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Everything posted by Mattyspatty

  1. i didnt exaplin properly... $mxservers[$i] becomes an int, string or whatever type $pref is, this then means that $mxservers[$i]->host does not exist as it is not an object.
  2. people dont like to do code for you. function rname($dirpath,$oldFileName,$newFilename) that is a step in the right direction, its just a case of renaming variables to work with the functions input. if you have a try but have errors or cannot seem to get it working correctly then post again and people will take a look
  3. you need to name your check boxes like an array. <input name="fave[A]" type="checkbox" value="true"> <input name="fave[b]" type="checkbox" value="true"> <input name="fave[C]" type="checkbox" value="true"> for the POST you should use a foreach to read through each submitted value if(isset($_POST['fave'])) { foreach($_POST['fave'] as $id=>$value) { echo $id."<br/>"; } } if i checked box A and box C then i would get the output A = true B = true where A is the index array and true is the value of the checkbox (in your case, $page) hope this helps. let me know if i misunderstood your question or need more help
  4. while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result) missed a second ) and reguarding to the original problem, this should have your desired effect <?php $i=0; echo '<table>'; while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if($i==0) echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'; // do rest of column echo '</td>'; if($i==2) { echo '</tr>'; $i=0; } else { $i++ } } echo '<table>'; ?>
  5. this is an error of trying to assign a property of an object that does not exist (as the error suggests) assuming the error is on this page (without page name and line numbers its hard to tell). $mxservers[$i] = $pref; $mxservers[$i]->host = $host; this is the probably problem, because $pref is not an object/class and $mxservers will become the same type as $pref. (string, int etc.) perhaps you intended this: $mxservers[$i]->pref = $pref; $mxservers[$i]->host = $host;
  6. $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phaos_users UID='$userid'") you missed a WHERE
  7. let me clarify, you want a table something like this: RES_1 RES_2 RES_3 RES_4 RES_5 RES_6 where RES_* is a new row from the database?
  8. you can run an SQL query that should achieve all that for you using http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html. its been a while since ive used it so try asking in the MySQL forums.
  9. oh sorry i slightly misunderstood your question. i think the simplest way is to just use the if statements.
  10. try <input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo $_POST['username'];?>"> if username is not set then it will be an empty text box
  11. also consider using this function http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php
  12. what exactly is the problem? ***EDIT*** was only showing the qoute :/
  13. the "Oops page not found" error means that your page does not exist in the place your looking for it (perhaps a spelling mistake?) check your pages are in the correct place and spelt correctly
  14. if you are using an array in the form (headquaters[]) then look into using foreach to retrieve all of the values.
  15. its something to do with the characterset of your browser. i think you can resolve it by using the HTML code for it. try £ or &pound
  16. i think i may see what your problem is, but im not certain. what errors are you getting? and can you paste the code for the check boxes
  17. this piece of code will create a checkbox, $checked is either NULL or the word 'checked' which will cause the checkbox to be checked when the page is loaded shouldnt be too difficult for you to alter it. <?php if($row['checked']==1) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } echo "<input name=\"image[$row['img]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"true\" $checked >" ?>
  18. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `money` FROM `members` WHERE `username`='$username'"); $new = $sql - 5000; $update = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET money='$new' WHERE username='$username'"); $sql will be a resourceid. you need to do a mysql_fetch_array or mysql_fetch_rows first to get the actual value of money
  19. you can do all that with 1 SQL query. SELECT * FROM table_Group WHERE (ID=1 OR ID=2) AND (val=1 OR val=3)
  20. do you have the code for music.php?
  21. what exactly isnt working about it? does it fetch no rows? does it return an error?
  22. i dont know if there is a way to update exactly when a new message is sent, however you should be able to use ajax to update the textarea every X seconds. try posting in the ajax forum
  23. yay! that works, must be the different PHP or MySQL version or something on the new server. thanks Ray
  24. my friend has created this query $res = mysql_query( "SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`admin`, `users`.`exp`, `characters`.*, `villages`.`element`,`villages`.`explore`, `villages`.`village` AS `villagename`, `fight_styles`.`name` AS `fightstyle`, `bloodlines`.`name` AS `bloodline` FROM `users` INNER JOIN `characters`, `villages`, `fight_styles`, `bloodlines` ON (`users`.`username` = `characters`.`username`) AND (`villages`.`ID` = `characters`.`village`) AND (`fight_styles`.`ID` = `characters`.`fight`) AND (`bloodlines`.`ID` = `characters`.`blood`) WHERE `users`.`username` = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' LIMIT 1" ) or die(mysql_error()); he is having some problems working out why it no lnoger works after transferring to a new server. we have checked the database but keep getting this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' `villages`, `fight_styles`, `bloodlines` ON (`users`.`username` ' at line 5 does anyone know what could be a possible cause?
  25. [quote=mattyspatty]the user visits a page, they have cookie data and i want the image to be able to read the cookie data[/quote] the image is generated on counter.php. and the page image.php shows the image (yes i realise that i should have done it the other way round now!) i want the image on counter.php to be able to collect the cookie info from image.php
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