing them in the right order. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. You would make a form with a text field and a submit button. From there, it depends on how you store your information and what you're searching for.
  15. Ah but that's the thing: you can do that. If there's 100 people that show up to vote whether gay marriages are allowed or not, and the majority vote no, then guess what, the law will say no, gay marriages are not allowed. It is possible that every single person who voted no could have voted no because they flipped a coin, but it's also possible that they all voted no because they feel it's morally wrong, because the bible says so.
  16. functions require opening and closing brackets function blah () { ... }
  17. Well you could make it a function and call it at the top of your script, but php doesn't do "gosub...return" spaghetti coding.
  18. umm..just move that chunk of code to the top of your script?
  19. How are we supposed to help you with such general statements as "a script" and "my template" and "my sidebar" and "fatal error?" That's like calling up a mechanic and telling him you want to install " 'something' 'somewhere' in my 'vehicle' but there is 'a problem' "
  20. I believe your issue is that "column" is a mysql reserved word. If that's the name of your column, put backticks around it like so: `column` better yet, change your column name to something other than a reserved word, as that's bad programming practice. edit: PFM beat me to it
  21. Considering Dan is like 19 or something, I think he's counting grade school/highschool (or whatever equivalent they have over there).
  22. What about the divorces of "proper" marriages that hit the court systems, which run on our tax dollars? What about domestic violence within "proper" marriages that use the law enforcement from our tax dollars? These things are taking my money, but I don't think we should abolish same-gender marriage. Again: The law is not supposed to be biased. It's supposed to simply allow or not allow things based on majority. Now we all know that that's not how laws end up being made, due to the whole corruption portion of this debate, but ideally, that's how it's supposed to be done.
  23. Yeah I'm growing my hair out and everything.
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