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Everything posted by tommyboy123x

  1. $ch = curl_init(); $handle = fopen("file.txt", "w"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url"); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERPWD,"user:password"); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_FILE,$handle); curl_exec($ch); thanks. i looked back and found i just typed in "http://user:pass@domain.com" to connect authenticated sessions
  2. I just want to be able to download a specific file with a script but i need to authenticate myself first because the file is generated by a password protected script. how?
  3. moreover, that just equals zero. To get .00045, you need to multiply 45 x .00001 if you just want to put the two variables together, just make sure there arent two decimal places either. $answer = $multiply.$input; also make sure your variables are all the same case, i.e. $Multiply isn't the same as $multiply
  4. should be easy -- how do you connect to a website to download a file with a username and password? just one of those mental blocks i guess thanks
  5. i have a code for a dynamic (updates from a database) triple menu utilizing javascript if you'd like it..?
  6. is it possible to ensure the page is redirected and simultaneously mark that in a database?
  7. I don't have access to the server yet, but i'll report my findings here later. Is it possible to do something like what is below? if (header("location: http://google.com")){ //run SQL query to mark the data as "sent" to the other server }else{ //error report }
  8. well the shared hosting shouldn't be too much of a problem because the guy has a dedicated one, so this being the case, it will show it as being from the server IP and run the script to its completion?
  9. if i were to run a cronjob every 10 minutes to check a file, update a database, then send the GET data to another server would it just simply use the server IP automatically?
  10. I need to send GET data from a server and have it originate from the server's IP. The data will only be accepted on the condition that the IP address is the one on file... how can i do this? I've been out of PHP for a few months and feel like this should be an easy task to accomplish but am having a little mental blocking.
  11. uploading a bad image outputs errors Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: '/tmp/phpqJ1b3G' is not a valid JPEG file in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 24 Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 50 Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 51 Warning: imagealphablending(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 65 Warning: imagecopy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 74 Warning: imagejpeg(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 81 Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /media/data/forumpix.co.uk/index.php on line 90 uploading a php file or anything that is corrupted does the same thing
  12. I can't get the same results your getting... That doesn't seem to make any sense though, because the "|" symbol is nowhere in the code
  13. The \\ are canceling each other out, and then the third \ removes the quotation mark and so PHP reads it as an unexpected variable (no closing quotation mark) on a side note, i really prefer str_replace over preg_replace I think it should be something like $var = "\\wusais\Intranets\Intranets\fpdb\pdf\weinig\00505882.pdf"; $new = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $var); Basically look at the error your getting. Its not saying the url is bad, just that theres an unexpected variable. I'd recommend getting phpdesigner or something that shows different colors for functions, variables, strings, etc. PHPdesigner is free too :-)
  14. no most of the offers are US only and it only adds fraud... might get around to putting in a thing for canada and other countries but right now, no one outside of the US
  15. I want to make firefox refresh the page when it is loaded, but it wont Works in IE, not FF... ? header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); something else i should add to make it work with mozilla?
  16. I did read it i just couldn't comprehend it... i guess the problem is i dont know what a thread is (a process?) but from what i can see its a great script
  17. typo: The nice thing about the Web is that you can browser code by viewing the HTML source. or i just dont understand it. Also as a recommendation - allow the user to change the security code. I got one that i can't figure out what it is... Even if other people can figure it out, the person using it could not, and finds it a burdon... if that makes any sense. Sending long messages don't store in the database correctly. You might want to alert the user if the ENCRYPTED version of the message is too long or change the type of storage on the messages.
  18. From a security standpoint, i thought that the $_POST might be a bad thing. Obviously i won't be doing it with the password as it is already encrypted but i guess theres no risk for things like username. Thanks
  19. How do other sites make it so that when you fill out a form and you mess something up (e.g. the password / verify password are not the same), the values are still in the input box? I could throw out a bunch of sites that do this... even registering for this forum, web.com, and almost every other place. For a while firefox would autosave it on my site so that when you click back it is waiting for you, but i put in this javascript / php text replacement thing that interferes with that because it generates an image every time the page is loaded so it is not all in the cache or something like that...
  20. i love triple posting...... as far as i know, the sign up page is "secure" as well as everything else... obviously don't do anything to corrupt the db's, but if you can query the db's, its just as good but less harmful if its possible... if that makes any sense. revised: Sign up page xss profile xss tracker.php xss and exploits search exploits also i deleted the users "username" and "agentsteal" to clear out the old xss marquee's in the database... i figured it couldn't be good anyways :-P
  21. editing timed out - sry for double post I fixed all the problems mentioned except for the signup fields (such as email, address, etc) for xss and the javascript injections / sql injections (w/ the search feature on the offers page)... if you end up finding something please post it :-) edit: basically anything aside from the signup page is what i believe to be secure. I'll be fixing the signup page in a few minutes and i'll announce when it is "secure"
  22. lol no i saw it i just don't know what it does / the purpose of it.
  23. for the tracker url's, is there a problem with having it not filter out things... i mean the url=xxx just takes the user to the offer... if they dont want to they dont have to do the offer... or are there other things that could screw the site up? Thanks i'll get to work :-)
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