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Everything posted by chriscloyd

  1. well you cant do the BR but you can add other lines
  2. Yes you can i just did it haha
  3. ya i think i am so how do i get out haha i update my script and it schedules it but it still comes up with the error class scheduler <?php class scheduler { var $week; var $max_teams; function scheduler() { global $Settings; $get_all = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams"); $this->max_teams = mysql_num_rows($get_all); if ($Settings->week == 'Not Started') { $this->week = 1; } else { $this->week = $Settings->week; } } function CheckTeams($team1,$team2) { //check if the two teams have played at all //this season if ($team1 == $team2) { return false; } if ($this->checkPlay($team1,$team2)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function checkTeam ($team) { $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matches WHERE team1 = '".$team."' OR team2 = '".$team."' AND week = '".$this->week."'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($num > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } function checkPlay ($team1,$team2) { $week = $this->week; $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matches WHERE team1 = '".$team1."' AND team2 = '".$team2."' OR team1 = '".$team2."' AND team2 = '".$team1."'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($num > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } function createMatch ($team1,$team2) { $week = $this->week; $create = mysql_query("INSERT INTO matches (`team1`, `team2`, `week`) VALUES ('$team1','$team2', '$week')"); if ($create) { return true; } else { return false; } } } ?> the index page to schedule and show results <?PHP session_start(); mysql_connect('localhost',******,******); mysql_select_db(******); include("classes/settings.php"); include("classes/scheduler.php"); $Scheduler = new scheduler; //set arrarys $available = array(); $playing = array(); //get all teams first and set them in available array $get_all = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams"); $max_teams = mysql_num_rows($get_all); $i = 1; $rand_team = rand(1,$max_teams); while($team = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_all)) { $available[$i] = $team['teamname']; $i++; } // end getting all teams for ($i = 1; $i < $Scheduler->max_teams; $i++) { //get the two teams $get_team1 = rand(1,$Scheduler->max_teams); $get_team2 = rand(1,$Scheduler->max_teams); $team1 = $available[$get_team1]; $team2 = $available[$get_team2]; if ($Scheduler->checkTeam($team1)) { if ($Scheduler->checkTeam($team2)) { if ($Scheduler->CheckTeams($team1,$team2)) { if ($Scheduler->createMatch($team1,$team2)) { echo 'Scheduled '.$team1.' to play '.$team2.' in week '.$Scheduler->week.'<br />'; ; } else { $i--; } } else { $i--; } } else { $i--; } } else { $i--; } } ?>
  4. you could do $string .= '<br /> Heres the other text';
  5. Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/lolleagu/public_html/test.php on line 32
  6. Oh I do have the array set its above the part of the bot script i forgot to add it its $available = array();
  7. Need help the page doesnt do anything, if anyone could guide me in helping me make this work and more efficient I am making a weekley scheduler if the team have either played this week dont schedule or if the two teams have played each other in previous weeks dont schedule them together here is my scheduler class <?php class scheduler { var $week; var $max_teams; function scheduler() { global $Settings; $get_all = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams"); $this->max_teams = mysql_num_rows($get_all); if ($Settings->week == 'Not Started') { $this->week = 1; } else { $this->week = $Settings->week; } } function CheckTeams($team1,$team2) { //check if the two teams have played at all //this season if ($this->checkPlay($team1,$team2)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function checkPlay ($team1,$team2) { $week = $this->week; $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matches WHERE team1 = '".$team1."' AND team2 = '".$team2."' OR team1 = '".$team2."' AND team2 = '".$team1."'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($num > 0) { return false; } else { $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matches WHERE `team1` = '".$team1."' OR `team2` = '".$team1."' AND `week` = '".$week."' "); $nums = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($nums > 0) { return false; } else { $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matches WHERE `team1` = '".$team2."' OR `team2` = '".$team2."' AND `week` = '".$week."' "); $nums = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($nums > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } function createMatch ($team1,$team2) { $create = mysql_query("INSERT INTO matches (`team1`, `team2`) VALUES ('$team1','$team2')"); if ($create) { return true; } else { return false; } } } ?> here is my other script <?php //get all teams first and set them in available array $get_all = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams"); $max_teams = mysql_num_rows($get_all); $i = 1; $rand_team = rand(1,$max_teams); while($team = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_all)) { $available[$i] = $team['teamname']; $i++; } // end getting all teams for ($i = 1; $i < $Scheduler->max_teams; $i++) { //get the two teams $get_team1 = rand(1,$Scheduler->max_teams); $get_team2 = rand(1,$Scheduler->max_teams); $team1 = $available[$get_team1]; $team2 = $available[$get_team2]; if ($Scheduler->CheckTeams($team1,$team2)) { if ($Scheduler->createMatch($team1,$team2)) { echo 'Scheduled '.$team1.' to play '.$team2.' in week '.$Scheduler->week.'<br />'; } }else { $i--; } } ?>
  8. I have coded my forums and they work well, but now I need some help. I am trying to do the sorta thing that most forums do. When you leave and come back to the forums it shows you which forums or posts have been updated or added by a new color image. Can someone lead me in the way to do it and I can code it out from there. I just cant logically get how it works.
  9. i have a script im working on to make a schedule i have it go into the database to see if its matched up with the team that the random generator picked if it is the function is returned false how can i rerun that function till it gets one that hasnt been used
  10. you want it to be divided by two or what?
  11. Well I have this script and the name one is working but the email one isnt working can someone help me window.onload = initpage; function initpage () { document.getElementById("name").onblur = checkname; document.getElementById("nlemail").onblur = checknlemail; } function checkname() { var name = document.getElementById("name").value; if (name == '') { document.getElementById("name_hidden").innerHTML = 'Please enter your name.'; } else { document.getElementById("name_hidden").innerHTML = ''; } } function checknlemail() { var email = document.getElementById("nlemail").value; document.getElementById("email_hidden").innerHTML = 'TEST'; } that was my ajax now my html is <form id="newsletter" name="newsletter" method="post" action=""> <input name="nlemail" type="text" id="nlemail" value="Email" /> <div id="email_hidden"></div> <input name="name" type="text" id="name" /> <div id="name_hidden"></div> </form>
  12. nope thats all the code and when i run the page nothing at all shows up doesnt go into my database i have been coding for a long time hahah and this has never happened to me
  13. no error at all AT ALL and error reporting is on
  14. well u want to query all your users <?php //mysql connect info should be added $get_users = mysql_query("GET * FROM users") while ($users = mysql_fetch_array($get_users)) { $subject = "new post in [forum name]"; $to = $user['email']; $message = 'new post check it out blah blah blah'; mail ('$to','$subject','$message'); }
  15. i have this code below and nothing shows up not even the else statements <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","**********","**********") or die(mysql_error()); if ($connect) { $select = mysql_select_db("site") or die(mysql_error()); if ($select) { $test = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `site`.`quotes` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `phone`, `type`, `budget`, `start`, `info`, `ip`, `time`) VALUES (NULL, \'1\', \'1\', \'1\', \'1\', \'1\', \'1\', \'1\', \'1\', \'1\')" or die(mysql_error()); if($test) { echo 'yes'; } else { echo 'no'; } } else { echo "couldnt find db"; } } else { echo "couldnt find server"; } ?>
  16. i need help with java script to make these tags work so i dont have to reload the page each time please help http://mocklcp.200u.com/senior.php
  17. I mean popup right where the mouse is
  18. how do you click and make a box pop up
  19. im trying to make it when u click in just a normal div box it will pop up a menu where u click can anyone help me please explain it to me?
  20. my banner is coming down 12px in Ie and then in firefox its good can someone help me i can show u the code what not heres to see for ur self http://mocklcp.200u.com/
  21. i have no width declaration
  22. weird i do and it works perfectly haha
  23. can u show me the html code really quick for the links for example you can do this depending where ur link is <div id="menu"><a href="#">Link Here</a></div> css #menu a { background-color:blue; display:block; padding:5px; } #menu a:hover { background-color:white; display:block; padding:5px; }
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