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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. http://php.net/nl2br
  2. ...I was asking why you're using > instead of >, not what the code was "for".
  3. There's a good free database and classes available: http://www.micahcarrick.com/v2/content/view/4/22/
  4. Why are you using the HTML code for >?
  5. Well you need to view the page more than once, like take off your x=5 part. The first time the session will be empty, so there are no values. So if you add it at the bottom too, you should see the change, the session variables got assigned.
  6. No, extends means the class includes all the variables and functions of the parent. It doesn't mean the $child is a pointer to $parent, which is how you're trying to use it, as if $child was $parent, so any changes you make to $child would apply to $parent. That's not what extends means.
  7. add print_r($_SESSION); at the top of the page, after session_start(), so we can see if the variables are really there.
  8. No because what you end up modifying is the $child, not the $parent
  9. Ah right. You create a new child. The variable that gets changed is the one in child, not the parent. If you want to change $parent's variable, you need to pass $parent to the function or have it return a value which you can then assign. You have like this: $a is parent. $b is a variable inside $a; make a change to $b, it doesn't affect $a. Why do all your classes start with _? that's going to get annoying to type all the time.
  10. foreach($CuisineListS AS $c ){ if(in_array($row_Recordset1['ID'], $c)) { echo "Match: " . $row_Recordset1['ID'] . "<br><br>"; } }
  11. If you're using a form, you should use method="post" and then use $_POST, not $_GET.
  12. You never call the function $parent->change()
  13. I think you would have to do some "core hacking", as PHP only allows to to create functions and classes.
  14. In the time I've spent working for an IT business, the language we used most was Java. There were about 10 times more java programmers than PHP. (Okay, I was the only one and I had to use Java about as much as PHP too.)
  15. Try this: if (isset($_GET['x']) && !isset($_SESSION['custKey'])) { $ky=$_GET['x']; $_SESSION['custKey']=$ky; }
  16. I second that - sending someone a PM asking to look at a topic is a pretty surefire way to make sure they don't help with it. If you're going to PM someone asking for help, be prepared to pay them their consulting fee... On Preview: thanking someone is certainly welcome though
  17. because each time you're resetting it. $ky=$_GET['x']; $_SESSION['custKey']=$ky; So the first time it's set, so the session variable gets set. The second time, it's null, so the session variable is ALSO null.
  18. redarrow, if you are blind, how do you read the posts? I assume you use a screen reader. There's got to be a way for you to preview what you're writing, so that you can actually communicate with other people. If you are using a screen reader, can you actually understand anything that comes from your post? I am not trying to be mean in any way, but your posts rarely make sense, so it makes it harder for people to answer your questions, or in this case, read your opinion. We all make typing mistakes all the time, but when you don't proofread (or whatever the equivalent would be), you can't communicate... Again, not being mean. Just offering advice...
  19. This is a general help forum. For help with a specific program you need to post in the third-party forum, or the actual program's support forums.
  20. first of all $_SESSION[lang] needs to be $_SESSION['lang'] - any string as a key in an array needs quotes atround it. Same for $rs->fields[svalue]; do print_r($rs->fields) right after that and what do you get?
  21. We'd have to see the code, but the error is obvious. language/.php is not a valid file.
  22. Using the date() function allows you to format the date however, you want. Read the manual on it.
  23. Add this at the top: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  24. Put the results of your mysql_fetch_array() into another array, instead of immediately printing them.
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