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Everything posted by jbog91

  1. Well, the mysql server is on the same server. It's going to be multiple emails across multiple users. I guess I'll just go with the mysql route. I shouldn't see much difference, I will be using id's to identify them, not full names so that will equal it out I guess. Thanks.
  2. Well, I have a question. I have to store an email. This could be anywhere from 500kb to 5mb in size. (mime parts, headers, and all) I will be getting other information about the email from the database. But where should I store the actual email? In the database or in a file? Which would be more efficient and cause less stress on the server? This email will be accessed 24/7 for a bit. (Until it gets sent to all the newsletter subscribers)
  3. Well, I've done some irc bots but if this gets too tough, I may try doing this in java. I just need it to run on a webserver. I'd have to learn it first though.
  4. Thank you. I will check that stuff out. Any other suggestions are welcome too. No, I currently do not have any code. I'm trying to get the basics down and plan.
  5. I need some help with this. I am creating a poker dealer that will host many tables. I was wondering how I could have multiple instances of a script to manage each table running, kinda like a multithreaded program. Is this possible? The poker dealer is basicaly like a server, the clients will all connect to it to play. It will be a socket server.
  6. Well, what I need to do is take information from a mysql database and put it in an excel file. I have the database part down but the excel part is giving me trouble. I don't think pear is an option so anything other than it would be great. I know how to write to a file but I don't know what to write to do stuff like go to a different cell or something. I've seen where people do it using tables but that doesn't work. I need to be able to do the following things. Go to a new cell. Go to a new row. Make something bold. How can I do this? The file is an excel (.xls or .csv) but it will be opened in Works Spreadsheet by the client.
  7. Thanks. Seems to be working. I'll post back if I have anymore problems.
  8. I've figured that out. Look at the edit I made. What would I need to put in the file to make this: www.mysite.com/profile.php?user=jbog91 turn into this: www.mysite.com/jbog91
  9. I know you don't have to make a directory everytime someone signs up. Doesn't mod_rewrite require you to have access to some apache files that only the server admin has access too? --Edit-- I see. Mod_rewrite doesn't require you to have access to your server's httpd.conf file. You do it through .htaccess files. I found a tutorial here. http://www.workingwith.me.uk/articles/scripting/mod_rewrite But it says that if I have: www.mysite.com/profile.php?user=jbog91 I would need to have this: www.mysite.com/profile/jbog91 What could I do to make it: www.mysite.com/jbog91
  10. I'm working on this site, a community of sort, and I need some help with something I saw on some other sites. I want people to be able to access their profile by typing this is. Instead of this: http://www.mysite.com/profile.php?user=jbog91 I want this: http://www.mysite.com/jbog91 I've seen many things on this but I can't seem to figure it out. I don't own the server, it's going to be shared hosting. :(
  11. Well, no but this might help. [a href=\"http://www.torrenttrader.org/news.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.torrenttrader.org/news.php[/a] Sorry for bringing this post from so far back but I was wondering the same thing and just doing some searching.
  12. [a href=\"http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/[/a] Just search it up in google. I'm sure there are more than that. [a href=\"http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGGL,GGGL:2005-09,GGGL:en&q=create+a+thumbnail+of+a+video+file+in+php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...deo+file+in+php[/a]
  13. I'd be playin with yall but the computer that can run it at my dad's house is on a slow connection with high latency(satelite) and the one that can't is on a good connection.(cable) Hope yall have fun.
  14. Nevermind. I got it to work. My orignial code: [code] if (!in_array($type,$allowed)) {         echo "Error";         exit; } [/code] which was the same basicaly as what kenrbnsn said worked. In my array, I accidently had images/gif when it was supposed to be image/gif. Thanks anyway yall.
  15. [code] <?php // This is the file that handles all of the code for uploading and preparing the image // Setting some variable for handling the file $name = $_FILES['imagefile']['name']; $size = $_FILES['imagefile']['size']; $type = $_FILES['imagefile']['type']; $temp = $_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name']; $newname = date(njyGs); $allowed = array('images/jpg', 'images/jpeg', 'images/png', 'images/gif', 'images/bmp', 'images/tif', 'images/tiff'); // Check various file parameters before allowing to be hosted if ($type != "image/gif"){     echo "Warning : You cannot upload that type of file.";     exit; } [/code] Hmm, well how shoud this be done?
  16. It doesn't work. It just gives the the error message and exits. I had already tried that.
  17. Tried using that. How could I use it in that code? I don't won't to add the rest of my information in an if or else statement. All I wont' to do is say, "if the filetype is not in the array, give error." See what I'm saying. I could just use else statements but I want a simple if it's not in there.
  18. I am working on this image upload system. This code works. [code]$allowed = array('images/jpg', 'images/jpeg', 'images/png', 'images/gif', 'images/bmp', 'images/tif', 'images/tiff'); // Check various file parameters before allowing to be hosted if ($type != "image/gif"){     echo "Warning : You cannot upload that filetype.";     exit; } echo "Uploaded";[/code] But this doesn't. [code]$allowed = array('images/jpg', 'images/jpeg', 'images/png', 'images/gif', 'images/bmp', 'images/tif', 'images/tiff'); // Check various file parameters before allowing to be hosted if ($type != $allowed){     echo "Warning : You cannot upload that filetype.";     exit; } echo "Uploaded";[/code] How can I see if the file type is in that array? I know it's something simple I'm doing wrong.
  19. And that will do what is in the video? It looks like all that does is set the focus to a text field already on the page. Or does that work in corresondenc to the code I posted? Because I see no timer or anthing that could offset the function of turning it into a textbox from the link's regular function of sending you to the thread.
  20. This might help. [a href=\"http://www.webreference.com/js/tutorial1/opener.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.webreference.com/js/tutorial1/opener.html[/a] There's also a bunch of stuff about refreshing the parent window. That should help you because it will show you how they targeted the parent window for refresh. You can prune through and see what you want. [a href=\"http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGGL,GGGL:2005-09,GGGL:en&q=target+parent+window+in+javascript\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...w+in+javascript[/a] But I think the first one will help the most.
  21. Well, I've search google with ajax in mind but I still can't find anything like this. I just don't understand the code all that well and I wouldn't know how to pass the variable from php and stuff so I could update the data in mysql and stuff. Here is the code if anyone can make sense of it and tell me if they've seen anything like it I could use. [code] //------------------------------------------ // Invision Power Board v2.1 // Forums JS File // © 2005 Invision Power Services, Inc. // // [url=http://www.invisionboard.com]http://www.invisionboard.com[/url] //------------------------------------------ /*--------------------------------------------*/ // INIT /*--------------------------------------------*/ var topic_dates      = {}; var topic_flags      = {}; var forum_mark_time; var newer_topics     = new Array; var newer_count      = 0; var flags_count      = 0; var forum_id; var url_extra        = ''; var start_int        = 0; var forum_mark_sent  = 0; var span_html        = new Array; var desc_html        = new Array; var text_html        = new Array; var folders          = new Array; var _desc_clicked    = 0; var topic_links_init = 0; var tid_date    = new Array(); var click_delay = 1200; //microseconds (1.2 seconds) /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Pop up mod options /*--------------------------------------------*/ function forum_mod_pop( fid ) {     try     {         menu_action_close();     }     catch(e) { }          PopUp( ipb_var_base_url + 'act=mod&CODE=prune_start&f='+fid+'&auth_key='+ipb_md5_check, 'PRUNE', 600,500); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // INIT topic links... /*--------------------------------------------*/ function forum_init_topic_links() {     //----------------------------------     // Get page links...     // Gah.. another safari bug     //----------------------------------          var pagelinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');          //----------------------------------     // Sort through and grab topic links     //----------------------------------          for ( var i = 0; i <= pagelinks.length; i++ )     {         try         {             if ( ! pagelinks[i].id )             {                 continue;             }         }         catch(e)         {             continue;         }                  var linkid   = pagelinks[i].id;         var linkname = linkid.replace( /^(.*)-(\d+)$/, "$1" );                  if ( linkname == 'tid-link' )         {             pagelinks[i].onmousedown  = topic_link_event_mousedown;             pagelinks[i].onmouseup    = topic_link_event_mouseup;             //pagelinks[i].style.cursor = 'text';                          if ( ! topic_links_init )             {                 pagelinks[i].title = pagelinks[i].title + '. ' + lang_clickhold;             }         }     }          topic_links_init = 1; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Mousedown, start timer /*--------------------------------------------*/ function topic_link_event_mousedown( event ) {     //----------------------------------     // Prevent link loading     //----------------------------------          event = global_cancel_bubble( event, true );          //----------------------------------     // Get TID     //----------------------------------          var tid = _get_tid_from_id( this.id );          //----------------------------------     // Start...     //----------------------------------          tid_date[ tid ] = _get_time_now();     //----------------------------------     // Start loop     //----------------------------------          setTimeout( "topic_link_event_timer("+tid+")", 5 ); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Event, loop /*--------------------------------------------*/ function topic_link_event_timer( tid ) {     //----------------------------------     // Get time now     //----------------------------------     var timenow = _get_time_now();          //----------------------------------     // Click held for 1.5 s+?     //----------------------------------          if ( timenow > 0 && tid_date[tid] > 0 && ( (timenow - tid_date[tid] ) > click_delay ) )     {         //----------------------------------         // Yeah.. wipe tid time and convert         //----------------------------------                  tid_date[tid] = 0;         span_to_input( tid );         return false;     }          //----------------------------------     // Not wiped? loop on!     //----------------------------------          if ( tid_date[tid] > 0 )     {         setTimeout( "topic_link_event_timer("+tid+")", 5 );     }     else     {         return false;     } } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Mouseup? Cancel timer to kill the loop /*--------------------------------------------*/ function topic_link_event_mouseup( event ) {     //----------------------------------     // Prevent link loading     //----------------------------------          event = global_cancel_bubble( event, true );          //----------------------------------     // Get TID     //----------------------------------          var tid = _get_tid_from_id( this.id );          //----------------------------------     // Reset timer     //----------------------------------          tid_date[tid] = 0; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Get time now /*--------------------------------------------*/ function _get_time_now() {     var mydate = new Date();     return mydate.getTime(); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Get TID from ID /*--------------------------------------------*/ function _get_tid_from_id( id ) {     return id.replace( /.*\-(\d+)/, "$1" ); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Turn topic title into text input /*--------------------------------------------*/ function topic_toggle_folder( tid ) {     //----------------------------------     // Using fancy js?     //----------------------------------          if ( ! use_enhanced_js )     {         return false;     }          //----------------------------------     // Can edit?     //----------------------------------          if ( ! perm_can_open && ! perm_can_close )     {         return false;     }          var td_content = document.getElementById( 'tid-folder-' + tid ).innerHTML;     var state;          if ( td_content.match( new RegExp( "/("+img_folder_closed+")([\"'])", "i" ) ) )     {         //----------------------------------         // Can?         //----------------------------------                  if ( ! perm_can_open )         {             return false;         }                  //----------------------------------         // Topic is locked         //----------------------------------                  if ( folders[ tid ] )         {             td_content = folders[ tid ];         }         else         {             td_content = td_content.replace( new RegExp( "([\"'])(.*)/(.+?)([\"'])"), "$1$2/"+img_folder_normal+"$4" );         }                  state = 'open';     }     else     {         //----------------------------------         // Can?         //----------------------------------                  if ( ! perm_can_close )         {             return false;         }                  //----------------------------------         // Topic isn't locked         //----------------------------------                  folders[ tid ] = td_content;         td_content     = td_content.replace( new RegExp( "([\"'])(.*)/(.+?)([\"'])"), "$1$2/"+img_folder_closed+"$4" );         state          = 'closed';     }          document.getElementById( 'tid-folder-' + tid ).innerHTML = td_content;     /*--------------------------------------------*/     // Main function to do on request     // Must be defined first!!     /*--------------------------------------------*/          do_request_function = function()     {         //----------------------------------         // Ignore unless we're ready to go         //----------------------------------                  if ( ! xmlobj.readystate_ready_and_ok() )         {             // Could do a little loading graphic here?             return;         }                  //----------------------------------         // INIT         //----------------------------------                  var returned = xmlobj.xmlhandler.responseText;     }          //----------------------------------     // LOAD XML     //----------------------------------          xmlobj = new ajax_request();     xmlobj.onreadystatechange( do_request_function );          xmlobj.process( ipb_var_base_url + 'act=xmlout&do=save-topic&type=openclose&name='+state+'&md5check='+ipb_md5_check+'&tid='+tid );          return false; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Turn topic title into text input /*--------------------------------------------*/ function span_to_input( tid ) {     //----------------------------------     // Using fancy js?     //----------------------------------          if ( ! use_enhanced_js )     {         return false;     }          //----------------------------------     // Can?     //----------------------------------          if ( ! perm_can_edit )     {         return false;     }          //----------------------------------     // Prevent double click when desc open     //----------------------------------          if ( _desc_clicked )     {         return false;     }              span_html[ tid ] = document.getElementById( 'tid-span-' + tid ).innerHTML;     text_html[ tid ] = document.getElementById( 'tid-link-' + tid ).innerHTML;          //----------------------------------     // Topic title     //----------------------------------          perm_max_length = perm_max_length ? perm_max_length : 50;          document.getElementById( 'tid-span-' + tid ).innerHTML = '<input id="edit-'+tid+'" class="dny-edit-title" maxlength="'+perm_max_length+'" type="text" size="40" value="'+text_html[ tid ].replace( /"/g, '&quot;') +'" />'; //"'     document.getElementById( 'edit-' + tid ).onkeyup       = function( event ) { tid_keypress(event, tid) }     document.getElementById( 'edit-' + tid ).onblur        = function( event ) { tid_blur(tid) }     document.getElementById( 'edit-' + tid ).focus();          return false; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Turn topic DESC into text input /*--------------------------------------------*/ function span_desc_to_input( tid ) {     //----------------------------------     // Using fancy js?     //----------------------------------          if ( ! use_enhanced_js )     {         return false;     }          //----------------------------------     // Can?     //----------------------------------          if ( ! perm_can_edit )     {         return false;     }          //----------------------------------     // Prevent double click when desc open     //----------------------------------          if ( _desc_clicked )     {         return false;     }          _desc_clicked = 1;          desc_html[ tid ] = document.getElementById( 'tid-desc-' + tid ).innerHTML;          //----------------------------------     // Topic desc     //----------------------------------          perm_max_length = perm_max_length ? perm_max_length : 50;          document.getElementById( 'tid-desc-' + tid ).innerHTML = '<input id="edit-'+tid+'" maxlength="'+perm_max_length+'" class="dny-edit-title" type="text" size="40" onblur="tid_blur(\''+tid+'\', \'desc\')" onkeypress="tid_keypress(event, \''+tid+'\',\'desc\')" value="'+desc_html[ tid ].replace( /"/g, '&quot;')+'" />'; //"'     document.getElementById( 'edit-'     + tid ).focus();          return false; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // BLUR HANDLER /*--------------------------------------------*/ tid_blur = function( tid, type ) {     new_text = document.getElementById( 'edit-' + tid ).value;          if( type == 'desc' )     {         tid_save( tid, new_text, type );     }     else     {         if ( new_text != "" )         {             tid_save( tid, new_text, type );         }     } } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // KEY PRESS HANDLER /*--------------------------------------------*/ tid_keypress = function( evt, tid, type ) {     if ( is_safari )     {         return false;     }          evt      = evt ? evt : window.event;     new_text = document.getElementById( 'edit-' + tid ).value;          if ( ( evt.keyCode == 13 || evt.keyCode == 3 ) && new_text != "" )     {         tid_save( tid, new_text, type );     } } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // UDPATE DB /*--------------------------------------------*/ tid_save = function( tid, new_text, type ) {     var donotedit = 0;          if ( type == 'desc' )     {         if ( new_text == desc_html[ tid ] )         {             donotedit = 1;         }                  _desc_clicked = 0;                  document.getElementById( 'tid-desc-' + tid ).innerHTML = new_text;     }     else     {         if ( new_text == text_html[ tid ] )         {             donotedit = 1;         }                  type = 'title';         document.getElementById( 'tid-span-' + tid ).innerHTML = span_html[ tid ];         document.getElementById( 'tid-link-' + tid ).innerHTML = new_text;                  //----------------------------------         // Re-check topic links         //----------------------------------                  forum_init_topic_links();     }          if ( donotedit )     {         return false;     }          var url    = ipb_var_base_url + 'act=xmlout&do=save-topic&type='+type+'&md5check='+ipb_md5_check+'&tid='+tid;     var fields = new Array();     //----------------------------------     // Populate fields     //----------------------------------          fields['md5check'] = ipb_md5_check;     fields['tid']      = tid;     fields['act']      = 'xmlout';     fields['do']       = 'save-topic';     fields['type']     = type;     fields['name']     = new_text;          /*--------------------------------------------*/     // Main function to do on request     // Must be defined first!!     /*--------------------------------------------*/          do_request_function = function()     {         //----------------------------------         // Ignore unless we're ready to go         //----------------------------------                  if ( ! xmlobj.readystate_ready_and_ok() )         {             // Could do a little loading graphic here?             return;         }                  //----------------------------------         // INIT         //----------------------------------                  var returned = xmlobj.xmlhandler.responseText;                  if ( type != 'desc' && ! returned.match( /<null>s<\/null>/ ) )         {             document.getElementById( 'tid-link-' + tid ).innerHTML = returned;         }     }          //----------------------------------     // LOAD XML     //----------------------------------          xmlobj = new ajax_request();     xmlobj.onreadystatechange( do_request_function );     xmlobj.process( url, 'POST', xmlobj.format_for_post(fields) );          return false; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Who posted /*--------------------------------------------*/ function who_posted(tid) {     window.open("index.php?act=Stats&CODE=who&t="+tid, "WhoPosted", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=230,height=300"); } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Check delete /*--------------------------------------------*/ function checkdelete() {     if ( ! document.modform.selectedtids.value )     {         return false;     }          isDelete = document.modform.tact.options[document.modform.tact.selectedIndex].value;          if (isDelete == 'delete')     {         formCheck = confirm( lang_suredelete );                  if (formCheck == true)         {             return true;         }         else         {             return false;         }     } } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Toggle selection /*--------------------------------------------*/ function forum_toggle_tid( tid ) {     saved = new Array();     clean = new Array();     add   = 1;          //-----------------------------------     // Get form info     //-----------------------------------          tmp = document.modform.selectedtids.value;          if( tmp != "" )     {         saved = tmp.split(",");     }          //-----------------------------------     // Remove bit if exists     //-----------------------------------          for( i = 0; i < saved.length; i++ )     {         if ( saved[i] != "" )         {             if ( saved[i] == tid )             {                  add = 0;             }             else             {                 clean[clean.length] = saved[i];             }         }     }          //-----------------------------------     // Add?     //-----------------------------------          if ( add )     {         clean[ clean.length ] = tid;         eval("document.img"+tid+".src=selectedbutton");     }     else     {         eval(" document.img"+tid+".src=unselectedbutton");     }          newvalue = clean.join(',');          my_setcookie( 'modtids', newvalue, 0 );          document.modform.selectedtids.value = newvalue;          newcount = stacksize(clean);          document.modform.gobutton.value = lang_gobutton + ' (' + newcount + ')';          return false; } /*--------------------------------------------*/ // Do multi page jump /*--------------------------------------------*/ function multi_page_jump( url_bit, total_posts, per_page ) {     pages = 1;     cur_st = ipb_var_st;     cur_page  = 1;          if ( total_posts % per_page == 0 )     {         pages = total_posts / per_page;     }     else     {         pages = Math.ceil( total_posts / per_page );     }          msg = ipb_lang_tpl_q1 + " " + pages;          if ( cur_st > 0 )     {         cur_page = cur_st / per_page; cur_page = cur_page -1;     }          show_page = 1;          if ( cur_page < pages )     {         show_page = cur_page + 1;     }          if ( cur_page >= pages )     {         show_page = cur_page - 1;     }     else     {         show_page = cur_page + 1;     }          userPage = prompt( msg, show_page );          if ( userPage > 0  )     {         if ( userPage < 1 )     {    userPage = 1;  }         if ( userPage > pages ) { userPage = pages; }         if ( userPage == 1 )    {     start = 0;    }         else { start = (userPage - 1) * per_page; }              window.location = url_bit + "&st=" + start;     } } [/code] Beastly bit a code ain't it?
  22. Oh really? I thought ajax was a load of crap but I guess not. It might be good for the me learn that. Thanks.
  23. This little script is really cool and I would love to put it in some of my php scripts. But I know nothing of javascript and no idea how to make this. I have seen the file that does this but as I said I don't know how to edit it to work in my scripts so, and it's property of ipb since it's used on their boards. If you have ipb you know what I'm talking about and you can find the file. Here is a video of what I'm talking about: (btw:if anyone knows of a better file upload site, please let me know) [a href=\"http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B2D2063F\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B2D2063F[/a] Does anyone know of another script for download or a turorial or something on how to do this? Thanks
  24. I don't have that problem. I'm using 4.0.6. I think the newest is 4.0.7 but when I open a .js (that is what your talking about right) file, it opens ok. I would think it would open it because the has the syntax button at the top for it.
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