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Everything posted by Dada78
<textarea>YOUR TEXT HERE</textarea> Make sure you add your own attributes. Or if you want to waste time creating a class for one single element since some are so big on using CSS for everything, you can do it that way too.
It's just the internet? Do you realize what you just said? Do you people think before you speak? Go ahead and lock it, homeboy already thread jacked it with his inaccurate and worthless information and you coming running to his rescue playing favorites when his statements where out of line. I am not going to get any help from this thread no anyways. Funny how you ingnore the statements if you were in the same position. Would you like me to tell you how to code your site? Would you like to tell you where to stick your head? I know you didn't ask but I can tell you anyways since it seems to be ok to tell people how to do things when it wasn't asked, and best of all this shit that was recommended wasn't right and false anyways. What a joke... and you defend that kind of actions? You wonder why I said what I said, geez, get a clue.... So are moderators suppose to play favorites?
I know this browser isn't widely used, heck I even use FF3. There are some though that are still living in the stone age and I like my site to render the same regardless. So with that said. in IE6 only their is a HUGE gap at the top of the page before the content starts that does not show up in IE7 or FF. I have been trying to fix this for months and can not get it right. Any idea why this is happening? I am running out of time and could greatly use the help and suggestions. If happens on two page in IE6, this one... http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/browse.php and this one.... http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/display.php?id=%2061 If you need me to post some code for these isolated problems I would be glad to. Otherwise you can just view source of the code to see it. -Thanks
It was not asked for nor was it needed and was very egotistical. Is everyone's site perfect when a certain page or portion is underdevelopment, no it is not. Would you like for someone to point out problems with your site that you don't consider it as a problem. That is your site, not anyone elses and if you want to do it your way then fine. I asked a simple question and go answers that were not only incorrect but were not needed. My site renders properly, it validates, it ranks high in it's keywords. Where is the problem? What else could anyone ask for? The general viewing public isn't going to care how the page is coded as long as it displays properly in their browser, nor do half of them even know how it works nor do they care. I do not care all that much about SEO because it is a local site and seasonal which gets plenty of advertisement from Local TV, Radio, and newspapers as well as word of mouth. It also ranks high anyways because of it's keywords. None of this was taking into consideration before his remarks were made nor were they warranted or needed. If you disagree otherwise you are a fool.... I asked one simple question and got a bunch or worthless garbage that I didn't ask for and was inaccurate.
What you consider as problems are not problems at all.... Code that renders correctly isn't everything? Have you lost your mind? I don't know if you noticed my web site but it is a location and seasonal specific web site. Meaning I have a very small target demographic audience. So it is not like I really need to worry about SEO or reaching out to the World. Not to mention I am top of the list for all my KEYWORDS. You search for "Place to go in Mesquite for Christmas" I come up first, "Mesquite Christmas" I pop up first again. Christmas In Mesquite, pop up Front page at the top. So as you see I really don't need much help. So it would be advised that before you start making "faithful recommendations" you make sure it is even needed. Have you ever heard of a placeholder? Do you know what they are use for? If so then you shouldn't be questioning me. This part of the site has not been launched yet because it is still under development. So no the break tag is not the reason it is screwing up because with it gone it still does it. I only had that there as a PLACEHOLDER. So once again you have no clue what you are talking about.
Thank you sir, that did the trick and worked beautiful. Now I just need to sort out the IE6 issue and I am set. -Thanks again....
Thanks are you sure though? Look closely, the box in which it is in the map is aligned to the left. You can see what I mean if you look to the left of the map because you can see the box background.
Only happens in IE6.... I am aware this is where the huge gap occurs. Your observation of the obvious is impeccable... Now how do I solve it? Does it work? Yes.... Does it validate? Yes... Is anyone going to care if it is used as long as it renders correctly in visitors browsers? No.... You appearenly do not know as much as you think you do or you would hvae noticed the class assigned to that table and the width of the table above it and wonder why it is not set at 100%...hmmmmmmmmmmmm Yes thank you, I am aware of that. I have not launched this section of the site yet and I was using it has a placeholder. Anything else you want to criticize my site about that I did not ask for? I don't use the Author meta. You are joking about not using keyword meta right? Please tell me you are joking? That as to be the funniest thing I have ever heard it you are serious.... Is it wrong to assign a border element to a img tag? No it is not so why you harping on it. If you are as good as you think you are you would see why I did it. You are busting my balls below about only having two elements in a table but yet I am going to create one CSS class for ONE single image and when I can assign the element within the tag. Different strokes, for different folks. You do it your way, and I will do it mine. It validates, it renders properly so where is the problem. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. But I did not ask for you to rip my way of doing things which is nothing wrong with it. Might not be the way YOU would do it, but it not the wrong way ether. If you would like to help me with the problem at hand that would be great. Otherwise, please keep your comments to yourself. Is that understood?..... Kids, I swear.... You are going to bust my balls about my site but yet you use meta keywords, you use inline styles for divs, element city for tables. Everything you ciritized my site about you do and even more. Well aren't you pot calling the kettle black... Gee Wez. Not to mention your site isn't even at the least HTML 4 valid. My site is XHTML valid which is more stricter the traditional HTML. Bro I have been in web publishing and web marketing for 14 yrs. Give me a break, go shovel your BS somewhere else... http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thefilmgod.com%2F&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&ss=1&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.591
Yes actually I do have the text-align: center in the fullboxGmap class. After I posted this I had gone back and done that, which is why you don't see it in the source code. It still doesn't center in FF which is strange. I have another page which I was div align tags and it centered and validated, but if I try it on that page it won't vaildate. Thank you very much for that idea. I was wondering what I could put in there that wouldn't display when nothing was there. I didn't even think of that. Of course the only problem with that though is it won't align with the others. I guess I can go back at and the space tag to all the rows so they will be evenly aligned. Darn, almost 3-3...LoL this is actually a problem I have been trying to fix since feb and it is killing me. I don't use IE, I use FF, but I have IE 7 and IE6 standalone version so I can test with. I have people complaining my site doesn't look right in IE6 and instead of upgrading they choose to make my life harder and try to make in render correctly in IE6...LoL
You are right, you are not sure. Thanks for the effort though... Anyone else....
The error and the code was posted above in the second link... I have it sorted now so thanks anyways...
Hello, I have been fighting with this for several months. I am trying to get this to work across the board with IE and FF and was hoping I could get some help that I might be over looking. Please bare with me on this as it is detailed. Ok, this is a page that outputs Christmas displays users submit. Here is a sample page. http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/display.php?id=%2021 Yes this page is XHTML Valid before we even start. Only problem I have in FF is that the Google Map will not center, but in IE6,7 it does. I have a div class assigned to it just to center it. Now I can assign a div align="center" but that will not validate. div.c1 {text-align: center} Other then that it renders and looks perfect in FF as usual because of it being a superior browser. Now in to my IE problems.... First, in both IE 6,7 if you look at the table that says "About this display..." you will notice a red line dividing each row. In FF this looks fine and works. But in IE if their is not content the line does not show in the entire row. What could be causing this? I would like this line to show regardless if there is content or not like it shows in FF. Lastly in IE6 only Below the "return to list" button their is a HUGE gap that does not show up in IE7 or FF. I have been trying to fix this for months and can not get it right. Any idea why this is happening? I am running out of time and could greatly use the help and suggestions. If you need me to post some code for these isolated problems I would be glad to. Otherwise you can just view source of the code to see it. -Thanks
I am finishing up a section of my site and I am validating it now and correcting all the areas. I have one section that I am having problems with and not sure how to correct... http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/local/user.php?action=promote FYI, I am aware of the error at the top. This is a restricted page so I removed the session so it can be made viewable by the general public. This is the error I am getting.... http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mesquitechristmas.com%2Flocal%2Fuser.php%3Faction%3Dpromote&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&ss=1&outline=1&group=0&st=1&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.591 The second error is because of the first, so how do I go about fixing the first error so it will validate. Tidy is no help and I can not find any information on how to correct this. -Thanks
I am getting nothing but a blank page... Here is the full code now with the changes <?php /* ####################### # HAMweather 3 # This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved. # It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following # URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml ####################### * * Revision: * $Id$ * */ require_once("FetchWxData.php"); class FetchUSThreatAdvisory { var $cfg; var $debug = false; var $core_path =''; var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; var $threat_advisory_color = 'white'; var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000'; Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) { $this->core_path = $core_path; } Function Debug ($mode) { $this->debug = $mode; } Function USthreatAdvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) { $error = ""; list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info; $cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache'); if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path = 'cache'; } if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path; if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n"; $cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file')); if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; } //Call Fetch Forcast $data = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','', $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'), $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0); $wx_data = $data[1]; $this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; $this->threat_advisory_color = 'white'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF'; //<THREAT_ADVISORY CONDITION="ELEVATED" /> if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) { $this->threat_advisory_level = strtoupper($m[1]); $t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"" . $this->threat_advisory_level . "\" />"; }else{ $t = "Threat Level unknown"; } return $t; } } ?>
Still getting the same error except now on line 64. Is their another way to do this without completely rewriting the logic? This was a plugin for the weather software I am using so I am thinking this is not following the logic of the software.
Anyone know what that means above?
Ok I closed that but now I am getting this error. Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/mesquit1/public_html/weather/hamlib/HW3Plugins/FetchUSThreatAdvisory.php on line 63 Line 63 is this... $t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />"; Here is the full code... <?php /* ####################### # HAMweather 3 # This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved. # It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following # URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml ####################### * * Revision: * $Id$ * */ require_once("FetchWxData.php"); class FetchUSThreatAdvisory { var $cfg; var $debug = false; var $core_path =''; var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; var $threat_advisory_color = 'white'; var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000'; Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) { $this->core_path = $core_path; } Function Debug ($mode) { $this->debug = $mode; } Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) { $error = ""; list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info; $cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache'); if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path = 'cache'; } if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path; if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n"; $cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file')); if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; } //Call Fetch Forcast $data = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','', $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'), $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0); $wx_data = $data[1]; $this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; $this->threat_advisory_color = 'white'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF'; //<THREAT_ADVISORY CONDITION="ELEVATED" /> if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) { $this->$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]); $t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />"; }else{ $t = "Threat Level unknown"; } return $t; } } ?>
Line 69 is the closing ?>
Ah I get what you are saying now, that makes sense. I had to had the function class because it was left off. I am not getting this error which is the last line but I don't see what it is talking about. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/mesquit1/public_html/weather/hamlib/HW3Plugins/FetchUSThreatAdvisory.php on line 69 <?php /* ####################### # HAMweather 3 # This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved. # It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following # URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml ####################### * * Revision: * $Id$ * */ require_once("FetchWxData.php"); class FetchUSThreatAdvisory { var $cfg; var $debug = false; var $core_path =''; var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; var $threat_advisory_color = 'white'; var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000'; Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) { $this->core_path = $core_path; } Function Debug ($mode) { $this->debug = $mode; } Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) { $error = ""; list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info; $cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache'); if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path = 'cache'; } if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path; if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n"; $cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file')); if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; } //Call Fetch Forcast $data = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','', $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'), $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0); $wx_data = $data[1]; $this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; $this->threat_advisory_color = 'white'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF'; //<THREAT_ADVISORY CONDITION="ELEVATED" /> if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) { $this->$threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]); $t = "<img src=\"http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/images/".strtolower($this->$threat_advisory_level).".gif\" alt=\"{$this->$threat_advisory_level}\" />"; }else{ $t = "Threat Level unknown"; } return $t; } ?>
I get this when I use to code above so I have gone back to the old one.... Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/mesquit1/public_html/weather/hamlib/HW3Plugins/FetchUSThreatAdvisory.php on line 36 What I am confused about is where in the code or how does it know what image to assign to which threat level? Does that make sense? For example, elevated use elevated.gif, High use high.gif etc.... Because in the way I had it set up for example this one. elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'HIGH') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'orange'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFA500'; If you notice if the data received from the data source is HIGH it display a orange box with a certain color text. I got all that working and it works great. I have removed those calls in the HTML file though because I wanted to show the new images instead. You see what I mean though, I have assigned colors for assigned threats that show. Don't I need to do that with the images instead somehow so it knows what image to show for each threat level? -Thanks
Ok gotcha, I tried that but nothing is showing. I thought I need to list the images in an array or something. Is that correct? How does it know which image to assign to which level?
I don't think I am following you. Then how do I call each of the images for each level?
Thanks, but I already have the call done. I have it now where it shows the text. I just need it to show the image instead of the text. The first snippet of code I posted is what I use to show the text. How would I could about changing it to show an image instead of text? -Thanks
I have a simple page that displays the current US Threat Advisory as you can see here... http://www.mesquitechristmas.com/weather/hw3.php?forecast=usthreatadvisory At the bottom of the page you will see it says Elevated. Where it says Elevated I want it to show the corresponding image as it shows on that page. Currently it shows a color instead but I have that call removed and just have it show the text. So basically I just want to replace the text with an image. Here is the code that displays the text. How would I go about change it to where it would show the image instead of the text. Now this is not the entire file, just the snippet for the code that outputs the text. I tried a couple of different things but nothing worked. //<THREAT_ADVISORY CONDITION="ELEVATED" /> if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) { $threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]); if ($threat_advisory_level == 'SEVERE') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'red'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'HIGH') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'orange'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFA500'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'ELEVATED') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'yellow'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFF00'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'GUARDED') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'blue'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '0000FF'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'LOW') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'green'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '00FF00'; } Here is the entire file.... <?php /* ####################### # HAMweather 3 # This script is copyright(c) 2003 by HAMweather, LLC all rights reserved. # It is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following # URL: http://www.hamweather.net/hw3/license.shtml ####################### * * Revision: * $Id$ * */ require_once("FetchWxData.php"); class FetchUSThreatAdvisory { var $cfg; var $debug = false; var $core_path =''; var $threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; var $threat_advisory_color = 'white'; var $threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000'; Function FetchUSThreatAdvisory($core_path) { $this->core_path = $core_path; } Function Debug ($mode) { $this->debug = $mode; } Function usthreatadvisory (&$var, &$form, $forecast, &$cfg, &$forecast_info, $debug) { $error = ""; list($iwin_file, $ma, $t,$lib,$code,$tcode) = $forecast_info; $cache_path =$cfg->val('Paths', 'cache'); if (!$cache_path) { $cache_path = 'cache'; } if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|[A-Za-z]:)/', $cache_path) ) $cache_path = $this->core_path . $cache_path; if ($debug) print "alt_zone_info=$alt_zone_info<br>\n"; $cache_file = preg_replace("/%%(\w+)%%/e", '$$1', $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_cache_file')); if (!$cache_file) {$cache_file = $cache_path . '/us-threatadvisory.txt'; } //Call Fetch Forcast $data = &fetch_forecast($cfg,$ma, $cache_file, '','', $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_url'), $cfg->Val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_prefix'), $cfg->val('URLs', 'usthreatadvisory_postfix'), $cfg->val('SystemSettings', 'proxy_port'), $debug,0); $wx_data = $data[1]; $this->threat_advisory_level = 'UNKNOWN'; $this->threat_advisory_color = 'white'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFFFF'; //<THREAT_ADVISORY CONDITION="ELEVATED" /> if (preg_match('/<THREAT_ADVISORY\s+?CONDITION\s*?=\s*?"([^"]+)"/', $wx_data,$m)) { $threat_advisory_level = $this->threat_advisory_level= strtoupper($m[1]); if ($threat_advisory_level == 'SEVERE') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'red'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FF0000'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'HIGH') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'orange'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFA500'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'ELEVATED') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'yellow'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = 'FFFF00'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'GUARDED') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'blue'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '0000FF'; } elseif ($threat_advisory_level == 'LOW') { $this->threat_advisory_color = 'green'; $this->threat_advisory_color_hex = '00FF00'; } } return $t; } Function GetValue($key, $index) { $old_error_reporting = error_reporting(0); $val = ''; $val = $this->$key; error_reporting($old_error_reporting); return $val; } } ?> I am sure this is an easy thing to do but I am stuck. So if anyone could give me a hand that would be great... -Thanks
nevermind I give up....