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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Huh?
  2. Which 10 -- sorted by what?
  3. Then you don't have the right password.
  4. Why not use MySQL's WEEK() function?
  5. Again, read the link provided -- make a fulltext index that spans all 4 columns.
  6. I mean store value1, value2, and then the expression. MySQL will take most expression as column values.
  7. update users set points = 0 where paypal is not null
  8. DB design doesn't require a budget -- and poor DB design will be way more expensive in the long run. But I digress -- you haven't told me anything about your tables. I don't know where the e-mail address field is.
  9. "resetting" columns is the sign of bad design. That means you're losing data.
  10. Assuming that they're running a single instance of MySQL for the entire server (likely), then you're stuck, because there's on a single conf file being used per-server. Why not use the Sphinx plug-in and forget about using FULLTEXT?
  11. As long as the raw values are stored too, there's nothing wrong with a summary table to speed things up.
  12. I can tell you how to make it work, but this isn't a very robust DB design.
  13. If your $something variable is empty, then it's not a mysql problem. Incidentally, you should always list the column names -- why is the first one blank? If it's the auto-increment, leave it out entirely.
  14. I don't care about the output. I need to know how many results you want back from EACH table. And how many results you want in TOTAL.
  15. Your query needs to look something like this: SELECT l.* FROM ( SELECT grouper, COALESCE( ( SELECT id FROM t_limiter li WHERE li.grouper = dlo.grouper ORDER BY li.grouper, li.id LIMIT 14, 1 ), CAST(0xFFFFFFFF AS DECIMAL)) AS mid FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT grouper FROM t_limiter dl ) dlo ) lo, t_limiter l WHERE l.grouper >= lo.grouper AND l.grouper <= lo.grouper AND l.id <= lo.mid where "grouper" is your post ID.
  16. If you can't show us the actual query, then we can't help you. For testing, make it happen in the foreground. If you can't, write a file to the disk.
  17. "grouper" is the name of the column you want to group on.
  18. I don't know -- do you want to LIMIT each to 3, or all to 3? Which table should "win"?
  19. That's not what that variable is -- it's the minimum word-length to index. So it won't index "the", "and", etc. -- and I think the minimum is 4. Anyway, if you have access to edit the option file, then you might be able to change it (and then rebuild all of your FULLTEXT indexes).
  20. That LIMIT won't apply to anything but the last time the way it's written.
  21. That link I gave you is exactly what you need to do -- show me what you have so far.
  22. Or, pre-process the results, and make a hash.
  23. How about you echo the query?
  24. Write the query for each table separately, then UNION.
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