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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Oh, definitely not... but I think everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, at least for a little while.
  2. You need to store those as DATETIME. But mysql will let you get away with that for now. Simply use "WHERE LogDate < NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY".
  3. Then don't use the plus sign.
  4. SOPA is dead -- long live the Internet ;-) http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/01/16/1457237/house-kills-sopa
  5. Don't start a new thread for the same issue. kickstart gave you the answer -- and a better way to do this anyway.
  6. That's still php code. A statement is a raw string -- you'll need to show us those.
  7. You can usually start services manually via the "services" control panel interface -- but if you installed it correctly, it should run at startup. I'm fairly sure it's trivial to change.
  8. That's layout -- use a hash.
  9. That depends on the optimizer for your version of mysql.
  10. In fact, never use DISTINCT.
  11. Technically, there's a way, but it's buggy, so don't. If you don't want it repeat, do the math afterwards, not in the SQL statement.
  12. I don't see SQL statements -- I see php code.
  13. Now that we're debugging php output, perhaps this isn't the best board any longer?
  14. You don't need post numbers.
  15. You have to have (a) the same number of columns and (b) they have to be of the same type.
  16. We're going to have to start again... I can't follow this any more.
  17. Also, it won't work at all, since you're single-quoting your column name.
  18. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=351430.0
  19. First, that's a PHP error. Second, you have quoting problems. Third, you wouldn't have this problem if you used a proper function to create your SQL statements.
  20. And you can't guess what column your own DOB is stored in? Does kickstart have to do everything?
  21. This just screams "FULLTEXT INDEX".
  22. Yes, but that's a different level of compliance.
  23. Why do you think you want this?
  24. Post the SQL query itself, and the error.
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