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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Unless you're using bind parameters, it's always better to quote strings -- particularly if you're writing raw SQL via PHP.
  2. That doesn't really matter -- take the UPDATE, write the equivalent SELECT,and check EXPLAIN.
  3. Where's the mysql problem here?
  4. Sounds like you're asking the same question again -- don't do that -- wait for a response. Topic locked.
  5. That means 'create the indexes on the columns above' -- you're currently performing joins on un-indexed columns.
  6. Then you're going to have to provide table definitions and sample data -- which, by the way, is requested & required by the posting guidelines.
  7. team_points.team_id is one of the missing indexes. payments.user_team_id is another.
  8. The fact that it's an ENUM has absolutely no bearing on updating the values.
  9. You're missing AND and OR in your WHERE clause without parentheses.
  10. We're happy to help -- but you've only provided some PHP code -- I can't possibly guess what that's doing.
  11. Again, we're not going to debug your code for you -- show us an INSERT statement.
  12. fenway

    help required

    Start by telling us what part of the database queries doesn't work.
  13. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=364540.0
  14. Let's start by looking at EXPLAIN output for both queries.
  15. Can you give a concrete example?
  16. There wasn't an error, it only output a single RequirementType, there's 6 rows in that table. Then show us the data in the rows you expect to see.
  17. That JOIN you were provided with should work -- what's the error?
  18. Care to elaborate on that node-style solution?
  19. Yeah, and soggy corn flakes are disgusting.
  20. I'm not one to open attachments -- but a new dedicated user sounds like the way to go.
  21. Well, you posted apache error messages about a file not exists. And connecting to mysql as 'root'? Definitely not the solution.
  22. Welcome back.
  23. If you're joining, you'll need at least one index per joined table.
  24. More importantly, never combine first and last names into a single column.
  25. You haven't given us tables. You haven't given us the offending queries. How are we possibly supposed to help?
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