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Everything posted by xProteuSx

  1. I hope I can make someone understand what the problem is ... its 1 am and I am crashing hard. The whole problem is that this snippet really does not like the <ol type="a"> outside of the 'while' loop. What I am trying to do is, say the array has 4 variables, I would like a., b., c., and d., to appear to the left of the <input type="radio" name="answer" value="' . $value . '"> button(s). Now, I am getting something there, but I am getting 0., 0., 0., and 0. instead of the letters. Please help!!!! Thanks in advance. echo '<center>'; echo '<form action="mark_spec.php">'; echo '<ol type="a">'; while (list($key,$value) = each($answers_array)) { echo '<table width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; echo '<li>'; echo '<font size="-1"> <input type="radio" name="answer" value="' . $value . '"></font>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; echo '<font size="-1">' . $value . '</font>'; echo '</li>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; } echo '</ol>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Check Answer">'; echo '</form>'; echo '</center>';
  2. I hope I can make someone understand what the problem is ... its 1 am and I am crashing hard. The whole problem is that this snippet really does not like the <ol type="a"> outside of the 'while' loop. What I am trying to do is, say the array has 4 variables, I would like a., b., c., and d., to appear to the left of the <input type="radio" name="answer" value="' . $value . '"> button(s). Now, I am getting something there, but I am getting 0., 0., 0., and 0. instead of the letters. Please help!!!! Thanks in advance. echo '<center>'; echo '<form action="mark_spec.php">'; echo '<ol type="a">'; while (list($key,$value) = each($answers_array)) { echo '<table width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; echo '<li>'; echo '<font size="-1"> <input type="radio" name="answer" value="' . $value . '"></font>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top">'; echo '<font size="-1">' . $value . '</font>'; echo '</li>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; } echo '</ol>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Check Answer">'; echo '</form>'; echo '</center>';
  3. I am really new to this whole WYSIWYG idea, and I am trying to find out how to implement it on the numerous forms that I have on my website. The editors that I have come across, so far, have been for single text fields and are much too complex for what I need. Any ideas? I have spent a lot of time searching, and the frustration is starting to get to me. Thanks for all your help.
  4. Thank you guys. I got it to work. Consider this topic SOLVED. However, if you have a minute ... Why is the 'total' alias needed? (as in 'SELECT SUM(users_pagesviewed) as total FROM users'). Why can't it just be 'SELECT SUM(users_pagesviewed) FROM users'?? Just trying to learn the reasoning ... thanks again.
  5. Thanks for your input guys. Northern Flame, I was looking to do something without a loop. It figured that there would be a function which would tally a column. God knows it would be a function used often. So what pocobueno1388 was saying was along the lines of what I expected. I have done the following, pocobueno: $tallypageviews = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(users_pagesviewed) as total FROM users"); echo 'Pages Viewed By All Members: '; echo $tallypageviews; However, the output is: Pages Viewed By All Members: Resource id #14 I'm trying to figure this one out, but help would be appreciated.
  6. I am trying to figure out how to tally the column in a table. I have a table, and for each user there is a value in the 'PagesViewed' column. I would like to add up the page views of all the users in the database. How do I go about doing this? If I use a 'FOR' loop this would take a lot of calculation. Is there an easier way? Thanks in advance.
  7. Right on! That did it. I have yet to learn about 'mysql_fetch_assoc' so that's why I could not figure this out on my own. Thanks very much. This topic is now SOLVED ... speaking of which, wasn't there a 'Solved' button somewhere before??
  8. rhodesa, the code you have given me does not seem to function (even when I put the missing ';' following 'mysql_data_seek($result,$num-1)'. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind. First of all, what does 'if($num)' do? That does not seem like a proper boolean argument to me. Am I missing something? Second, '$last['handle]' comes back blank. I have changed the tablename. My table is entitled 'users' and I am looking to get the value of the 'handle' column for the last row. I have it as ... <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY 'id'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); if($num){ mysql_data_seek($result,$num-1) $last = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo 'The last registered member is: ' . $last['handle']; } ?>
  9. Caesar, thanks for you input. I will try this out soon, and I will get back to you about whether it works. Thanks a bunch.
  10. So, if $numberofrows is the number of rows in a table I can get the data as follows?? $specificresult = mysql_query(mysql_data_seek($numberofrows)) or die (mysql_error()); I have never used this function before, and the official manual is confusing the crap out of me.
  11. I understand what you are saying, but the problem is that the IP's do not start with only 24. They start with a whole whack of different numbers. I could write a huge series of IF statments, but that would be very harsh on the server, right? I mean, it would have a branching effect and would result in hundreds, if not thousands, of IF statements. I'm wondering if there isn't a way to load the numbers into an array and just run it through a single loop. Know what I mean?
  12. I am writing a PHP script that determines the number of rows in a mysql table, then goes to the last row and retrieves data from that row. I have written a script which determines the number or rows, but how do I get it to read data from the last row specifically?
  13. Here is a sample section of the file: It goes on and on, but it looks like this ... hope that helps.
  14. I am writing a small snippet which displays a particular HTML table but only if the IP is a Canadian one. I have downloaded a file with Canadian IP ranges from http://www.ipaddresslocation.org/ip_ranges/get_ranges.php and I am trying to figure out what the easiest way to run the script is, without causing the PHP server to crap out. I don't know how hard it is for a server to run an IF statement that includes so many 'variables'. Any ideas? Would it be best to do this as an array? If so, how do I go about doing it? Thanks in advance guys!
  15. I will try this out when I get the chance. Thanks. I assume it will work.
  16. Are you trying to write to a table, or are you trying to read from a table? The SELECT option is used to read from a table. If you answer this question, someone will be able to help you.
  17. Is there a way to do the following: Have a link on page1.php that sends a variable to page page2.php which then modifies a DB then automatically goes back to page1.php? I have a small table that requests info from a DB and I want to provide a button that will go to a page with a small script that updates the DB then reloads the original page with the updated table. Is this possible without pausing at page2.php?
  18. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Site and make sure the two boxes named 'Prompt on get/check out' and 'Prompt on put/check in' are NOT checked.
  19. Effigy and Fenway. Thanks for your help. I am just amidst finding out, from my host, if there have been any updates to MySQL. I am starting to lean to that direction. Thanks again.
  20. Effigy ... lol ... I'll try to take in some deep and consistent breaths. Being that I am very new to all this, but have been hacked a few times before, I am very uncomfortable with the idea of the appearance of mysterious files and/or databases. I do see that it is on the official MySQL site, and it doesn't sound threatening, but why does it pop up now? Did I trigger it, or is it an automated thing? Usually, if something on a website changes, I assume that someone made it change. And since it wasn't me ... (or at least I don't think it was). Thanks for you help. I love these boards.
  21. I'm sorry Effigy, I can't figure out what this is. Can you please take a minute to spell this out for my in layman's terms? I really don't know what I am into here. Have I been hacked? If so, what is this hack capable of doing? Can I get a tool to scan my site so that I can find the hole in my security? I really cannot have this happen again. I have worked really hard to write the code for my site. I would be devastated if it was destroyed.
  22. I have been gone for about 3 weeks and upon coming back I have discovered that there is now a 'mystery' database on my website. It is entitled 'information schema' and contains 17 tables. Does anyone know what the hell this is, and what it does? What can I do to prevent it?
  23. Agentsteal, or anyone else who can help: How do I go about eliminating these 'Array' problems? Array: http://www.mcatzone.com/mark_rand.php?a20[] Array: http://www.mcatzone.com/mark_spec.php?answer[] Kudos.
  24. For those who are following this thread ... If you can't get this to work: if (!ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,12}$", $string) { echo 'You have entered an invalid character, or your sting is not 4-12 characters long.'; } This should fix it: if (!ereg("^([a-zA-Z0-9]){4,12}$", $string) { echo 'You have entered an invalid character, or your sting is not 4-12 characters long.'; } That's just something that I found. I had the first snippet work on one page, but not on another. I did not take the time to figure out why, because this second snippet was the fix and I'm short on time.
  25. Also, I with this string, does it accept upper case characters? if (!eregi("^[a-z0-9]{4,12}4", $string)) or do I have to do this: if (!eregi("^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,12}4", $string)) ??
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