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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Well, yes, all numbers need to be rounded as soon as there's multiplication with decimals. But even the divisor solution won't help with taxes, and such, right?
  2. So, solved?
  3. You'd still probably feel the effects of SOPA claims. You already can't watch a youtube video if there's a copyright claim against it in the US, a SOPA claim will knock a whole website off the DNS system, and canada just piggy-backs off the US for DNS. Where in Canada are you? I have family in Montreal, Nova Scotia, and Calgary. Toronto, Ontario. I meant as a web developer, in terms of hosting.
  4. Subqueries have to start with SELECT -- not SUM.
  5. Hey, if you want to be stubborn, just use a trigger and have a second column.
  6. Well, then use something unique for another table, and use BETWEEN.
  7. The 500 error has nothing to do with MySQL.
  8. There shouldn't be any floating-point errors with DECIMAL -- at least not the same as with DOUBLE / FLOAT -- but I haven't really bothered to check.
  9. I'm just glad I'm in Canada, where at least for now, none of this matters.
  10. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=351311.0
  11. Drop the GROUP BY -- use a self-join instead.
  12. There's a only a minor storage difference (one byte), so strictly speaking I suppose you're correct. But the fact that dollar amounts are being stored as integers bothers me to no end.
  13. I'm sorry -- what's the mysql question?
  14. I didn't see any schemas posted. Yes, that's true. You need 2 separate queries.
  15. Then what is unique in that table? Something numeric, perhaps?
  16. Oh, they'll be decimals soon enough -- I'd rather not have the OP have to change the schema yet again.
  17. That syntax error is due to a missing "SELECT'
  18. Let's flip the tables around -- why do you think it's a good idea?
  19. What on earth is that bizarre case statement doing?
  20. To get your friend's friends, you'll need to join twice -- do you have this query working?
  21. well, you don't appear to have a UID on the worldcitylist table...
  22. You can easily test this with CAST-ing. But they should have been been DOUBLES -- rather, DECIMALS.
  23. You need UNION, not JOIN.
  24. Perhaps you need NOT EXISTS.
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