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Everything posted by Dada78

  1. It pretty much is separate for the most part. That is the only php code in that HTML file and it is just a small bit, and if you noticed two of the files are included. I just need a small SQL to query the display name and users name. I had it set up and working perfect but removed the code and deleted it on accident and cant remember how I had it. It is something a long these lines, but I need it to just pull the information in the query for that user that is logged in and it is not doing that. It has some kind of session email string but cant remember it. <?php require ('session.php'); include ('db_connect.php'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$email'"; if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $row["id"]; $displayname = $row['displayname']; $name = $row['name']; } } ?>
  2. Hello, I have a site that has a simple login script to a control panel where users can mange and edit Christmas displays they submit. Well while validating some HTML code this week I removed the php code from the userindex that controls the session and SQL call and put it on a notepad so I could navigated around without having to be logged in. Well I had to restart my computer and I was closing these notepads out and thought I was done with this one and didn't save it. Come to find out if had the small code for the php that controlled the user index so members will be logged into their control panel. I pulled a back up from my host but it didn't have the new code. I can not remember all of the code but it made a SQL Query which I have but their is one bit of code that was before it that I can not remember that was a session code that checked if the user was logged in with the correct email then it query the DB and showed the users information. Can anyone help me out with this small task and remind me what I am forgetting. This is the code I am working with and it is missing just one small line and I can not remember... The user can see their information but I had it when they logged in it were display their Christmas Display name at the top and it would say Hi Welcome back so and so... I can not pull that information anymore. <?php require ('session.php'); include ('db_connect.php'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $email;"; if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $row["id"]; $displayname = $row["displayname"]; $name = $row["name"]; } else { die(mysql_error()); } } ?> -Thanks
  3. Are you Effin kidding me!!!!!!! This is EXACTLY what I am talking about you people DONT listen. I have already stated this several time. If I change the width it will shift it up but then the gap happens BELOW the table. Also line 66 is meta tags...... Geez.........
  4. Hey dipshit, I have already looked in the included files and I have told you peple OVER and OVER their is NO whitespace. In FF depending on your theme it will display it at the top because their is PHP above the HTML. Whitespace DOES NOT affect HTML because it only renders between the HTML tags. I have told you where I am having the problems but you WONT LISTEN!!!! IT IS NOT because of whitespace because their IS NONE IN ANY OF THE FILES!!!! How hard is that to understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. <------ Just shakes his head in disbelief at the lack of peoples listening skill. You change the table from 100% to 99% the gap is then shifted to the bottom of the table. I have already stated this. I will bet you thousands of dollar their is no white space and it is not the cause. I have the same problem on both browse.php and display.php. I would post you all the screenshots and upload all the files and give you a detailed explanantion but it won't be read an thought about so it is pointless. Just because one person suggested it was whitespace everyone else has to jump on that. That just shows you the lack of intelligence of this forum. Look it up, whitespace DOESNT exist with HTML only with php.... Not to mention line 66 is a meta tag....
  6. No I do not see a white space ether on FF3 or on IE7. I have posted a screen shot of it on page 1. How much longer do I have to keep entertaining this before someone stops and listens to what I am trying to say about the table? One person mentions whitespace and everyone jumps on it and assumes that is the cause. I have told you people what is causing it, just do not know how to fix it and it is not whitespace.
  7. Here you go chief, attached it the files. Load them and see for yourself since you do not believe what I say. I have opened in them in Crimson, PHP Designer, Dreamweaver 8 and Dreamweaver CS3. and the WYSWYG editor on my server and NO whitespace..... [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. Try this.... <form action="update.php" method="post" > IP: <input type="text" name="IP" value="<?php echo $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>"> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> test example http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/development/form.php Keep in mind your file will need to be .php and not .html
  9. The code is also valid XHTML as well. HTML.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux (vers 1 September 2005), see www.w3.org" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Test Page</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="test" name="test" method="post" action=""> <div class="divTop"> <div class="TextArea"> <textarea rows="5" cols="" name="one" class="text"> </textarea></div> <div class="TextArea"> <textarea rows="5" cols="" name="two" class="text"> </textarea></div> <div class="TextArea"> <div class="File"><input name="three" type="file" class="text" value="" /></div> </div> </div> <div class="divBottom"> <div class="TextArea"> <textarea rows="5" cols="" name="four" class="text"> </textarea></div> <div class="TextArea"> <textarea rows="5" cols="" name="five" class="text"> </textarea></div> <div class="div0"> <textarea rows="5" cols="" name="six" class="text"> </textarea></div> <div class="Submit"><input name="name" type="text" value="" /><input type="submit" value="submit" /></div> </div> </form> </body> </html> CSS.... /* CSS Document */ .text { vertical-align:middle; width:250px; } .divTop { width:100%; position:relative; margin-top:20px; } .TextArea { height:100px; width:33%; margin-top:100px; float:left; text-align:center; position:relative; border-style:solid; border:solid 1px #0066FF; margin:1px; overflow:hidden; } .File { margin: 40px 0px 0px 0px; text-align: center; } .Submit { margin-top: 20px; text-align: center; } You are welcome....
  10. DUDE you are NOT listening to what I am saying I have LOOKED MANY TIMES in the file and their is NO white space is in that file. I am not ingnoring what you are saying, I have looke their is nothing there, I have even showed you a screen shot and have the file available with a txt ext so you can see. Tell me how I am suppose to remove something that is NOT there. I have showed you a screen shot of the source code from what I am see on the first page and you can view the file in it's contents from this link... http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/display.txt You keep swearing up and down their is white space and their is not any. I am telling you I have looked many times and it is not there. Besides that you are also not listening that it only renders between the HTML tags not what is outside of that. I keep telling you where my problem is but you refuse to listen. I know where the problem is, just do not know why it is happening. If I remove that first table or change the width of the table call img then it the gap at the top goes away and then appears below the table. LIKE I HAVE SAID many times already that has been ignored. If their was white space and in theory then why isn't the paragraph and the text in the head shifted down that is above that table too? The gap is between that and the table. You adjust the table size and the gap moves ether above or below the table. The problem is not whitespace because it doesn't exist, it has something to do with that table, I just do not know what and is what I need help with. What else do you want me to say and show you. I have showed you everything you need to see to show you I have no white space and tell you where the problem is and you will not listen to what I am saying. If you are going to keep insisting the problem is something that is not then please quit wasting my time so I can try to get help from someone that might know what is really wrong because up to this point you do not know.
  11. That is easy enough... http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/development/test.html
  12. Well then you are using some other version of FF. I am using the latest version for FF3, just upgraded last week and my does not look like that as shown in my screen shot. Your version is probably adding that gap to the top. When I RIGHT CLICK then select VIEW PAGE SOURCE the screen shot I post is what mine looks like and it does not have no gap. You can even read the title of that window in that screen shot. It says "source of so in so page". Oh wait a minute, it might be the theme you are using that is causing that. If you are using a different them it probably adds makes a different view source page. Regardless, it is not the cause of the gap. Like I said, if I change he width of the table it moves it up but then moves the gap to below the table instead of above it. Also it white space was the cause then why is all the text and header text not moved down also? Thank about that an anwser me that. The gap is between the table and the top paragraph text and the header text. No sense to argue over white space when that is not the issue.
  13. Dada78

    Line Breaks.

    Why are you declaring the table properties twice inline?
  14. Well you are using some other plugin to view it then because my screenshot is of the source when you right click and select view source. It doesn't have all that fancy windows which looks like firebug, or you are viewing it in the web developer plugin in. Look at my screen shot. Do you see all that? You must be looking at the wrong page because I have the page in question set to txt file so when you try to view it it will be txt not a html page. I have posted the link above twice. If you are seeing an actual HTML page you are looking at the wrong page...
  15. Because you are viewing that in Firebug, it always adds a space to the top and bottom. If you view the raw source (right click, view source) you will not see that gap. I am telling you their is no gap on mine and on the file. I have showed you what I am seeing and what I have. How can I erase what is not there? I have triple checked and tried to erase it and nothing is there. That doesn't explain why if I remove that first table everything lines up and works fine. I add that table back at 100% the gap comes back. I change the px or % of that table to less then 100% the table lines to the top but moves the gap to below it. The problem is with that table, not with any whitespace you might be seeing. What the problem is with that table, I am not sure which is what I am trying to resolve.
  16. Dada78

    Rule of thumb

    At the very least if you want to leave it where you have open comments then you should have a captcha. What will happen is you will have bots that will harvest for open text fields like this and post spam. If you have atleast a captcha it will insure it is humans. It is not 100%, but it will cut down on pretty much a lot of the unwanted comments.
  17. Is this what you are looking for? http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/development/test.html
  18. Listen I am not trying to be difficult but you are wrong about the white space. You are not listening to what I am saying about the table. HTML ONLY renders what is between the HTML tags so space before or after is not going to matter unlike with php. That would not explain why I can change the size of the table it brings it to the top and adds the gap below the table then. This table right here... <table class="imgBox" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center"> <table class="fullbox" align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td align="center"><img src="/local/submitted/<? echo $row['imgurl1']; ?>" alt="<? echo $row['displayname']; ?>" class="border" width="520" height="320" id="big" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><img src="/local/submitted/<? echo $row['imgurl1']; ?>" alt=" " height="60" width="60" onclick="getElementById('big').src=this.src" /> <img src="/local/submitted/<? echo $row['imgurl2']; ?>" alt=" " height="60" width="60" onclick="getElementById('big').src=this.src" /> <img src="/local/submitted/<? echo $row['imgurl3']; ?>" alt=" " height="60" width="60" onclick="getElementById('big').src=this.src" /> <img src="/local/submitted/<? echo $row['imgurl4']; ?>" alt=" " height="60" width="60" onclick="getElementById('big').src=this.src" /> <img src="/local/submitted/<? echo $row['imgurl5']; ?>" alt=" " height="60" width="60" onclick="getElementById('big').src=this.src" /> </td> </tr> </table> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><img alt=" " border="0" height="7" src="/images/1pixel.gif" width="7" /></td><td class="shadow-mid" width="100%"><img alt=" " border="0" height="7" src="/images/1pixel.gif" width="7" /></td><td><img alt=" " border="0" height="7" src="/images/1pixel.gif" width="7" /></td></tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> If I change the first tables width from 100% to say 600px then it will bring that table to the top and move the huge gap to below that table instead. If white space was the problem, which it is not, then it would move everything down including the text in the <h> tags and it does not. It only effects that table. I appreciate the help, but you have to listen to what I am telling you. If you are not going to listen and analyze what I am saying their is no sense in trying to help because you are wasting my time and yours. I have no white space at all I have triple checked these files and I can not erase something that is not there. Here is a screen shot of the view source, as you can see no white space. Here is the view source screen shot, as you can see no Whitespace. I have changed the ext to text so you can see the exact file as it is on the server. As you see, no white space. Even in the included files, no white space. What is the pattern here, NO white space. Their is something wrong with how that table is layed out but I am not sure as to what. It only happens on two page and only with IE6. http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/display.txt -Thanks
  19. Dada78

    Line Breaks.

    It will break on it's own if it is text and nested in a set width div or table....
  20. It really doesn't matter about white space before or after the html tag because browsers will only render what is between those tags. Which is why I said it only matters with php. You are right about that, you can not have white space before or after php tags because then you will get errors. You can have one return before and after, but sometimes that will throw an error. Good practice I delete any white space before and after php tags. Therefore I have no white space, so I am not sure what you are seeing because I have double checked and their is none. See the screenshot below and the link to view the code. http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/display.txt
  21. I am not sure how you are viewing it, but I don't see any white space above the doctype. I have even opened the files up to double check, it there was no white space. I have php code before the html starts so you might be seeing it because of the php code there. But I am not seeing any white space. It wouldn't matter much when it comes to HTML documents, only with php. The strange thing though is if I change the width of the first table from 100% to less or to a px width then it will line it to the top, but add white space below it. It is really strange but it is frustrating the hell out of me.
  22. Can you post a link so I can see what it is you are trying to do. What I can see is you have two divs that are the same (div1 & div 2) so remove one of them since they are the same. Also div3 and div4 what are those? Keep in mind you can use the same div multiple times to achieve the same look. That is the simplicity of CSS. I.E. <div class="divmain"> <div class="div0"><input name="one" type="file" class="text" value="" /></div> <div class="div1"><input name="two" type="file" class="text" value="" /></div> <div class="div1"><textarea rows="5" name="three" class="text"></textarea></div> </div> Also I am not sure what you are trying to do with the paragraph tags. Without seeing what you are trying to do, it looks just from seeing the code that they are being used out of context. What are you trying to do with those? I probably have a better solution for you.
  23. Can you post the snippet of code you are actually working with and the CSS for it?
  24. Assign a CSS Class to it. I.E. <div class="YOURCLASS"> </div> Then wrap those tags around what you what to be uniform with the other content. Then in your css add this YOURCLASS { height: 10px; } Or what every height you need whether in %, px, em etc. Just make sure you change YOURCLASS to what you what to call it, and you can add whatever other attributes you need to it as well.
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