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Everything posted by redarrow

  1. every think you just said shows my your programming knowledge in secure programming sorry... nothing is as secure as your making out, but can be done read my below post please...
  2. sorry if you think i am insulting you as a programmer, all i am saying is your idea is not safe and it will cause future problems. your idea can be created, and your probably use the pay pal php encrypt code, to hide your privet info, that over's are not suppose to see, but i don't vouch you wont get hacked or your account closed. Maybe you can add a link that says [Add Funds] with the amount there getting, Tell the user who pressing the add funds button, they agree with your terms and conditions and then use mysql/php to add a entry in the database that the user agreed with, the terms and conditions off adding funds via that link. backwards programming but it will work....
  3. If you got to pay people loads off money in a bulk payment, then use a decent payment gateway then. why are you trying to stress pay pal out for? pay pal probly a bad idea anyway .. example has all the people got a pay pal account? probably not, use a Private and proper gate way and create your code..... It 100% ilegal to let over users have any information that relates to your account to pay them money i promise you.
  4. Your idea is a infringement to your ability as a php programmer, and your heading down the route of in secure programming that all. continue and create your code, no one will no will they, until your account is empty. like said years ago by a decent programmer ... There plenty of ways to do some think, but there millions of ways to program it wrong.
  5. Natasha write out examples in sentences with the added problems cheers..
  6. If you don't like what has been said, then go to the pay pal web site the link was provided below,ask them they invented it, and there good over there used them for years....
  7. is this doing it? function get_ipaddress() { if (! empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $direct_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { $direct_ip = ''; }
  8. You can setup a code/script that enables emails to be sent via pay pal , that enables the person to get the money on request. that nearest your get... There have to press a link in the email and collect the money theo, amd have a paypal account.
  9. You no your not really allowed to do this, under the terms and conditions off pay pal. no one is allowed to setup a web site or script, that enables a person to send money to a person's account, and use your account via pay pal info in a form, buy pressing a button they get money from you. This is a security infringement. it like owning a bank, and asking customers , to go behind the counter and help there self, and kindly write down what they took. (( that the way a hacker see it, Got to be very care full, there a chance some body will change the info in the paypal form or code, and top up there account with any amount off money. Be warned ..... There thousands of reasons why you send them money and dont allow them to press buttons to get your money.
  10. I can not help then you don't use LIKE have you tried echoing this out yet ? $query = "SELECT * FROM vaxtlista WHERE farg='$farg' AND typ='$typ' ORDER BY vetenskapligt"; do all variables match correctly......
  11. This will teach you to create a forum. http://www.phpeasystep.com/workshopview.php?id=12 Warning. like dan said there a load off bad programming examples so be very careful.
  12. The php smarty engine, is a php 3rd party ad don designed to use freely buy anybody. here there forum http://www.smarty.net/forums/ your get better support buy those who use it daily.... this is the basic insulation of smarty looks scary to me good luck. http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/installing.smarty.basic.php
  13. best quote today i say,,,, well said..... just take necessary procedures to prevent sql injection (i.e. mysql_real_escape_string() if your using mysql) and xss, (i.e. htmlentities() ) I would store it as text... 50 books in one sentence.
  14. agree with the below poster but also i want to add this is not a php template system... This current code is xml, php , and a database mate..... all that flash coding to just add a contact via there name, via there id in a link lol.
  15. preg replace will destroy the whole code innit? if you use preg_replace then the url's will all be wrong wont they?
  16. The first else looks funky to me but there no errors lol <?php $TPL_closed_auctions_list .= "</table>"; $TPL_closed_auctions_list .= " <a href='viewallclosedauctions.php'>" . $MSG_31_0046 . "</a>"; #// Get parameters from the URL $params = getUrlParams("="); if(empty($_GET['id'])) $_GET['id'] = $params['id']; else $params['id'] = $_GET['id']; $id = $params['id']; $_SESSION["REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN"] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; foreach($membertypes as $idm => $memtypearr) { $memtypesarr[$memtypearr['feedbacks']] = $memtypearr; } ksort($memtypesarr, SORT_NUMERIC); $BIDFILE = $SETTINGS['siteurl'] . "bid_classic.php"; if(!isset($_POST['id']) && !isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_SESSION["CURRENT_ITEM"])) { $id = $_SESSION["CURRENT_ITEM"]; }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_SESSION["CURRENT_ITEM"] = $_REQUEST['id']; }else { // error message $_SESSION["CURRENT_ITEM"] = ""; include "header.php"; print "<table WIDTH=100% border=0 CELLPADDING=5> <tr><td align=\"center\" class=errfont>" . $ERR_605 . "</td></tr> </table>"; include "footer.php"; exit(); } ?>
  17. No one should be able to vote unless they register on your web site,even if registering is a name,dob,email address only. This way, the user get's a unique id, and then use that, and not the unreliable, ip address.
  18. try this every think works properly. <?php $text="[b]redarrow[/b][i]says it[/i][sup]working properly[/sup]"; function BB_Code($text) { $text = " " . $text; if (! (strpos($text, "[") && strpos($text, "]")) ) { return $text; } else { $text = preg_replace("/\\[b\\](.+?)\[\/b\]/is",'<b>\1</b>', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\[i\\](.+?)\[\/i\]/is",'<i>\1</i>', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\[u\\](.+?)\[\/u\]/is",'<u>\1</u>', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\]/is",'<s>\1</s>', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\[sub\\](.+?)\[\/sub\]/is",'<sub>\1</sub>', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\[sup\\](.+?)\[\/sup\]/is",'<sup>\1</sup>', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\[tt\\](.+?)\[\/tt\]/is",'<tt>\1</tt>', $text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[img]([^\\[]*)\\[/img\\]","<img src=\"\\1\">",$text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[size([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/size\\]","<font size=\"\\1px\">\\2</font>",$text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[font([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/font\\]","<font face=\"\\1\">\\2</font>",$text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[color=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/color\\]","<font color=\"\\1\">\\2</font>",$text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[align=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/align\\]","<div align=\"\\1\">\\2</div>",$text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[email=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/email\\]","<a href=\"mailto:=\"\\1\">\\2</a>",$text); $text = eregi_replace("\\[email=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/email\\]","<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>",$text); return $text; } } echo BB_Code($text); ?>
  19. You need to look up mod rewrite and rewrite the urls as safe urls.
  20. array example to help you.... <?php $array=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); echo"<select name='num'>"; foreach($array AS $numbers){ echo "<option value='$numbers'>$numbers</option>"; } echo"</select>"; ?>
  21. read this please cheers. http://www.webmasterworld.com/php/3544745.htm
  22. Spam can be caused from load of server settings, the server that sends the email might be on a national spam database and blocked...... if a dns record is incorrect it can be that aswell. if sending a email via php and the dns record don't match the domain name also cause spam. emample www.me.com <<< main server with mail server integrated and dns set up correctly. any word [email protected] <<< will work correctly.
  23. Mchi i am sure that the user will have to still learn to pattern match via reg expression to get correct results?
  24. Did you read my post, if a web site has token ised there url, then you want get any info. they might do it via cookies or sessions or ajax/javasript. not all web sites allow content to be theft. soon none will wait and see.
  25. how many points to 1 unit first?
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