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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Hmm...a valiant effort businessman, but I don't quite buy it.  Are you [i]really[/i] sure you meant to use 'peripherals?' I mean, The camcorder itself would be considered a peripheral, and I don't contest a flash drive being labeled a peripheral, but that's not what we really need from the OP.  We need to know things like if his computer and camcorder have usb ports or av i/o jacks or a dv i/o for which they can physically connect. That's the type of stuff we are trying to find out, right? I think a more proper term would be "hardware interface."
  2. damn...someone figured that out using pencil and paper and it's a 16 digit number? That's epic...
  3. Well actually businessman... Ober was referring to your misuse of 'peripheral.'  If you misuse a word, it could be classified as being outside your vocabulary.  Your education is not really relavent to the point he was making. Do you feel that you misused that word?
  4. Well, if you're going to specifically make an array of your posted variables like that, then go ahead and specifically make it an associative array: [code] $empty = array('firstname' => $_POST['firstname'],                       'lastname' => $_POST['lastname'],                       'password' => $_POST['password'],                       'verifypassword' => $_POST['verifypassword'],                       'country' => $_POST['country'],                       'stateorprovince' => $_POST['stateorprovince'],                       'country' => $_POST['county'],                       'zipcode' => $_POST['zipcode'],                       'birthdate' => $_POST['birthdate']); [/code]
  5. Well I mention reading the manual or going to the manufacturer's website for all those reasons you listed businessman.  He asked how he would get his video from his camcorder to his pc, but didn't bother to provide a brand make or model, nor his own pc's specs.  It could be some 15 year old camcorder that uses standard sized vhs tapes for all we know.  It might not even have a usb output, or even an a/v output.  How should we know? I don't know about you, but my crystal ball is still in the shop, so I'm still having to rely on people to tell me these sort of things....
  6. kind of hard to help without knowing what the rest of your layout/style looks like...you can start by posting a link to the offending page..
  7. ...or are you saying that you have 2 slots and if the user has something in slot 1 but not in slot 2, you want the same thing to be in slot 2? [code] if(!$slot2) {   $slot2 = $slot1; } [/code] is that what you are looking for? as King suggested, you're going to have to try a bit harder to explain what you mean...
  8. I suggest you read the manual that came with your camcorder.  If you lost it, then go to the manufacturer's website. 
  9. as in...retrieving a list from a directory? [code] <?php   $path = "path/to/images/";     // if the directory exists...   if ( $img_dir = @opendir($path) ) {       // while there are files to read in the dir listing...       while ( false !== ($img_file = readdir($img_dir)) ) {         // if the mime type is .jpg (add checks for other image file types here, if you like) ...         if ( preg_match("/(\.jpg)$/", $img_file) ) {             // add it to list of images available             $images[] = $img_file;         } // end if image found       } // end while files in dir list   // close the dir stream   closedir($img_dir);   } // end if dir opened   // if there are images to display...   if ($images) {       // for each image...       foreach ($images as $img) {         // echo image echo "<img src = '$path$img' />";       } // end foreach image   } // end if images ?> [/code]
  10. You don't.  preloading something is a client-side thing. 
  11. so...does finding the answer involve running it on a 64 bit processor then?
  12. okay I give up. Here's my code: [code] <?php   set_time_limit(0);   $num = 1;   $found = false;       while ($found == false) {         $newnum = substr($num, 1) . substr($num, 0, 1); if (($newnum / $num) == 1.5) {             $found = true;         } else {     $num++; }   }   echo "number is $num<br>";  ?> [/code] And it just goes on and on and on.... did I take a wrong turn or is this some kind of trick/riddle...
  13. ^ yeah c4, there just isn't the activity to justify even that.  I mean, like I said before, things like that look good on paper, but the reality of it is that there just isn't the activity there to justify it.  There really isn't anything formal or professional at all about that forum.  It's just kind of there for completeness' sake.  Personally, I would like to see a freelance section added to the main site that [i]would[/i] be more professional, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
  14. more importantly this forum is not about writing script for you, but nudging you in the right direction.  Thorpe has provided you the variables that hold the user's ip address, for both php and vbscript.  If you cannot figure out how to encorporate a variable into your script, even by looking at the variables already in your script...do I really need to say what comes next in this statement?
  15. that looks like vbscript.
  16. Topic inactive for 3 weeks. Unstickying.
  17. [code] <?php   $blah = "Lol [xc] pop [lo]";   preg_match_all("/\[(.*?)\]/i", $blah, $matches);   $arr = $matches[1]; ?> [/code]
  18. select sum(columnname) as blah from table
  19. no. PHP is a server side language.  Everything is parsed on the server and then sent to your browser.  After everything reaches your browser, as far as the server is concerned, you don't exist, and visa versa.  You can send a browser refresh header to the client through php, but that's just php sending a header to your client. It's still done on your computer and has nothing to do with php or the server.  As far as PHP waiting x amount of time and then doing something else...yes, there are ways to make php "pause" (like the sleep function) but again, that just makes php pause in its parsing, but it's kind of the same as when you go to Burger King and ask for a burger and you're waiting for it, and the employee "pauses" to go to the bathroom or something.  He stops making the burger, but you don't get it until he's done going pee, comes back and finishes it and hands it to you (hopefully he washed his hands).
  20. Well the first thing I see that's probably wrong is that in your checkbox element your name and your value is the same. Is that what it's really supposed to be, or do you mean for the checkbox value to be some other piece of data associated with the id? If that's what you are really meaning for it to do, then please further explain why. as far as your query string:  unless your table only has 2 columns and they are in the correct $user, $key order, you must specifically state your column names in your insert: [code] foreach ($_POST as $key => $value ) {   $sql = "insert into user_reports (userid, somecolumn) values ('$key','$value')";   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); } [/code] The $key represents the name of your input element. Since you specified it as $id, that's probably your userid column.  Again, I think you probably meant for the value of your element to be some other piece of data, as it doesn't really make sense to insert the same bit of data (id, id) in 2 seperate columns, so I just named your other column 'somecolumn' in the query, and the $value in the foreach represents whatever data it is supposed to be.
  21. -you definately cannot do that with php. -you might possibly be able to do that with javascript, but I doubt it.  Well, I guess at least one way you could is by having actionscript send a variable out and have javascript look for it, and when it gets it, load a new one.  But that seems like overkill.  -you can do that inside your intro flash. Use some actionscript on the last frame of your intro to load the new flash file. 
  22. No you are right neylitalo, the OP does have permission to delete his/her own thread in the freelance forum.  In fact, a regular member has pretty much full mod rights to his own thread in freelance. As a regular member, you can: -post a topic -lock your topic -remove your topic -edit posts in your topic (even if it's not yours) -delete posts in your topic (even if it's not yours) The only things you cannot do are things like sticky, announce, split, merge, etc.. your own topic. Even though these permissions aren't exactly common knowledge to avg. Joe freelance seeker, most people know they can at the very least edit their post to say it's been filled, and as neylitalo pointed out, most people don't even bother, so there's really no point in bothering to put a [FILLED] style mod there.
  23. On paper it sounds good, but I have a sneaking suspicion that not a whole lot of people are going to bother with it. 
  24. have you tried?
  25. Sounds to me like your datatype is tinyint.  You need to use a numeric data type that accomodates larger numbers. [url=http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/numeric-types.html]mysql numeric types[/url]
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