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Everything posted by .josh

  1. I think we will see better php/js integration in the future. Ajax seems to be a pretty hot thing, so it makes sense that someone out there will make it more effective and easier to use. As for your other questions...I hope those are not the sorts of questions that keep you up at night...
  3. Every night before I go to bed I stand in front of a mirror and congratulate myself for being the master of the universe.
  4. ...maybe.... <.< >.>
  5. <?php if ($file = file_get_contents("mcount.txt")) { $file++; file_put_contents("mcount.txt",$file); } echo "<p class=\"box2\" align=\"center\">Visitor count: <i>" . $file . "</i>.</font></p><br>\n"; ?> However, I would take Wolphie's advice about the whole unique visitor thing.
  6. You mention not knowing how to access a database, put a new column in it, etc.. I think you need to stop what you're doing, take a deep breath, and just start with the basics. You can probably B.S. your way through a whole lot of what you're trying to do, but without a fuller understanding of what's going on, things are going to go wrong in a million different places and it's going to all blow up in your face and you're not going to have a clue on what to do to fix it. You'll end up being one of those people who post pages of code on some forum saying "It doesn't work," and people will just ignore your thread because that's the completely wrong way to go about asking for help and you'll get angry and then depressed and start drinking and one night you'll find yourself lying in the gutter in the rain wondering what happened with your life and then some car is going to pass by and splash muddy water in your face and let me tell you, that just sucks.
  7. QFT We're here to help you out on your own code, if you run into trouble. If you want someone to do it for you, hire someone. Or you can search around on google, maybe you'll find a free script that fits your needs. Thread closed.
  8. By that logic, we should have a minimum post count for people posting in other help sections, to make sure that they aren't just spamming for some magic wand solution or something. And how exactly would they raise their post count anyways? Spam random crap in other forums? I don't really think extra spam in other places is worth the trade-off. Make them post at least 10 posts that answer/ask legit questions? One would think that if they are looking for a critique, they are past the stage of really asking for coding help, and we aren't in the business of forcing people to help out around here. I agree that there are probably a lot of people who post asking for a critique for the sole reason of advertising, but there's really no way to stop everybody, unless they are blatant about it, in which case, I delete, not lock them.
  9. Hey I know how about cordoprod.com? Or hey, I own crayonviolent.com I'll sell it to you
  10. yeah well yeah like i said it's not liike we've had the solved mod since day 1. I think if I were to personally do it, I would find out an average per day since we got it and then add that many more per day since day 1 sort of thing. I mean, it's still not accurate, but it's acceptable imo.
  11. kaching!
  12. I think it might be cheaper to buy a hooker. But those are illegal. Hey I wonder if I built a robot girl if it would be considered prostitution to pimp her out? I could argue that I'm just renting out sex toys...
  13. Right, so do you really think he's so stupid that he didn't think to use google, or were you more likely throwing out the proverbial "r t f m" post just like me? Therefore, your post wasn't any more helpful than mine. The bottom line is all day long people make posts like this. They want to do something but instead of trying or even looking they just make some random post expecting someone to wave their magic wand and make it happen. We have rules regarding these posts. Failing that, it's just common sense. I don't need to explain myself to you because you did the same damn thing. So stop calling the kettle black.
  14. ...and yours wasn't?
  15. Can I use php to make a virtual girlfriend to satisfy me on those lonely nights when my wife is away????
  16. It was as helpful as I'm willing to be. We aren't people's personal google researchers.
  17. yes, there are plenty of tutorials.
  18. what exactly do you mean by "it doesn't work?" You say that all your variables are being populated, so I don't really understand how your submit button isn't working... but, some potential problem areas I see are: - your very first update in that script (the one inside the nested condition) uses $id in the where clause. But your condition doesn't check if it exists. But you say that all of your variables are being populated...right...? Also I see you using $id later on in your script. Seems a lot of your script hinges on the fact that $_GET['id'] exists, for selecting info to be displayed..well if no info is being displayed, then are you SURE that it exists? - I see you using session variables but no session_start() you need that at the top of your script if you expect to make use of them...unless this file is being included in some other file that has it? Also you need to sanitize your variables. You're just taking them and throwing them right into your queries like that; that's a huge sql injection vulnerability.
  19. I would be pretty pissed off if I paid someone 1700 euros ($2640) to make me an online store and found out they just slapped a new face onto something like cubecart, zencart, etc... not that I have anything against those but I'm not paying that much money for what amounts to a custom design only job. Well, maybe if I was a high profile company hiring a high profile person/company, I'd consider it. But I would not be pissed off if I paid that much and someone used a prefab CMS/framework and went off that...but it had better be damn good.
  20. well regardless, my gut tells me that you can do this with sql so I'm gonna move it over there where our resident sql gurus hang out I bet they bust out something for you.
  21. okay but that will only limit the users returned to 1 post each how would you up that to a max of 3 each? like, some kind of distinct (max(3)) or distinct limit(3) blahblah or something.
  22. no that wouldn't work any better than the top 10. JoeUser could have posted that last 30 times...
  23. But...why would you want to do that? That kind of defeats the purpose of it being the "most recent" posts. But whatever... I think I would first do the query to pull the first 10, then make a loop to check how many times JoeSmith is in the returned array. If more than 3, I would slice out the extra ones, reset the keys of the array to fill up the blank spaces, go back and query the database where name != JoeSmith desc limit x (where x is how many you need to get to 10). I suppose you would then have to take that as a building block and expand on it, because JoeSmith and MikeBoss could have both posted 5 times each...
  24. I'd also like to point out that if (isset($_SESSION['USERNAME']) == FALSE) { is overkill. if ($_SESSION['USERNAME']) { will do. As far as your problem goes...do you have session_start() on top of ALL your pages, including the one tha tset the session var in the first place? If so, are you sure you spelled it right? If so...then how do you know you're logged in? Because if all that other stuff checks out, then there's no reason this piece of code shouldn't work, unless that require("header.php"); is somehow redirecting you or something.
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