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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. I need to make a web interface that is able to change the permissions on files owned by root; This means being able to run the chmod command as root.


    Is there a way to do this? It seems like anything I start from the website is ran as apache. I tried to make a perl file, set the permissions to 7775 and start it from PHP but it didn't do anything -- not sure I did it right.


    Any ideas?

  2. I want to get a dog, or a few dogs - mainly as pets, but also to guard my house. I want to get a breed that is going to be healthy and somewhat smart.


    I am thinking either:


    caucasian ovcharka (expensive) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_Ovcharka

    south russian ovcharka (hard to find) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Russian_Ovcharka

    rotweiller (not overly health)

    komondor (hard to clean) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komondor




    I was thinking to get a couple dogs so they could play together. I was also thinking about getting them from a shelter, but something like a sharplaninac or komondor would almost have to be purchased from a breeder.


    Any recommendations?

  3. I am getting a house and between the new payment, bills and taxes I'm going to be poor as hell. I will basically have just enough to live on, working 40 hours a week - I'll also have very little money to try and make money with.


    I am looking for a way to make 1-2 thousand more a month in addition to my full-time ($1,500-1,000 under-the-table)


    I know PHP and Flash, which might be the easiest way to make money, but it is hard to spend all day programming just to go home and program. I thought about renting out part of my new house, but that really wouldn't make much money.


    I could do body work on the weekends, would only have to pay a thousand or two for a setup. What sucks though is that I don't have a garage -- but I do have a spring house that I could probably turn into a garage.


    Anyone have any ideas?

  4. Yeah, that's pagination.


    Basically you figure out the total number or rows your going to show, then divide it by the number you want per page, and end up with the number of pages you want. Then you make a link for each page you having, and pass each one something like ?page=3. Then, then you do your mysql query, you do a limit X, 50, where X is the page they are on, times the number per page.


    Start at page 0, not one. That way the first page starts at (50 * 0), which is 0, which is the first record.

  5. Your website looks tiny on my 22 inch monitor! You should consider moving up to a 1024 resolution. Around 900px wide.


    I feel the website is "bland." Spice it up with some graphics/icons.


    Yeah, that's another reason I want to update it - I was going to do 950px.


    I'll sit down, figure out the content I want in it, and then try to match the graphics accordingly.


    Does the color scheme look good? I was thinking about doing a baige/gold or maybe even green, but thought the blue would be easier to work with.

  6. The way I do it is by passing it into flash as a parameter:


    movie.swf?registered=<?php echo intval($registered); ?>


    If you want it to be more secure, you can pass in an identifier, then have the flash file pass that identifier to a php file that validates the response. So it would be:


    movie.swf?sess=<?php echo "h6565j67jg45tg45h6h67i7h45"; ?>


    And then in the flash you use LoadInfo to get the sess parameter, and the loan in something like validate.php?sess=h6565j67jg45tg45h6h67i7h45 as xml.

  7. I have an enum with three values: cat, dog, horse.


    I want to make a select box, with an option from each of those three values. However, I want to create it dynamically, so if I add more options to the enum, I don't have to update the code. Is there an easy way to do this? It is something I always find myself wanting to do but can never find out how so I break down and just hard-code the select box.


    Any ideas?

  8. I need to ask the user for a start time and date, and then save it. Then I need to ask them how long they want something to show up.


    When someone visits the site, I need to make something show up if it is after the start time but still during the show time.


    I don't know whether I should try and use mysqls date and time functions, or if I should just use phps timestamps for everything and just put ints into the database.

  9. Contexts could be used in strings though.


    So, instead of saying:


    $message = "You have ".dollar($amount);


    You could say:


    $message = "You have $:amount";


    A contexts name would always be one character long, and a symbol. It would always be defined as a function that takes one value and returns one value.


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