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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Post the output of the first query... and what you'd like the second query to display.
  2. Try "SELECT title, replace(Title,'#','') as NewTitle FROM content ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 150" and see what happens.
  3. But it sounds like you're _using_ innodb tables?
  4. Title, full, then first 4 chars of type.
  5. Yes, but it's not being used for the order by clause... and you have two indexes called date alias/
  6. There's an AVG() function... but you need to join these queries.
  7. Well, issue the equivalent select and make sure everything's as expected.
  8. Why was innodb not available?
  9. Try "ORDER BY (IF countryid = <the-id-of-the-US>, 0, 1), country_name ASC"
  10. You're ordering by two columns, you only have one in your index.
  11. Forgot about all those other joins for a minute.... including the ones in your dervied table. You already have the min/group by for the singles by breed; then just join this table to singles table using breedid and besttime, and THEN join the rest in.
  12. Why not the check the error log first?
  13. You won't be able to do this on a remote server unless it's configured to do so...
  14. Where's the ON clause?
  15. Yes, echo can't do "nothing".
  16. But you shouldn't use the ID -- you have a date field!!!!!
  17. Then you should simply have the two-column index instead.
  18. I don't know what you mean... skip-networking does just that, effectively.
  19. 3 times? No! Use a third many-to-many table as suggested.
  20. fenway

    MySql Table

    I don't like the fact that you're referring to #1 as UID 1 -- don't change UIDs *ever*. Order the results by something else.
  21. Using anything other than the ID for sorting records is preferred... using LIMIT without an ORDER BY clause can produce unexpected results.
  22. It's surprisingly difficult to compare rows to each other... this falls far outside the scope of the "set" that almost all RDBMS are based upon. You'd need a join for *each* row! That is, it needs to be interative... so unless you're going to use an SP, you're stuck.
  23. That doesn't look like the error log file, that looks like a screenshot of the running process. And what's wrong with innodb?
  24. Provided you can use an order by clause, you can LIMIT 150.
  25. What does the error log show?
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