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Everything posted by fenway

  1. No, you have to join it AFTER that query, since you're using GROUP BY -- take that entire query, make it a derived table, and join it again. Wait a second, maybe I didn't understand your original question?
  2. I mean that one bmonth value from one table matches more than one record in the other table.
  3. Or use back-ticks... but better to change the name.
  4. Then you need to join again.
  5. fenway

    Group by month

    First, you can't select * with a GROUP BY. Second, I don't even understand the question.
  6. the parent_category_id can point to another subcategory.
  7. Then it sounds like bmonth isn't unique enough.
  8. Would you mind posting your solution for everyone else to see? And always GROUP BY, never DISTINCT.
  9. I thought you had to specify VARCHAR sizes.
  10. You normalize your database.
  11. I meant check both, not database AND. Sorry about the confusion.
  12. Sorry, not much sense.
  13. It most definitely can.
  14. No idea about the php stuff.
  15. As is DATE, but apparently, it's context-sensitive reserved.
  16. fenway


    Echo $query.
  17. Can't you simplify this to check to the following 1) OE < NS AND OR 2) OS > NE Assuming you can rely of end > start...
  18. The "20%" and "up to two" should have given it away....
  19. What queries have you tried?
  20. What do you have so far?
  21. Two things --- first, DISTINCT is not a function, it's a modifier to SELECT; it filters out rows where ALL field values in the column list match. Very different than GROUP BY. Second, you can use FIND_IN_SET() if you values are comma separated without all that string manipulation. But it's a bad idea to store lists in fields.
  22. fenway


    Um, you need a WHERE clause... use the $id!!!!
  23. The mysql site has plenty of dev articles on this subject. As for remote IPs, yes, you have to make sure you can connect non-localhost on the given port.
  24. Take a look at this resource.
  25. Like I said, determine them in an earlier query, and there's no difference.
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