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Everything posted by .josh

  1. I split your last post into a new thread and moved it to html help forum. If you have more than one question, make a new thread for it, especially when it's an unrelated question.
  2. You need to post your html code. Also, I split this from your other thread and moved it to html help.
  3. I believe SMF offers site integration functions etc.. you should go to their website and check it out. Moving to 3rd party forum.
  4. The main thing you want to do is prevent sql injection. There are a ton of tutorials/examples on the internet to show you how to sanitize form input. It's relatively easy to do, and I suggest you look into it.
  5. I'm sure it's probably an easy fix but nobody wants to look at code like that. If it works for you, then more power to you, but don't expect people to go rushing in to help you with it looking like that. Simple as that. -Crayon
  6. If you want the file to be saved in a certain directory, include the path with the filename.
  7. so...what exactly isn't right? It looks to me like you got an email containing exactly what you submitted in the form. Be more specific.
  8. google login tutorials.
  9. fopen fwrite fclose
  10. For the love of God, use code/php tags. Also, I smell 3rd party script. I'm moving it to the 3rd party scripts forums, though I suggest you go to the script's support forum or contact the script writer, as you'll probably have a lot better luck doing that.
  11. okay so you have a form basic form: <form action="process.php" method="post"> <input type = "text" name = "storeid"> <input type = "submit" value = "lookup"> </form> now on process.php (the code you have above), instead of a hardcoded number in your query string, you would use the posted value: // this is not a secure way to do this. Let's focus on making it work first. $storeid = $_POST['storeid']; $query = "SELECT * FROM retailers WHERE id = '$storeid'"; oh and to answer breaking a line between customer id's, just add another br tag in the last echo br before your closing while loop } echo "<br /><br />";
  12. this is a wild stab in the dark and probably wrong, but maybe you need to actually save the created image into an actual file before you can mail it? I'm really not sure if you're already doing that somewhere, as there are so many things in your script that I'm unfamiliar with, but at first glance, it doesn't look like you're doing that, and I really don't know if that's necessary or not even if you aren't doing it, but hey, maybe, lol. edit: or I guess imagejpeg($thumbImg, "small_wallpaper.jpg", 100); does that, so oh well. Wild stab in the dark, lol.
  13. Please do not make multiple threads asking the same question.
  14. Well you have two mail function calls. One is inside a condition that's met simply by virtue of successfully being executed. The other one is being executed if $_POST['orderparts'] is not empty, so theoretically (I say theoretically because I didn't look at the rest of your code for other conditions etc...) if you fill out your form, it's going to execute both mail functions.
  15. <? include("config.php"); $cat = ($_POST['cat']); $inssql = "INSERT INTO biggart_categories (cat) VALUES( '$cat')"; if(mysql_query($inssql)){ header("location:admin_account_category_view.php"); } // close connection mysql_close(); ?> though I personally wouldn't code like this...
  16. To answer your first question, the only thing wrong I'm seeing is that you're having issues formating your results. I'm not really seeing where your opening table tag is, but it should be somewhere before the while loop. Also, your closing table tag should be at the end, after your loop. Other than that, I can't really give you a solid answer without knowing what you're wanting the results to look like. To answer your second question, you need to make a form for the user to input the store number and replace the hardcoded number in your query string with the posted value. But even then, this doesn't really stop userA from looking at userB's info. For that, you'd need to make a login system.
  17. ..or someone photoshopping and pushing 1 pixel to the side, or adds a hidden layer, or...etc.. and there's your answer to your first question.
  18. I smell spambot. We don't help out on that sort of thing. Thread closed. You're welcome to PM me and appeal.
  19. if the pages that don't connect/use your db work and the ones that do use it do not work, then first off, what do you mean by "they don't work?" getting any kind of error messages? Go back to cpanel verify that your info hasn't been changed. Look in the scripts that connect to the db and see if that info hasn't been changed. (I would go ahead and change your info regardless, just to be safe).
  20. each time your while loop iterates, an internal pointer is moved from the current position in the $list array to the next. By the time the loop ends, $list is set to FALSE, as it has reached the end of the result source (that's why you get all those blanks). You need to put your echoes inside the while loop. You can make use of the foreach loop to echo your stuff out in the format you want it (the $key is the column name, the $val is the data) or just take out the foreach loop and put your echo stuff in there instead. edit: That of course, assumes that you're even getting info displayed from the foreach loop. If not, see roopurt's post, and then see mine.
  21. if it makes you feel any better, I first read your thread about 2 minutes after you posted it (like an hour ago), tested and messed around with it for about 15 minutes and gave up, thinking wtf why isn't this working, it should be working?? And came back in when you bumped it and saw it right off the bat, lol.
  22. p.s.- You should be posting in the forum it relates to, not the place you think will get a faster response.
  23. $pictureToDelete = $_POST['photosInDirectory'];
  24. It's argued that the less php code and the more straight html means less server processing and more client processing, which means faster page load times. edit: while I'm not denying that idea at face value, 99.999% of the time we're talking about time and overall scale so small that nobody really truly should care unless they are anal retentive. I personally hate that style of coding. If I have extended html code I will occasionally wrap it up with HEREDOC
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