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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. I want to make a CMS that people can go to and it will set them up a site (ie: mycms.com/tibberous)


    But I want people to be able to buy domains and point them to their CMS. Is there a way I can setup my server so it handles it dynamically? So someone can go in, enter tibberousawesomesite.com, and my server will point tibberousawesomesite.com to mycms.com/tibberous.



  2. The bank turned me down for a $10,000 unsecured loan saying I had too much unsecured debt and no collateral (isn't my word good enough?)


    Here's why I'm pissed: my credit score is 636 after paying off all but one of my credit cards and only ever making one late payment. I only owe $3000 total, down from $11,000.


    I've gotten two cards through my bank, both have $0 balances and were never later. I've been a customer with them for years.


    I make $60,000 a year, +%25 profits - I only wanted the money for 24 months.


    So now I don't know what to do. We just hired a new person so the company is making like no money - I'm going out next week to try and get some more customers signed up, but realistically I'm not going to signup $10,000 worth of customers in a couple weeks, and I couldn't use all that money if I did.


    Any ideas? Or places I would have a better shot of getting a loan at?

  3. I have two tables, a temporary table and a real one. When a person starts filling out a request, I want to store their data in the temporary table, and if they confirm it, move it to the real table.


    The real table has an auto incrementing id, the temporary one doesn't. If I do:


    insert into `test` select * from `temporyTest`


    I get a column count doesn't match error. Is there any way around this besides specifying all the fields except id? Should I just use one table and set a Status='Pending' option?

  4. I have a page that needs to always be reloaded, but IE is using the cached version when the user hits their back button. I fixed it with a:


    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");

    header("Pragma: no-cache");


    But then it gives an expires warning and forces the user to reload it. Is there a way to just always load the new version from the server?

  5. Hard part is getting the right stuff from UPS, which isn't really covered anywhere.


    Basically you have to setup a UPS account, then log in, search OnLine tools, and get a developers key.


    The developers key is used to get an XML access key, which is what you need.


    So why have a developers key at all? I have no idea.


    In the end, you have:


    UPS account number

    UPS site login

    UPS site password

    Developers key

    XML Access key


    Its a really convoluted process, but not near as bad as USPS.

  6. I am trying to charge shipping for a website I am working on, but can't find anything on integration. I could get the OSC module and hack it apart, but it seems like there should be a better way.


    Any guides or ideas?

  7. There physically different servers.


    The videos are tied into a web app - there are hundreds of them and they are attached to database records that are getting moved over at the same time. The way I have it setup, the videos are moved off the old server into a temporary directory, and a record is inserted into a database. After I move over several accounts, I run the video encoder, which reencodes and indexes all the videos. If I tried to do it by hand it would take weeks... even the mostly automated way I came up with is taking a long time -- each video takes about 15 minutes just to reencode =/

  8. Problem is that it's other peoples accounts who are getting the spam - I can't control where they put their email addresses. I wish I could get something like gmails spam filter, since SpamAssassin doesn't do very good (unless I don't have it set right?)

  9. At work we have over 500 sites, and most have email addresses. We run Plesk 8 which uses qmail and spam assassin, but we still get a ton of spam. Even blatantly obvious spam, like there the sender uses fake headers to match the recipients name gets through. Any idea how I can combat this? Is there a better way to handle email hosting for a large amount of people? Should email be moved to its own server?

  10. =)


    I'm trying to keep my current computer up to date, so I don't have to spend a ton of money all at once.


    I was thinking about buying TB hard drives, and when I finally get enough, switching them to Raid 1+0. My computer is only slow when it starts up, so the raid might help speed it up as much as a $700 motherboard would, right?

  11. I need to get all of the records from the last 30 days. I was hoping to do math on dates like a normal timestamp, but mysql handles them weird.


    December 15, 2008 is 20081215 -- YYYYMMDD


    Can't do math on it.


    Is there a way to get dates in a format I can do math on? Like, as days from the epoch or something?

  12. I often times do work on the clients server. I use UEStudio, which lets me automatically save changes to the server. Some projects just wouldn't pay to try to setup locally.


    I integrated decalcity.com's login system into their SMF forum. It would have taken be longer to re-setup their entire site locally, and then copy it all back, than it would have to just make the changes -- and I would had to make sure the database stayed up to date. Some things are just easier to do on the live server too, like Flash based file uploaders, anything with FFMPEG, cron jobs, scripts that rely on `grep` or `wget`, rewrite rules, ect.

  13. -= To Daniel0: Because if I don't give my client anything, they can do a charge back through paypal - if they change the server passwords, I have no recourse. The question you asked kind of misses the point too. It isn't that I'm more trustworthy than my client, it is that I don't want ripped off. It doesn't matter if it's fair - its my terms. If they feel it is unfair (and it might be) they can do business with someone else, but I'm not going to get ripped off, that's the point. =-


    Also - it helps if you do a good job. Sometimes when it seems like someone scammed you, it might just really be a bad case of buyers remorse - especially if someone is spending money they don't have in hopes of 'getting rich online'. I've disappeared on a couple people who've handed me garbage, and felt like doing it a lot of times.


    Designs especially tend to be like that. The designer I work with seems to put about 20 minutes work into the first thing he shows me. This makes sense, since he wants my feedback before he polishes the look, but the first time he gave me a layout, I almost wanted to call off the whole project.




    - because the layout wasn't done and it looked like shit

    - because I was expecting it to look the stuff in his portfolio

    - because I wasn't sure he'd get it perfect 4 iterations later

    - and because, even though $200 isn't shit for a layout, at the time it was my last $200, and the only way I was going to make it back


    Something else to keep in mind.


    If I had decided to get out right there, and eat my $100 loss, the designer could have just as easily thought I took his design and ripped him off the backend payment.

  14. Getting %50 up front only means that you might not get scammed for more than %50.


    Get the whole %100, I've been ripped off the back half of 50%-50% jobs.


    Best way to not get ripped off is to deal with people locally - you'll get more too.

  15. I dunno, it just seems odd to offer *no* support for $50 a month. I have a dedicated server through surpass for $50 a month, and they not only fix it, they install software on it. Even bluehost, who I was paying like $7 a month, provided tech support. It wasn't like I was asking them to set it up - I was completely unable to connect. My only options were to pay them or cancel, they didn't even to restore it to default.



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