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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Also, as far as your condition logic goes: basically what you're doing is saying if (NULL == $code) because whether the session variable is passed or not, or is correct or not, or whatever, the ! in front of it implies it not existing, so your condition is based on it not existing. You need to change that to if($_SESSION['captcha'] != $code) { or if ((!$_SESSION['captcha']) or ($_SESSION['captcha != $code)) {
  2. echo blah[2]; (it starts at 0)
  3. $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET ip ='{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' WHERE username='$username' LIMIT 1"); also just fyi all 3 of your queries are updating the same table under the same conditions so you can just use 1 query with all 3 variables. edit: I also assumed that you meant ip not $ip as your column name. Or since you already set $ip to the remote address, you could do "... ip = '$ip' ..."
  4. phpSensei I like you. You remind me of myself. Here's the thing about the competitions: I started them for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. It's something cool and fun and challenging. It brings people in, keeps them here. It encourages learning and expanding one's horizons. It encourages teamwork. It helps the community grow. They have been put on hold for exactly the same reasons everybody else has mentioned. There was not enough commitment from the judges and the contestants. People would sign up and then disappear. Or they would turn around and dice out. You have no idea how aggravating that is, or maybe you do. It's very aggravating, like nails on a chalkboard. Okay well, nails on a chalkboard isn't as horrible as people make it out to be, so it's something worse, like when you've had no sleep and your baby just won't stop crying and it's like they know that perfect frequency that somehow penetrates straight to the core of your brain like some crazy xmen sonic superpower and you just wanna grab that damn baby and throw her against the wall and run over and suplex her and SMASH SMASH SMASH. Well, except you don't really. Plus, there aren't really any babies to throw around here. But it's like that. THAT. /tosshandsinair GAH. Also the judges were being lazy, and I can say that, because I was one of those lazy judges. I had real life stuff to do, other people had real life stuff to do. I can say more than anybody else that I wanted to the competitions to succeed, because I was the one who got it running in the first place. I got into fistfights over it and even busted out my evil eye /evileye defending it like a fat man huddling over the last chicken wing /moreevileye. But the cold hard reality is that it takes more dedication to it than most people around here have, to keep it going. It takes more dedication to it than most people around here have, to even compete. Things always look good on paper or in your head. It's a very big humbling experience to find out that just because it looks good on paper, doesn't mean it will actually work. And I agree with you 100%, there were many awesome competition suggestions that were posted by many people. But they were not overlooked or disregarded. You could possibly make that claim if you continued to see competitions being posted, but that isn't the case, now is it? Does that mean that competitions are not a possibility? No! It just means that I or we or somebody has to look at the past experiences and make adjustments accordingly. But regardless, our main priority right now is getting the main site back up and running, so (very conveniently), the competitions have been put on the back burner. And we are not trying to do what's solely in our best interests on this (or anything else for that matter), but our interests do play a part in it, just the same. We don't get paid to do what we do. We're here because we want to help and make things fun. We want to be the teachers. We want to be the janitors. We want to be the hosts of the party. We are here to serve, on our own time, because that's what makes us happy. We create a community that makes us happy, and if you come to our party, talk to a few hotties, have a few drinks, and would like to stay, then kick off your shoes, grab a chair, and let's party. But if you don't like it..well, you know where the door is. Or if you've gotten too drunk off our cheap booze to find your way out, we'll be more than happy to show you that, as well. And I agree with you 100% in that there are plenty of recommended members who are smarter than the mods and admin. I'm so horrible that I come with my own disclaimer (see my sig). I'm glad you (or was it someone else?) pointed out that "google can make you look smarter than you really are." I fully admit that I have turned to google or php.net or some other article countless times, trying to help people out. But I'm not here to try and make myself look smart in front of a bunch of other people who are here helping out for free, themselves. I'm here to help fix problems, and I don't know about you, but when I have a problem that needs to be fixed, I don't give two sh!ts whether someone knew it off the top of their head or if they looked it up for me. That's not the point, and you know it, so trying to spin that off as an accusation just makes you look like an arse. My apologies if it was not you who said that. But I nonetheless wag my finger at whoever did.
  5. Well if you had bothered to read my post, you would see that I said to NOT post code that works. And what part of "the code you have posted has nothing to do with the problem you say you are having (with your database)" do YOU not understand?
  6. Okay well if it still doesn't work I suggest instead of posting random variables and code that does work, you post the code that isn't working and be a little more specific than "it's not working."
  7. Your session variable has nothing to do with your database information, unless you queried your database and put the results in it. Please refer to my previous post.
  8. Okay, so you've posted some variables containing your database/table info. So...where is your code that opens a database connection? Where is your code that queries your database to get the information you want? Where is your code that makes it "show up," as you say?
  9. To answer neylitalo: That's all fine and dandy, except that we as mods have the responsibility to move posts to their proper place. This causes confusion for those newbies. Sure, we can make sure there's a moved to: link, but that just replaces one slot with another, not solving the problem at all.
  10. I'd also like to just throw out there some of the reasons why posts tend to get buried: - Posting a ton of code and then saying "fix it." - Posting vague questions - Posting not enough code - Not being clear about your question - Posting questions that have been asked and answered countless times over - Posting code without code tags, any kind of indenting, etc... I can assure you, that virtually every single thread gets the look-over at least once, by several people. As a moderator, I systematically go through every thread when I'm there (If I can help, I try to), and I always see other people there. And I can assure you, from my own experience, as well as reading other people's posts about experiences moderating/helping out, that when people do things like this, even if it's an easy fix, they walk right out the door. I'm just pointing that out because "high traffic" isn't the only reason why posts get buried, and to be honest, I have a sneaking suspicion that if every single poster came in and tried their hardest not to break posting etiquette, posts being buried due to legitimate "high traffic" probably wouldn't be that big of an issue. You have to remember that the people who help out here are doing it on their own time, for free, and therefore, they aren't gonna spend a whole lot of time trying to figure out really complex problems. I go into a post and unless I more or less immediately spot the problem, I move on. And the cold hard reality is that that's probably what most other people do, as well. So I would first and foremost suggest making sure you aren't guilty of the aforementioned acts of forum treason, and second, making sure that your problem is broken into bite size chunks. Just my 2 cents.
  11. okay i got it. $key is being treated like a new, local variable because your query is inside your function. So you are either going to have to make $key a global variable when you assign the session var to it, or else pass it as an argument in your function.
  12. well, $key comes from $_SESSION['key'] and $_SESSION['key'] comes from $code so echo $_SESSION['key'] and $code and post what happens edit: well, $key is on your 2nd page, so... are you sure you have session_start(); on the top of your page? And on the page where you initially set it? Because I see no reason (based on your code provided) why $code shouldn't contain info, which means your session variable is the problem.
  13. Indeed, there used to be separate forums : shudder : Barand pretty much summed it up eloquently when he said: To a noob, all questions seem advanced. And it worked the other way around, too; many harder questions ended up in the newb section, because people were constantly thinking their questions were too easy, or they didn't want to get embarrassed thinking their question was some rubik's cube when it wasn't, etc... It was all a big headache, and there honestly wasn't any real benefit to having an "advanced php" and "newb php" forum, other than slowing down the rate of posts. But the tradeoff to that just wasn't worth it, not even close. I am not opposed to talking it over, either, but having been here for it, I can almost assuredly tell you my answer would be a nay. In addition to that, I am kind of shy about further categorization People already post stuff in there that doesn't belong. Most people already don't bother reading the FAQ Forums, nor the FAQs and stickies in the other forums, nor the Code snippets, etc.. 99.999% of people who go looking for help are looking because they don't know how to even diagnose their problem and debug it, and if they did know, then chances are, they probably wouldn't be looking for help, as Ginger mentioned (not always, but a good chunk). The bottom line is that when people go looking for help, they are either too lazy or frustrated or both or even if they are neither, they don't want to jump through a million hoops trying to find the right place to post a question. They want to google "php help," go to the first site or second or third site that pops up, Go to the first forum they see that says "PHP HELP" post right then and there. And that's the way it should be. I agree that threads seem to fly off the screen awfully fast, and that it's an issue to be looked at for improvement, but experience tells us that splitting it up and/or sub-catting it doesn't really work.
  14. so...everything else inserts just fine, except $key, and if you do echo $que; it shows the query with all the values, including the value for $key?
  15. Yes. There are a hundred ways you could make it look like that. I suggest choosing the one most consistent with the rest of your page design.
  16. you could send it as hidden fields in your form or pass it via session variables.
  17. You have to go through the script(s) and look for some kind of $val = blah sort of line.
  18. okay so if the 2nd query is more of a "fine tuning" of the search, then you still need to run the first query no matter what, so that shouldn't be inside the condition of the first one. It should be ran no matter what. Or rather, all your conditions should be built upon it, so that that part is ran all the time, not just on the first condition, right?
  19. The resource id#331 means that you made a query to the db and it returned a result (as opposed to failing for whatever reason and returning false). The good news is that that means your query is okay. From there, first thing I would check is to make sure that 'title' is actually a column name (spelled right, etc..) in your vamsys_ranks table.
  20. Also, I don't think you really want your table tag to be inside your loop, do you? And I see no closing tags for tr or for the table.
  21. well, as far as your first question, have you looked into using iframes? As for your second question, gimme a min.
  22. In order to get your browser to make a request to the server, you have to have it submit a request via the POST method or the GET method. As far as I know (I admit I'm not an expert), those are you only options. Now, you could look into using Ajax, but as you probably already know, Ajax uses the post/get method just the same, as well as javascript. Overall, I think I'm not entirely sure what you're asking there in that last post... can you rephrase? Are you wanting to go for making the language link a submit form now?
  23. hmm, are you sure? because in your new code there, now I see not only one, but two br's..
  24. Although I did feel like I should be reading a poem, I enjoyed the shorter lines. As far as the tutorial section goes: Those tutorials are all that's left of what we used to have on the main site, before it got hacked. We salvaged what we could and converted them to threads/posts (that's why they look all whack). They are there as "read only" for those who were benefiting from them at the time. Unfortunately, the bulk of the tutorials were lost forever (including all of mine! sniff :*( ), that's why there aren't that many there. We are working valiantly hard on a new main site, with a new tutorial section. As Daniel said, once it's all up and running, we will be removing that forum altogether. We are working on a different member group hierarchy for the forums (some of it already implemented) which will allow people to work their way into being tutorial authors, so if that's your thing, be helpful around the forums, get yourself noticed, prove your worth, bribe the right people and perhaps you might find yourself in one of those groups.
  25. It has to do with how much time you have actually spent in each forum. It's your "total time online" broken down into where you spent your time here.
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