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Posts posted by chriscloyd

  1. I do not know whats going on.  I have tried two different methods of validating and email and it keeps saying invalid email

    I have even tried to debug it by putting errors and nothing

    i have tried

    preg_match("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$^", $e)


    fliter_var($e, FLITER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);


    the email i am trying to debug is a valid one.  its one I use daily.  I have tried different emails and still no luck.... someone help me please!

  2. I am trying to make a presentation generator, using information from my database;

    my str_replace is not working please help....

    here is my code

    $Sql = "SELECT * FROM csm_players WHERE uid = '{$this->Uid}'";
    	$Query = mysql_query($Sql);
    	$Style = $this->UserInfo['playerstyle'];
    	while ($p = mysql_fetch_assoc($Query)) {
    		$name = explode(" ",$p['name']);
    		$PlayerName = (strpbrk($Style, '{FIRSTNAME}') ? str_replace("{FIRSTNAME}",$name[0],$Style) : "");
    		$PlayerName1 = (strpbrk($Style, '{LASTTNAME}') ? str_replace("{LASTTNAME}",$name[1],$PlayerName) : "");
    		$PlayerName2 = (strpbrk($Style, '{NICKNAME}') ? str_replace("{NICKNAME}",$p['nickname'],$PlayerName1) : "");
    		if ($p['cl'] == 1) {
    			if ($this->UserInfo['clba'] == 1) {
    				$Show .= "<div>{$this->UserInfo['clstyle']} {$PlayerName}</div>";
    			} else {
    				$Show .= "<div>{$PlayerName} {$this->UserInfo['clstyle']}</div>";
    		} else {
    			$Show .= "<div>{$PlayerName}</div>";
    	//$Show .= "Error";
    	return $Show;


    this is what its returning

    Shelton "{NICKNAME}" {LASTNAME} [CL]

    Lindsey "{NICKNAME}" {LASTNAME}



    Hunter "{NICKNAME}" {LASTNAME}


    if i take out the firstname search then it find the nickname and if i take out the nickname and the first it shows the last one.... what do i do?

    i have tried to put them in an array and do a foreach with keys and val but that doesnt work either im at a standstill.  it works for my other script but not for this...

  3. I guess, I am lost at what you are asking or helping with.  I am trying to always show 5 Results.  When I am on page one it will only show [1] 2 3 when I am on page 6 it will only show 4 5 [6].  So I guess I must just be completely confused or what.

  4. I am trying to do my own pagination script to better learn php i do need some help.. First let me explain my goal, then show you the code I have which is not working.

    I have 5 blogs per page;

    I have at least 30 blogs in the database for testing purpose;

    I want the pagination to go as shown

    if you are first viewing the blog no page selected it will show [1] 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page

    if you for example choose page three it will show 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... Last Page

    Now what is happening when you click on page 5 or 6 it does First Page... 4 5 [6]

    When I would like it to show First Page... 2 3 4 5 [6] or 2 3 4 [5] 6

    here is my code

    	//if current page != 1 show first page link
    	$Show .= ($this->CurPage != 1 ? "<a href=\"?module=blog&page=1\">First Page</a>... " : "");
    	//We need the number of start for the for statement
    	//We need to check if the number of pages excedes three if it does then make the start minus 2 of the current page
    	$Start = (($this->CurPage - 2) >= 1 ? $this->CurPage - 2 : 1);
    	//We need the end page for the for statement
    	$End = (($this->CurPage + 2) <= $this->NumOfPages ? $this->CurPage + 2 : $this->NumOfPages);
    	//Run End Again to make sure
    	$NewEnd = ($End <= 3 && $this->NumOfPages > 5 ? $End + 2 : $End);
    	//Run Start again to make sure
    	$NewStart = ($this->CurPage >= ($this->NumOfPages - 2) ? $Start - 2 : $Start);
    	for ($i = $NewStart; $i <= $NewEnd; $i++) {
    		$Show .= ($i == $this->CurPage ? "<a href=\"?module=blog&page={$i}\"><strong>[{$i}]</strong></a> " :"<a href=\"?module=blog&page={$i}\">{$i}</a> " );
    	//If More than one page and you are not on the last page
    	$Show .= ($this->CurPage != $this->NumOfPages && $this->NumOfPages > 1  ? " ...<a href=\"?module=blog&page={$this->NumOfPages}\">Last Page</a>" : "");
    	return $Show;

  5. try

    //get sql
    $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id = '{$id}'";
    //run query
    $Query = mysql_query($Sql);
    //allowed ext
    $allowed_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif');
    //input array)
    $input_array = array();
    $info = mysql_fetch_array($Query);
    //now start the form
    $Form = "<form name=\"insert_table\" id=\"insert_table\" action=\"ad_add.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
    <legend> Table Information </legend>
    <input name=\"table\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$table}\">";
    //run foreach lop now
    foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    $header = str_replace("_"," ",$key);
    $Form .= ($key == 'image' ? "<p>{$header}: <input name=\"{$key}\" id=\"{$key}\" type=\"file\" /></p>" : "<p>{$header}: <input name=\"{$key}\" id=\"{$key}\" type=\"text\" value=\"{$val}\" /></p>" );
    $Form .= "<p>
    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_mod\" id=\"submit_mod\" />
    echo $Form;

  6. Here you go

    //get sql
    $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id = '{$id}'";
    //run query
    $Query = mysql_query($Sql);
    //allowed ext
    $allowed_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif');
    //input array)
    $input_array = array();
    $info = mysql_fetch_array($Query);
    foreach ($info as $val) {
    $input_array[] = $val;
    //now start the form
    $Form = "<form name=\"insert_table\" id=\"insert_table\" action=\"ad_add.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
    <legend> Table Information </legend>
    <input name=\"table\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$table}\">";
    //run foreach lop now
    foreach ($input_array as $key => $val) {
    $header = str_replace("_"," ",$key);
    $Form .= ($key == 'image' ? "<p>{$header}: <input name=\"{$key}\" id=\"{$key}\" type=\"file\" /></p>" : "<p>{$header}: <input name=\"{$key}\" id=\"{$key}\" type=\"text\" value=\"{$val}\" /></p>" );
    $Form .= "<p>
    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_mod\" id=\"submit_mod\" />
    echo $Form;

  7. There are a couple things I was not clear about like how are you getting your level and validating the information.... Are you going through a database If you are let me know and I can tweak the code I just did for you if not hopefully you can tweak it the way you need.

    //First off let me state you should not make yours errors say that the username does not exist
    //I Would just say Incorrect Username/Password
    //Create Error Array 
    $LErrors = array();
    //Create Array With User Info
    $UserInfo = array(
    "Username" => $_GET['username'],
    "Password" => $_GET['password']
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    foreach ($UserInfo as $key => $val) {
    	$val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
    	if ($key == "Password") {
    		//encrypt your password if you like
    		//I like to use hash
    		//${$key} = hash("SHA256",$val);
    	if ($val == '') {
    		$LErrors[] = "{$key}: is not allowed to be empty!"
    	} else {
    		${$key} = $val;
    //check if there are errors
    if (empty($LErrors)) {
    	//check if user information is correct
    	if ($Username == $dbusername && $Password == $dbpassword) {
    		//check if user is an admin
    		$_SESSION['Username'] = $Username;
    		if ($admin != 0) {
    			$_SESSION['Level'] = "ADMIN";
    			header("Location: admin.php");
    		header("Location: index.php"); 
    	} else {
    		$LErrors[] = "Incorrect Username/Password!";
    } else {
    	foreach ($LErrors as $val) {
    		echo "<li>{$val}</li>";
    	echo "<div id=\"div-Login\">
    	<form action=\"\"  method=\"post\" target=\"loginerror\">
    	<center><h2>Login Here</h2> <p>
    	Username:  <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"><p>
    	Password:  <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><p>
    	<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Login\">
    	<a href=\"register.html\"><pre>need to register? Click Here!</pre></a>
    } else {
    echo "<div id=\"div-Login\">
    <form action=\"\"  method=\"post\" target=\"loginerror\">
    <center><h2>Login Here</h2> <p>
    Username:  <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"><p>
    Password:  <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><p>
    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Login\">
    <a href=\"register.html\"><pre>need to register? Click Here!</pre></a>

  8. just an attempt

    //start out with your session
    //config file
    include 'connect.php';
    //header file 
    include 'header.php';
    //set two arrays one for info and one for errors
    $info = array(
    "username" => $_POST['username'],
    "password" => $_POST['password']
    $errors = array();
    foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    if ($key == 'password') {
    	$val = md5($val);
    $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
    if ($val == '') {
    	$errors[] = "The {$key} field must not be empty";
    //now check if the errors is empty
    if(empty($errors)) {
    $sql = "SELECT `userid`,`username`,`userlevel` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '{$info['username']}' AND `password` = {$info['password']}'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if(!$result) {
    	//something went wrong, display the error
    	echo 'Something went wrong while signing in. Please try again later.';
    	//echo mysql_error(); //debugging purposes, uncomment when needed
    } else {
    	//the query was successfully executed, there are 2 possibilities
    	//1. the query returned data, the user can be signed in
    	//2. the query returned an empty result set, the credentials were wrong
    	if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
    		echo 'You have supplied a wrong user/password combination. Please try again.';
    	} else {
    		//set the $_SESSION['signed_in'] variable to TRUE
    		$_SESSION['signed_in'] = true;
    		//we also put the user_id and user_name values in the $_SESSION, so we can use it at various pages
    		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    			$_SESSION['userid']    = $row['userid'];
    			$_SESSION['username']    = $row['username'];
    			$_SESSION['userlevel'] = $row['userlevel'];
    		echo 'Welcome, ' . $_SESSION['username'] . '. <br /><a href="index.php">Proceed to the forum overview</a>.';
    } else {
    echo 'Uh-oh.. a couple of fields are not filled in correctly..<br /><br />';
        echo '<ul>';
    foreach($errors as $value) { /* walk through the array so all the errors get displayed */
    	echo "<li>{$value}</li>"; /* this generates a nice error list */
    echo '</ul>';
    include 'footer.php';

  9. you use a database?  You can set up a table for Votes

    say your link is mydomain.com/?vote=id

    on the page that actually does the voting create a script to insert the vote for example

    //clean id 
    $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
    //check if it has been voted on already
    $Check = "SELECT * FROM Votes WHERE id = '$id}'";
    $Query = mysql_query($Check);
    if ($Query) {
    $Update = "UPDATE Votes SET votes = votes + 1 WHERE id = '{$id}'";
    } else {
    $Insert = "INSERT INTO Votes (`id`,`votes`) VALUES ('{$id}','1')";

  10. you can put the questions you pull from your db into an array and have a class function or just a function make a form from the array like I did, so I dont have to keep typing out inputs. Example

            function CreateForm($title,$action,$method,$info) {
    	$form = "<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"{$method}\" name=\"{$title}\">";
    	foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    		//check for submit key
    		if ($val[0] == 'submit') {
    			$form .= "<input type=\"{$val[0]}\" name=\"{$val[0]}\" value=\"{$val[1]}\"></div>";
    		} elseif ($val[0] == 'hidden') {
    			$form .= "<div class=\"FormLine\"><input type=\"{$val[0]}\" name=\"{$val[1]}\" value=\"{$val[1]}\">";
    		} else {
    			//first check if title is update
    			if ($title == "Update") {
    				//now we can echo their info into the values
    				$form .= "<div class=\"FormLine\"><input type=\"{$val[0]}\" name=\"{$val[1]}\" value=\"{$val[2]}\" ";
    				$form .= "onfocus=\"if (this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"";
    				$form .= "onblur=\"if (this.value=='') this.value = this.defaultValue\" />";
    				$form .= "</div>";
    			} else {
    				$form .= "<div class=\"FormLine\"><input type=\"{$val[0]}\" name=\"{$val[1]}\" value=\"{$key}\" ";
    				$form .= "onfocus=\"if (this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\" ";
    				$form .= "onblur=\"if (this.value=='') this.value = this.defaultValue\" />";
    				$form .= "</div>";
    	$form .= "</form>";
    	return $form;
            $Larray = array (
    	"Username" => array("text","LoginUsername"),
    	"Password" => array("password","LoginPassword"),
    	"Hidden" => array("hidden","SecureHidden"),
    	"Login" => array("submit","Login"),
    $CreateForm = CreateForm("Login","{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}","post",$Larray);
    echo $CreateForm;

  11. Okay I made some updates to my LoginUser function

    I can login but it still wont show any errors here is my code for that part

    class Actions extends Database {
    public $Uid;
    //Login Vars
    private $Username;
    private $Password;
    //Errors Array
    private $Errors = array();
    //get errors
    public function ReturnErrors($var) {
    	//get key from var
    	return $this->Errors[$var];
    //Login User
    public function LoginUser($info, $admin = NULL) {
    	$LErrors = array();
    	foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    		$this->{$key} = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
    		if ($val == '') {
    			$LErrors[] = "{$key}: can no be left blank.";
    	if (!empty($LErrors)) {
    		$this->Errors["Login"] = $LErrors;
    		return false;
    	$this->Password = $this->EncryptPass($this->Password);
    	$Check = $this->select("users","`id`","username = '{$this->Username}' AND password = '{$this->Password}'");
    	if ($Check) {
    		$Result = $this->getResult();
    		$id = $Result[id];
    		$this->Uid = $id;
    		return true;
    	} else {
    		$LErrors[] = "Invalid Credentials!";
    		$this->Errors["Login"] = $LErrors;
    		return false;

  12. Okay, I am having trouble.  My script is not echoing the errors on the page/nor logging me in.  If I check the browser source code it shows the error.

    here are my pages please help this is stupid ha


    if($_POST['submit']) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['SecureUid'])) {
    echo "Welcome Member!";
    } else {
    echo $_SESSION['SecureUid'];
    $Larray = array (
    	"Username" => array("text","LoginUsername"),
    	"Password" => array("password","LoginPassword"),
    	"Hidden" => array("hidden","SecureHidden"),
    	"Login" => array("submit","Login"),
    if ($LoginErrors) {
    	foreach ($LoginErrors as $val) {
    		echo "{$val}<br />";
    $CreateForm = $Site->CreateForm("Login","{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}","post",$Larray);
    echo $CreateForm;


    ini_set( "display_errors", true );
    date_default_timezone_set( "America/Phoenix" );
    define( "CLASS_PATH", "includes/classes" );
    //define( "TEMPLATE_PATH", "templates" );
    define( "HOMEPAGE_NUM_ARTICLES", 5 );
    function handleException( $exception ) {
      echo "Sorry, a problem occurred. Please try later.";
      error_log( $exception->getMessage() );
    set_exception_handler( 'handleException' );
    $Site = new Actions;


    //log user in
    if ($_POST['SecureHidden']) {
    $Login = $Site->LoginUser(array("Username" => $_POST['LoginUsername'], "Password" => $_POST['LoginPassword']));
    if ($Login) {
    	$_SESSION['SecureUid'] = $Site->Uid;
    	$_SESSION['SecureLevel'] = $Site->getLevel($Site->Uid);
    } else {
    	$LoginErrors = $Site->ReturnErrors("Login");


    class Actions extends Database {
    public $Uid;
    //Login Vars
    private $Username;
    private $Password;
    //Errors Array
    private $Errors = array();
    public function LoginUser($info, $admin = NULL) {
    	foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    		$this->{$key} = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
    	$this->Password = $this->EncryptPass($this->Password);
    	if ($this->Username == '' || $this->Password == '') {
    		$this->Errors["Login"] = array('Invalid Credentials!');
    		return false;
    	$Check = $this->select("users","`id`","username = '{$this->Username}' AND password = '{$this->Password}'");
    	if ($Check) {
    		$Result = $this->getResult();
    		$id = $Result[id];
    		$this->Uid = $id;
    		return true;
    	} else {
    		$this->Errors["Login"] = array('Invalid Credentials!');
    		return false;

  13. try this code, run it

    if there are any errors let us know

    include 'connection.php';
    if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    	$query = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE id = $_GET[id]";
    	$result = mysql_query($query);
    	$news   = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    	$title = $_POST['title'];
    	$body  = $_POST['body'];
    <h1>Edit Article</h1>
    <form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
    Title:<input type="text" name="title" value="<?=$news['title'];?>" /><br />
        Article:<textarea cols="35" rows="6" name="body"><?=$news['body'];?></textarea>
        <br />
        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$_GET['id'];?>" />
    <input type="image" src="/images/news/modify.png" name="submit" />
    <a href="admin.php"><img src="/images/news/cancel.png" border="0" /></a>
    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    	$title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[title]);
    	$body = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[body]);
    	$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[id]);
    	$update = "UPDATE news SET `title`='{$title}',`body`='{$body}' WHERE id='{$id}'" or die(mysql_error());
    	mysql_query($update) or die(mysql_error());	
    	echo "The news article has been Modified!";
    	header('Location: /News/admin.php');

  14. You could use PHP's array_walk_recursive.


    $array = array() // sql data in here
    $types = array('advertisement' => 0, 'friend' => 0, 'other' => 0);
    function processArray($value, $key)
    if ($value == 'bla') {
    } elseif ($value == 'blabla') {
    } else {
    array_walk_recursive($array, 'processArray');


    Probably the easiest way is what TimeBomb suggested, but here is another look at it

    $array = Array (
        0 => Array
                'media' => 'friend'
        1 => Array
                'media' => 'friend'
        2 => Array
                'media' => 'friend'
        3 => Array
                'media' => 'Coming Over From Old Site'
    $second = array();
    foreach ($array as $val) {
    foreach ($val as $nval) {
    	$second[] = $nval;

  15. if your fields in the table are the same you can do this

    //include config file
    $old_table = "";
    $new_table = "";
    //get info from link like the id
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    //setup sql
    $Sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$old_table}` WHERE `id` = '{$id}'";
    $Query = mysql_query($Sql);
    if ($Query){
    $info = mysql_fetch_array($Query);
    //set arrays for fields and values
    $fields = array();
    $values = array();
    foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
    $fields[] = "`{$key}`";
    $values[] = "'{$val}'";
    //join fields to act as one string but seperated by ,
    $nFields = join(",", $fields);
    $nValues = join(",", $values);
    //create sql
    $Copy = "INSERT INTO `{$new_table}` ({$nFields}) VALUES ({$nValues})";
    $Create = mysql_query($Copy);
    if ($Create) {
    //delete old row
    $Delete = "DELETE FROM `{$old_table}` WHERE id = '{$id}'";
    $Run = mysql_query($Delete);
    } else {
    //dont delete do something

  16. what if he does not have a class

    //include your config file to connect to db
    //get id or name or how ever you set ur where statement
    //for example ill do a session
    $id = $_SESSION['MySiteUserId'];
    $Sql = "SELECT `gender` FROM `Users` WHERE `id` = '{$id}'";
    $Query = mysql_query($Sql);
    if ($Query) {
         $info = mysql_fetch_array($Query);
         $gender = $info['gender'];
    //set array for dropdown
    $DropDown = array (
    echo "<select name=\"gender\">";
    foreach ($DropDown as $val) {
         if ($val == $gender) {
              echo "<option value=\"{$val}\" selected>{$val}</option>";
         } else {
              echo "<option value=\"{$val}\">{$val}</option>";
    echo "</select>";

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