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Posts posted by DBookatay

  1. Is anyone else having trouble posting new topics that contain "code" tags in them?

    I have been trying since Saturday to post a topic and keep getting 403 errors...


    I cleared my cache, deleted my cookies, logged out and back in again, switched to Firefox, and even tried on a different pc, still no luck...

  2. I know this question has been asked over and over again, hence the title...


    I am trying to find a script that will do 3 things:


      1.) Resize the image to 365x274 and upload it to a specified directory

      2.) Create a thumbnail of the same image at 90x45 and place it in a different directory

      3.) Rename both images, based on $_GET ($stock= $_GET[stock];)


    I've found scripts that will upload images (and even created one), or/and make a thumbnail, or/and rename images, but nothing that will do all 3. Plus most of the thumbnail create scripts seems to strip a lot of colors out of the images, making them not as attractive.


    Does anyone know a good place to look code examples, or have a good script in thier code library?

  3. I know, thats what I am trying to get help with, the clearing of the checkboxes....

    I do not understand why it will not clear all, it resets the "0 vehicles selected" text like it is supposed to, and resets the buttons to their origional state, but will not clear the check boxes.


    Anyone have any ideas?

  4. Can anyone spot an error: My "if (!$row_count)" (near the end of the code) does not work on this page, but does on a different. Everything else seems to work fine though.

    (I removed all non important php, just to make the script shorter)


    			if(!empty($where)) {$where = 'where ' . implode(' and ', $where).'and status = "Active"';}
    			$offset = ($_GET['page']-1) * $num;
    			$query = "SELECT count(*) as thecount from Inventory $where";
    			$result = mysql_query($query); 
    			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    			$total = $row[thecount];
    			$pages = ceil($total/$num);
    			$query = "SELECT * FROM Inventory $where ORDER BY $filter limit $offset,$num";
    			$result = mysql_query($query); 
    			$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); 
    			for($x = 0; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $x++) {
    			$stock = $row['stock'];
    			$class = ($row_count % 2) ? $class1 : $class2;
    			if ($_GET['view'] == "Caption") {
    				$mileage = floor($row[mileage]/1000).'k miles';
    				$vehicle = "'".substr($row['year'], -2)." ".$row['make']." ".$row['model']." ".$row['trim'];
    				$thumb = '<a href="apply.php" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: \'ajax\', contentId: \'highslide-html-8\' } )" class="highslide"><div class="Flag" style="background: url(inventory/'.$row[category].'/'.$row['stock'].'s.jpg);"><span class="'.$flagClass.'">'.$flagText.'</span></div></a>';
    				$display = '<td class="capOff" onmouseout="this.className=\'capOff\'" onmouseover="this.className=\'capOver\'"><div align="center"><table width="100%"><tr><td class="capThmb">'.$thumb.'</td></tr><tr><td class="capTitle">'.$vehicle.'</td></tr><tr><td align="center">'.$trans.' / '.$mileage.'</td></tr><tr><td class="capPrc">'.$asking.'</td></tr><tr><td class="capComp"><input type="checkbox" class="capComp" onClick="javascript:checkChecked('.$stock.');" id="c'.$stock.'" name="c'.$stock.'"> Compare</td></tr></table></div></td>';  if($x == '5') {echo ' </tr>'; $x = 0;} $row_count++;
    				if($_GET['pgPer']); switch($_GET['pgPer']) {
    					default: $perPg = '15 | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Caption'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=30">30</a> | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Caption'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=45">45</a>'; break;
    					case '30': $perPg = '<a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Caption'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=15">15</a> | 30 | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Caption'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=45">45</a>'; break;
    					case '45': $perPg = '<a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Caption'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=15">15</a> | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Caption'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=30">30</a> | 45'; break;
    			} elseif ($_GET['view'] == "Picture") {
    				$thumb = '<a href="#" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'http://www.carcityofdanbury.com/include/popups/balloon.php?view=Picture&stock='.$stock.'\'} )"  class="highslide"><div class="Flag" style="background: url(inventory/'.$row[category].'/'.$row['stock'].'s.jpg);"><span class="'.$flagClass.'">'.$flagText.'</span></div></a>';
    				$display = "<td class=\"thmbOff\" onmouseout=\"this.className='thmbOff'\" onmouseover=\"this.className='thmbOver'\"><div align=\"center\"><table><tr><td class=\"thmbThmb\">$thumb</td></tr></table></div></td>"; if($x == '7') {echo " </tr>"; $x = 0;} $row_count++;
    				if($_GET['pgPer']); switch($_GET['pgPer']) {
    					default: $perPg = '35 | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Picture'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=70">70</a>'; break;
    					case '70': $perPg = '<a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=Picture'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=35">35</a> | 70'; break;
    			} else {
    				$thumb = '<div class="Flag" style="background: url(inventory/'.$row[category].'/'.$row['stock'].'s.jpg);" onmouseover="showtrail(\''.$large.'\',\'\',\'\',\'\',\'\',\'1\',380,1);" onmouseout="hidetrail();"><span class="'.$flagClass.'">'.$flagText.'</span></div>';
    				$mileage = floor($row[mileage]/1000);
    				$vehicle = $row['year']." ".$row['make']." ".$row['model']." ".$row['trim'];
    				$link = 'onClick="document.location.href=\'inventory_view.php?stock='.$stock.'\'"';
    				$display = '<table class="'.$class.'" onmouseout="this.className=\''.$class.'\'" onmouseover="this.className=\'listOn\'"><tr><td class="listComp" rowspan="2"><input class="listComp" onClick="javascript:checkChecked('.$stock.');" type="checkbox" id="c'.$stock.'" name="c'.$stock.'"><br /><img src="images/Common/Icons/Compare.gif" /></td><td class="listThmb" rowspan="2" '.$link.'><div id="capt"></div>'.$thumb.'</td><td class="listText" width="260" '.$link.'>'.$vehicle.'</td><td class="listText" width="80" '.$link.'>'.$mileage.'</td><td class="listText" width="95" '.$link.'>'.$engine.'</td><td class="listText" width="85" '.$link.'>'.$trans.'</td><td class="listText" width="75" '.$link.'><span class="red">'.$asking.'</a></td><td class="listCrfx" '.$link.'>'.$carfax.'</td></tr><tr><td class="listFtrs" colspan="8" '.$link.'>'.$fuel.' '.$drive.' '.$features_string.'</td></tr></table>'; $row_count++;
    				if($_GET['pgPer']); switch($_GET['pgPer']) {
    					default: $perPg = '8 | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=List'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=16">16</a> | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=List'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=24">24</a>'; break;
    					case '16': $perPg = '<a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=List'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=8">8</a> | 16 | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=List'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=24">24</a>'; break;
    					case '24': $perPg = '<a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=List'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=8">8</a> | <a href="search.php?'.$catLnk.'&view=List'.$vehMkeLnk.$vehMdlLnk.$bodyLnk.$trnsLnk.$typeLnk.$fltrLnk.$priceLnk.'&pgPer=16">16</a> | 24'; break;
    		if (!$row_count) {
    			echo '<div style="font-size: 17px; padding-top: 30px"><b>Sorry, no vehicles matchining your criteria were found.<p>Try <a href="inventory_request.php">Request-A-Car</a> to get exactly what you\'re looking for.</b></div>';
    		} else {
    			echo $display;

  5. I'm a php guy, but know a little about javascripts, but am now officially stumped...

    I "stole" a script from a site and implemented it into my site, but only half of the script is now working correctly.


    Here is what it is supposed to do: It is a script that if you check the box, and hit submit it will take you to a page to compare the items.

    That half works, but there is a second button that "clears" the check boxes, this doesnt work... No mater what I try!


    The HTML checkbox (with a little php still mixed in there)

    <input type="checkbox" class="capComp" onClick="javascript:checkChecked('.$stock.');" id="c'.$stock.'" name="c'.$stock.'">

    ("$stock" is a unique 5 digit number)


    Without php it would look like this:

    <input type="checkbox" class="capComp" onClick="javascript:checkChecked(18914);" id="c18914" name="c18914">


    And the buttons:

    	<td class="compArr"><img src="images/Common/Icons/compBtm.gif" /></td>
    	<td class="compTxt"><span id="chkCount">0 vehicles selected</span></td>
    	<td class="compBtns">
    		<img style="cursor:pointer;" id="clrBtn" onclick="clearChecks();" src="images/Common/BTNs/compClrOff.gif" /> 
    		<img style="cursor:pointer;" id="cmpBtn" onclick="ptcp('CL=');" src="images/Common/BTNs/compSbmtOff.gif" />


    And the java script:

    function checkChecked(x) {
        var el = document.getElementById("CL");
            var comparisonList = el.value;
        if (eval("document.compare.c" + x + ".checked") == true) {    	    
            if (comparisonList.indexOf(x) == -1){
                if(comparisonList.length > 0)
        	            comparisonList += ",";
    	        comparisonList += x;
        } else {
            if(comparisonList.indexOf(x) != -1){
                var splitList = comparisonList.split(",");
                var newCompareList = new Array();
                for(var i = 0; i < splitList.length; i++)
                    if(splitList[i] !=x )
                comparisonList = "";
                for(var j = 0; j < newCompareList.length; j++)
                    if((j + 1) == newCompareList.length)
                        comparisonList +=  newCompareList[j]
                        comparisonList += newCompareList[j] + ",";
        if(comparisonList == "")
    el.value = comparisonList;
    function clearChecks() {
    var hf = document.getElementById("CL");
    if(hf) {
    	var cl = new String(hf.value);
    	var cls = cl.split(",");
    	for(var i=0;i<cls.length;i++){
    		var el = document.getElementById("b"+cls[i]);
    		var chk = document.getElementById("c"+cls[i]);
    		if(el && chk) {
    			el.style.display = 'block';
    			chk.checked = false; 
            hf.value = "";
    function updateCheckCount(x){
    var elem = document.getElementById('chkCount');
    if(elem) {
    	if(x == 1) 
    		elem.innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:11px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff0000">' + x + '</span> vehicle selected';
    		elem.innerHTML = '<span style="font-size:11px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff0000">' + x + '</span> vehicles selected';
    	if(x < 2) {
    		document.getElementById('clrBtn').src = '/images/Common/BTNs/compClrOff.gif';
    		document.getElementById('cmpBtn').src = 'images/Common/BTNs/compSbmtOff.gif';
    	} else if (x > 3) {
    		alert('Only 3 vehicles may be selected at a time.\nPlease uncheck at least one vehicle.'); 
    		document.getElementById('clrBtn').src = '/images/Common/BTNs/compClrOn.gif';
    		document.getElementById('cmpBtn').src = 'images/Common/BTNs/compSbmtOff.gif';
    	} else {
    		document.getElementById('clrBtn').src = '/images/Common/BTNs/compClrOn.gif';
    		document.getElementById('cmpBtn').src = '/images/Common/BTNs/compSbmtOn.gif';
    function ptcp(qs){
        var cl = "";
        var el = document.getElementById("CL");
        if(null != el)
            if(el.value != ""){
                cl = el.value;
                var f = document.getElementById('compare');
                f.action = 'compare.php?' + qs + cl;


    Can anyone see a problem?

  6. So, do this:

    	function whichway($key) {
    		$val = '';
    		if (isset($_GET[$key])) $val = $_GET[$key];
    		if (isset($_POST[$key]) && $val == '') $val = $_POST[$key];
    	switch (whichway('type')) {
    		case 'Plow':
    			$pTitle = 'Search Results: Plow Trucks';
    			$where[] = "feature_SP = 'x'";
    			$typeLnk = "&type={$_GET['type']}";
    		case 'Hybrid':
    			$pTitle = 'Search Results: Hybrid Vehicles';
    			$where[] = "fuel = 'Hybrid'";
    			$typeLnk = "&type={$_GET['type']}";
    	switch (whichway('trans')) {
    		case 'Auto':
    			$where[] = "trans_type = 'Automatic' or trans_type = 'Tiptronic'";
    			$trnsLnk = "&trans=Auto";
    	    case 'Manual':
    			$where[] = "trans_type = 'Manual'";
    			$trnsLnk = "&trans=Manual";

  7. Some of my forms use $_POST data, and some of my site relies on links ($_GET) and all point to one page where the functions are completed. Is there a way to combine the 2, instead of having this:

    	if ($_GET['trans'] == "Auto") {
    		$trans_type = "Automatic"; 
    		$where[] = "trans_type = 'Automatic' or trans_type = 'Tiptronic'";
    		$trnsLnk = "&trans=Auto";
    	} elseif ($_GET['trans'] == "Manual") {
    		$trans_type = "Manual"; 
    		$where[] = "trans_type = 'Manual'";
    		$trnsLnk = "&trans=Manual";
    	if ($_POST['trans'] == "Auto") {
    		$trans_type = "Automatic"; 
    		$where[] = "trans_type = 'Automatic' or trans_type = 'Tiptronic'";
    		$trnsLnk = "&trans=Auto";
    	} elseif ($_POST['trans'] == "Manual") {
    		$trans_type = "Manual"; 
    		$where[] = "trans_type = 'Manual'";
    		$trnsLnk = "&trans=Manual";

    for each $_GET and $_POST (about 30 all togather...)

  8. Ok, I understand this:




    foreach($numbers as $number){

    echo '

    <td class="compOff" onmouseout="this.className=\'compOff\'" onmouseover="this.className=\'compOver\'">

    <div align="center">

    <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">


    <td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=1" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 800, objectHeight: 800} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'s.jpg" /></a></td>

    <td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=2" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 433, objectHeight: 325} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'_2s.jpg" /></a></td>



    <td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=3" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 433, objectHeight: 325} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'_3s.jpg" /></a></td>

    <td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=4" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 433, objectHeight: 325} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'_4s.jpg" /></a></td>



    <table width="100%">

    <tr><td class="compTitle">'.$vehicle.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$body.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$passengers.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$mileage.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$tranny.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$engine.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$drivetrain.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$fuel.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compSpec">'.$colors.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compPrc">'.$asking.'</td></tr>

    <tr><td class="compFtrs"><ul><li class="compFtrs">'.$features_string.'</ul></td></tr>










    but what about the call:

    $query = "select * from Inventory where stock = '{$_GET['CL']}'";

    How do I handle that?


  9. I am working on a script that allows you to compare checked items, (like on a lot of commerce sites) and I finally was able to figure out the java end of it, now I need some assistance with the php end.


    When items are selected and the button is pressed, it takes the item numbers and sends them to compare.php and seperated each item with a comma (http://www.carcityofdanbury.com/compare.php?CL=15933,15959,15931), now how do I seperate the numbers, and make it echo for each item?


    Here is what I have for 1 item number:

    				$query = "select * from Inventory where stock = '{$_GET['CL']}'";
    				$result = mysql_query($query);
    				$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); {
    					$category = $row['category'];
    					$stock = $row['stock'];
    					$vehicle = "'".substr($row['year'], -2)." ".$row['make']." ".$row['model']." ".$row['trim'];
    					if ($row['body'] == "SUV") {
    						$body = $row['doors'].' Sport Utility';
    					} else {
    						$body = $row['doors'].' '.$row['body'];
    					$passengers = $row['passengers'];
    					$mileage = number_format($row['mileage']);
    					if($row['trans_type']); switch($row['trans_type']){
    						case 'Automatic': $tranny = $row['trans_speed'].' Automatic'; break; 
    						case 'Tiptronic': $tranny = $row['trans_speed'].' <a href="#" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'Tiptronic\' } )">Tiptronic</a>'; break; 
    						case 'Manual': $tranny = $row['trans_speed'].' Manual'; break;
    					if ($row['engine_sub']) {
    						$engine = $row['engine_liters'].' liter '.$row['engine_sub'].' '.$row['engine_cylinders'];
    					} else {
    						$engine = $row['engine_liters'].' liter '.$row['engine_cylinders'];
    					if($row['drivetrain']); switch($row['drivetrain']){
    						case 'Front Wheel Drive': $drivetrain = 'Front Wheel Drive'; break;
    						case 'Rear Wheel Drive': $drivetrain = 'Rear Wheel Drive'; break;
    						case 'All Wheel Drive': $drivetrain = 'All Wheel Drive'; break;
    						case '4 x 4': $drivetrain = '4 x 4'; break;
    						case 'Quattro': $drivetrain = 'All Wheel Drive'; break;
    					$fuel = $row['fuel'];
    					$colors = $row['color_exterior'].' / '.$row['color_interior'];
    					if ($row['price_asking'] == "0") {$price = "Just Arrived! CALL NOW";} else {$price = "$".number_format($row['price_asking']);}
    					unset ($features); $features = array();
    						foreach ($row as $feature => $value) {
    							if (substr($feature, 0,== "feature_") {
    							if ($feature == "feature_AC") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Air Conditioning</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_PW") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Power Windows</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_PDL") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Power Door Locks</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_PM") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Power Mirrors</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_CC") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Cruise Control</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_SR") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Sunroof</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_LS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Leather Seats</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_PS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Power Seat(s)</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_HFS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Heated Front Seats</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_HRS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Heated Rear Seats</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_TW") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Tilt Steering Wheel</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_TCW") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Telescoping Wheel</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_KE") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Keyless Entry</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_TRS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Third Row Seating</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_RS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Remote Start</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_SP") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Snow Plow</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_RR") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Roof Rack</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_AW") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Alloy Wheels</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_FL") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Fog Lights</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_BL") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Bed Liner</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_HID") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "H.I.D Lights</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_PG") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Privacy Glass</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_TP") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Tow Package</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_GPS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "GPS System</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_NS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Navigation System</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_DVD") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "DVD System</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_TA") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Theft Alarm</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_ABS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Anti-Lock Brakes</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_FAB") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Dual Front Airbags</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_SCF") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Side Curtin Airbags (F)</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_SCR") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Side Curtin Airbags (R)</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_DCC") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Dual Climate Control</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_PAP") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Power Adjustable Pedals</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_MS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "Memory Seats(s)</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_OS") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "OnStar</li>";}}
    							if ($feature == "feature_HL") {if ($value == "x") {$features[] = "HomeLink</li>";}}
    					if (!$features) {$features_string = ' ';} else {$features_string = implode('<li class="compFtrs">', $features);}
    				echo '
    				<td class="compOff" onmouseout="this.className=\'compOff\'" onmouseover="this.className=\'compOver\'">
    					<div align="center">
    					<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
    							<td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=1" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 800, objectHeight: 800} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'s.jpg" /></a></td>
    							<td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=2" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 433, objectHeight: 325} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'_2s.jpg" /></a></td>
    							<td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=3" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 433, objectHeight: 325} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'_3s.jpg" /></a></td>
    							<td><a href="include/popups/balloon.php?view=Pics&stock='.$stock.'&p=4" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'highslide-html\', objectType: \'ajax\', objectWidth: 433, objectHeight: 325} )" class="highslide"><img src="inventory/'.$category.'/'.$stock.'_4s.jpg" /></a></td>
    					<table width="100%">
    						<tr><td class="compTitle">'.$vehicle.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$body.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$passengers.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$mileage.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$tranny.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$engine.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$drivetrain.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$fuel.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compSpec">'.$colors.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compPrc">'.$asking.'</td></tr>
    						<tr><td class="compFtrs"><ul><li class="compFtrs">'.$features_string.'</ul></td></tr>

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