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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Yes -- echo the actual query, not with placeholders.
  2. I don't see what other choice you have.
  3. So you know the name of that table? Maybe you don't have SELECT privileges.
  4. Don't use abbreviations for column names -- that's just confusing. The lazy way is use to a use a GROUP by on assembly_number, then use MIN(tracking), and then count these. Perhaps a better way is to join a table for unique assembly_number to the base table on the first record in the index spanning these fields.
  5. fenway


    Then you can probably get away with latin1, which has support for those characters, too.
  6. That still means you want a query to run periodically -- 5.1 has an event scheduler built-in.
  7. I've no idea what you thought this had to do with MySQL. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=311085.0
  8. I don't understand -- you want to run the query every X, or the result to be based upon X?
  9. Well, maybe I don't understand what you're trying to achieve.
  10. I still don't see why you just can't join it directly and combine the ON conditions.
  11. Why do you have a subquery in the right join?
  12. Shift what around?
  13. Yeah, don't.
  14. There are no materialized views in mysql, so it's basically the same.
  15. fenway


    Only on the "right" table of any join.
  16. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=310669.0
  17. There's no "locking read" -- that's pessimistic locking that you'll have to build into your application.
  18. fenway


    What language are you storing?
  19. Then you've got a php problem.
  20. Now I'm really confused -- what are you trying to achieve here?
  21. Drop the GROUP BY / aggregate part, make sure it's reasonable output
  22. Of course... I simply assumed that's why distinct was there to begin with. That's what I get for not reading.
  23. I don't understand what you mean...
  24. Sorry, I'm very confused -- how does DISTINCT return more than one row here?
  25. Use IN, not =.
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