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Everything posted by gizmola

  1. You are running this under XAMPP!!!!! I wish we had known this earlier. I don't use xampp but what I've read it apparently comes with an email server named Mercury SMTP. I'm not really sure it's worth trying to get something functional setup when you are not going to be using that as your productions server, however, here's a detailed how-to that describes how you might accomplish using it: http://www.danieltmurphy.com/setting-up-mercury-smtp/ There are intractible problems here like again the fact that email you send from this sort of setup will inevitably be seen as spam by any normal email provider you're using for testing, however, it may be enough in this case to give you verification you need while you test your code. For windows, settings in the php.ini that tell php where it can send email, need to be changed, so that php has a mailserver that can talk SMTP protocol, and will accept and forward email for you. So the other alternative is to set it to forward email to your local ISP that looks like it came from your normal workstation. Whether or not that is a feasible alternative pretty much depends on your ISP, and whether or not you can figure out what you need to do for the relevant settings in the php.ini. This is described a bit in the manual: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/mail.configuration.php#ini.smtp
  2. Have you done the simple test that WebStyles provided? This is the first thing you need to do. Some of the things that you say you are trying are pointless and irrelevant. One small incorrect detail will prevent the outbound email from being delivered. There are a lot of potential problems, and we need to eliminate them systematically, but we can't do that if you don't follow the instructions and advice of the people who are trying to help you debug this.
  3. You don't get the form in the email, or you don't ever get the email at all?
  4. It also has to be pointed out that if people can do entire graph libraries in javascript, you could certainly do an animation that didn't require an image assets at all.
  5. PHP runs serverside. The mailto: is an association within the browser, so basically it's handled by the user's browser. If I've written a sophisticated harvester, I'm going to make it look like a browser, and I'll be able to get the target of a mailto: no matter what you might try to do to stop me from doing that. The only thing that can stop the harvesters is not to use mailto:'s and to prevent the automated harvesting by using phrases that don't look obviously like email addresses (don't include the @ symbol for example), so this is why you see a lot of people using phrases instead like: "email me at bob AT mydomain dot com". The other thing I see people do is use an image or flash, that has rendered the email address as a graphic. None of these techniques are going to stop a really persistent spammer from harvesting your address, but it certainly can deter rank and file bot driven harvesters that just look for patterns like something@something.com, or the mailto: link.
  6. No worries, and I can understand your reluctance to come off as a seeming full of yourself, but the fact of the matter is, that it's something you engineered and are making freely available as a service for people, so you're certainly entitled to take credit for it, and are welcome to promote it on the forum whenever the opportunity avails itself.
  7. I have no problem with you suggesting the use of a library you've obviously put a lot of time and thought into, but I think you should make it really clear that it's your library. For example: "You might consider my library: for these reasons....". vs. suggesting it in a thread like this. Yes it could be inferred from the link in your signature, but I think you need to come right out and state it, whenever you are suggesting people use it, or risk the appearance that you're not being entirely forthcoming about the potential for bias.
  8. Whatever a "corn job" is, I'm pretty sure I don't ever want to see a video documenting it.
  9. I don't see anything that is obviously wrong with the code. Remove the @ symbol before the mail call while you're debugging this, as that would suppress any errors. I'm assuming that what WebStyles pointed out is just something you changed before posting, and that you are using an actual email address. It is possible that your email is being sent, but that the email is in your spam folder.
  10. Typically you have a bootstrap that sets up resources like database connections. The models will all depend on the resources but the model code would be specific to an entity. So for example, you have a user model, which would provide an api for dealing with users, including creating, modifying and finding a user. You have a model for every one of your logical application entities, but not a model for database connections per se.
  11. Seems to be unhappy with your query, although I don't understand that error message. What is the exact code you have right now?
  12. PHP is serverside, javascript is clientside. Serverside code runs on the server, and returns html to the client using http. Javascript code runs entirely on the client (workstation).
  13. Pretty much just what the error says. See link in my signature about mysql problems.
  14. Nice pickup as usual by PFMaBiSmAd.
  15. A 500 error indicates an internal problem. Check your error logs for apache and see if there is anything helpful in there. What data type is the oid column? Also, I wouldn't expect this code to work the way you think it will: setcookie("log",$id,time()+3600); echo $_COOKIE["log"]; The cookie may be set correctly but you will not be able to read it from $_COOKIE in the same page.
  16. I think it was pretty clear that the OP had those things already. There is a perfectly useable ftp library available as well, so there's no need for a "cli ftp client" whatever you meant by that. See ftp. His problem was probably related to dns issues or general network reliability outside of ftp, but he never followed up so perhaps he fixed it some other way.
  17. Based on your query, you'll get a row for every unique combination of dbPosts.post + dbUsers.username in the result set. That's how DISTINCT works.
  18. The cleanest way would be to include the o2.name, so you can tell per row what is in the o.value rather than trying to create 2 separate columns. SELECT o.value AS odate, o.name as odatetype, o.order_product_id FROM order_option o INNER JOIN order_product p ON o.order_product_id = p.order_product_id WHERE p.product_id = '$_GET[u]' AND (o.name = 'Start Date' OR o.name = 'Number of Days') ORDER BY o.order_product_id ASC
  19. mail() just passes off the email to the mail transport agent either via sendmail or using smtp per the configuration of the server. There should be no issue.
  20. With mysql the easiest way is to use a timestamp column. It has the advantage of space savings as well (4 bytes vs. 8 bytes for a date/time) as well as automation functionality. http://www.gizmola.com/blog/archives/93-Too-much-information-about-the-MySQL-TIMESTAMP.html
  21. If you're talking about as an example, Doctrine, it has a full query language called DQL that you can use to build complicated queries, and it is always possible to drop down to basically raw sql. If we ignored the top section and focused on the correlated subquery that could probably be done in DQL without too much trouble. There is no question of can an ORM do something --- it is just code and you can use it as it fits your needs or circumvent it. The bigger question is, why would you use an ORM, and for most people, it's because it fits in well with their choice of framework. For example, the symfony framework has integrated propel and doctrine. The purpose of that integration is not focused on 5% of queries that are complex and have to be hand tuned, but rather, the 95% that aren't and it can save you a lot of time, and provide consistency and quality to the code. For example, consider something like this: $commment = new Comment(); $comment->title = $form->title; $comment->comment = $form->comment; $blogpost->comments[] = $comment; try { $blogpost->save(); } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) { // Log error // Redirect This is the type of code you would often see where a lot of things have been encapsulated in the framework and the ORM, and you're left with very simple code that lets you focus on the business logic and creating functionality.
  22. The answer really depends on the ORM. One advantage of using an orm is that it's code, and some of the procedural code can be codified and added to the model for a particular class. When you configure the relationships it will join the objects together, in terms of transforming the data into a series of connected objects, but you don't really think about how a sql query would work, since the sql is being done by the orm.
  23. Open a ticket with godaddy on it, but check the email headers on your received email first so you have more information on what is going on. It includes timestamps.
  24. No, and we specifically said to remove it previously. The @ in front of a php function causes it to suppress any error messages it might otherwise generate.
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