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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I guess this could go in Misc, or Polls? I start at $30/hourly. I know a few people who start at $60, but I think mine is about average for my area and my level of experience. Depending on the type of job, I will do a flat rate, such as I got approached by a few people for larger projects, and quoted one $3k, based on the amount of time I thought it would take. It will take you a while to figure out what works for you. It depends on how much you think your time is worth. But when you find yourself working too much and not making anything...raise your price! If you can't get any work, maybe your fee is too high for your quality of work, etc.
  2. Technically this is a mysql question, not PHP. The manual explains this. Instead of A you need to use %p http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html
  3. You're gonna need way more than a month and way more than $300. You could always try getafreelancer.com, people there are willing to work for way cheap (I assume mostly because the exchange rate makes it worthwhile for them)
  4. Hobowars pwns Neopets bigtime. All you have there are items, you have no information about gameplay, the point, etc. If you just want it to be just like Neopets, that's not very creative, and offers no reasons for playing it rather than Neopets.
  5. ontop of that, $300 is nothing to a php developer. True, unless you've already written the code and can re-sell it
  6. How about one like Hobowars instead? I can do that for $300.
  7. Can you post the code please? Fert, I think you mean \r\n, yeah?
  8. This should go on the Freelancing forum. You should also post your budget, as to not waste your time or the programmers time. You're not going to get a quality neopets-clone up by March.
  9. *sticks tongue out at Huggie* I win
  10. That is pretty funky...Uhm, can you try changing the 01 to just 1? Whenever I need to do this, I just use a simple array $months[1] = 'January'; etc, and just do foreach on it. It sounds faster than making timestamps and using date. Perhaps try that?
  11. There may be an easier way, but... $databaseDate = strtotime(mysql_result($rTask,0,'due')); $taskDue = $databaseDate; if(date("Y-m-d") == date("Y-m-d", $taskDue)){ // it's today }else if(time() > $taskDue){ // it's after today }else{ // it's before today } (not tested)
  12. No, it shouldn't matter, as the problem is getting mail from PHP to be accepted by the server.
  13. If you went to that page and saw no 1, that means the email was not accepted for delivery. You need to have sendmail installed and configured. At this point, I'd go back to your tech guy and have them check the mail settings.
  14. That won't work, as Cookies can easily be deleted or edited by the user.
  15. That's up to you. If you start somewhere and run into trouble, we can offer more help. You'll likely want to store these times in your database.
  16. record the time they click on it first, then don't let them do it if it's been less than 24 hours.
  17. Here's a better explanation: index.php: define("ADMIN_URL", 'http://site.com/admin/'); print ADMIN_URL; //This works. require_once('header.php'); header.php: print ADMIN_URL; //This works. require_once('admin_menu.php'); admin_menu.php: print ADMIN_URL; //This does not work PS: It's PHP 5, not 4, if it matters? Edit: and finally, it appears admin_menu.php cannot see any of the variables or constants defined on index.php. This is very confusing, as I have done similar on other pages and it works fine. *grr*
  18. strip_tags(htmlspecialchars You'll want to reverse these two, or no tags will ever be removed.
  19. Why don't you just do: $add_nom = "INSERT INTO nominees (cat_id,nominee,first_name,last_name,email) VALUES('$cat_id','$nom_name','$f_name','$last_name','$email')" ; There is no need for that array. I don't see how what you did increased security at all. Just escape the variables using the right function for your database - for mysql it's mysql_real_escape_string
  20. I think what you mean is more like if($points >= 500000 && $posts >= 45){ $rank = 2; }
  21. I'm viewing the page which defines ADMIN_URL and that page then includes (among many other pages) admin_menu.php.
  22. I have a page like this: define("ADMIN_URL", "admin/"); require_once(ADMIN_URL.'admin_menu.php'); And this works fine, the admin_menu.php is included. But in admin_menu.php I have: <li><a href="<?=ADMIN_URL?>categories/">Categories</a></li> And it prints out <li><a href="ADMIN_URLcategories/">Categories</a></li> I'm able to use the other constants I've defined on other included pages...what am I missing here?
  23. Try if ($num_rows >= 1) {
  24. Do you get an error? You know the mysql DATE format is YYYY-MM-DD, so this won't work unless your date field is a varchar formatted that way.
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