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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Replication.
  2. If you're not looking for non-matching rows, it will be much faster to user INNER JOINs.
  3. You could always cache the resulst.
  4. Those are some really long column names! Why are you using LEFT JOIN? In general, you need to index every column that will be used in a join -- which is typically only one of the two listed -- which ones depends on a great number of things.
  5. Yes, but I don't see how that's an "explanation".
  6. I mean the temp folder that mysql is set up to use. If you're concerned, then turn on the query log.
  7. Maybe your TEMPDIR is too small / running out of space.
  8. fenway


    You really should just use a database drive to talk to another database -- CSV is horrible.
  9. fenway


    Feel free to format the ID however you'd like -- but don't corrupt the DB.
  10. I'm fairly sure ALTER TABLE does that.
  11. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=352545.0
  12. Please don't use that ever.
  13. I thought that's what I said -- and I still prefer to set the user variable in the same statement. In terms of the last row, just UNION it in if it's not % 120.
  14. You do understand what without locking the tables your backups are useless....
  15. And then confirm that there isn't a mysql issue so that I can move this thread to PHP help instead.
  16. You can initialize your user variable with a JOIN.
  17. Not sure that I would call that "nesting" -- you can use the same expression logic that applies in a WHERE clause.
  18. STR_TO_DATE().
  19. You could include both in your HAVING clause.
  20. yes, it's always safer to let the DB driver handle quoting for you.
  21. Why not echo $sql2 so we can see.
  22. Oh -- simply that you can use a user-variable to "number" each row, and then use "HAVING @counter % 120 = 0" to get the edges.
  23. I'm simply stating that you shouldn't store data for two team in one record.
  24. Are you asking how to set up replication?
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