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Everything posted by tibberous

  1. The easiest way would probably be to lead an expedition to Bouvet Island, setup a settlement and declare sovereignty. The biggest problem would then be getting an internet connection, and killing seals, and not getting attacked by the UN, or arrested / killed by the Norwegian government. You would also have to get recognized as the real ruler of the island, or ICANN might not give you control of the TLD. Of course, this is assuming you don't mind the TLD .bv - other ones would be much harder to get.
  2. Mine are topepisodes.com, flashgamereviews.com, red5tutorials.com and flashgamereview.com. You guys got any good ones?
  3. I would put all the words into an array. Since you are given the first letter to start, you immediately narrow down your choices. If you want to do this really good, you should make a function to calculate the 'worth' of a guess. If you have M, malls and march would be both be guesses, but march would be a better on, because you are trying more letters. The best way I can think to weight guesses is to make a function that takes in a set of letters, ignores duplicate letters, and adds together something like 30 minus their scrabble value. If you go off of scrabble value. If you have already guessed a letter and not gotten it, set it's value to 0. If you play on AOL, I think you can win cash. After you make your game solving script, you might want to use AutoIT to make an automation script and win some cash. Remember to give it a little bit of a delay, so they don't think you are using a bot. $scrabblevalues = array(16, 4, 6, 8, 24, 4, 5, 5, 13, 2, 2, 7, 6, 13, 15, 4, 2, 13, 10, 15, 7, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4);
  4. Only way I have ever found it do this is a key checkout system. Basically, you have a checkout table, and when you give the user the form, you create a key for them in the table, and write it out in the form as a hidden input. When they submit the form, check and make sure the key they gave you is in the table. If it is, delete it and process the form, otherwise, they have to refresh the blank form to get a new key issued. Little bit of a pain in the ass, works good though.
  5. I have a script that downloads a website every half-hour. The site is very large, I'm probably downloading 100 meg a day from it, and I'm afraid of my ip getting baned. It also kind of looks like I'm doing a DOS attack against it, but I'm really just spidering it. Is there some way I can reliably run all my connections through different proxy servers? I am using a curl alternative library to randomly forge my HTTP_USER agent, but I'm making a single hit, to every page on the site, every half hour - pretty easy to tell what is going on.
  6. I think you want to do an array_merge($temp_data['2007']['10'], $temp_data2['2007']['10']);
  7. I was searching on google and couldn't find anything that would do this. I am looking for a free, Flash / PHP setup to crop images, as well as change the brightness and contrast. I found a few things that do cropping, none that do brightness / contrast. I am thinking of writing my own, and using image magick for the backend of it - just wanted to see if anyone already knows of something like this.
  8. file returns an array. So, to get to the 5th line, you would do: $lines = file('filename'); echo $lines[4]; // the 5th line To go through each item, use a foreach loop, to get the part after the :, use the explode function.
  9. I am about ready to launch what I hope is going to be a popular website - PHP / mysql driven, images, no videos. Right now I have VPS hosting, but was thinking of getting a dedicated Sempron package from server powered. I'm really not sure what I need, just know I want it to be stable and fast. Even with the VPS I'll probably stay below my usage, I'm looking more at speed than anything. Is there some kind of guidelines or something? Like, to be able to handle 20k hits / day, would a VPS cut it? 40k? more? If I undershoot, I'll have to move after the sites up, but if I overshoot, I could loose money on a site that flops =/ Anyone has any advice?
  10. $name = str_replace("'", "", $name); $name = str_replace("!", "", $name); $name = str_replace("@", "", $name); $name = str_replace("#" "", $name); $name = str_replace(",", "", $name); $name = str_replace("-", "", $name); $name = str_replace("=", "", $name); $name = str_replace("\\", "", $name); $name = str_replace(" ", "", $name); Just keep doing those.
  11. If it... == 'FALSE'? Like, the string, FALSE? Loose the quotes, and use the !== operator. The !== operator checks type and value, not just converted value. <?php function check_referer($the_referer_to_check){ $bad_referers = array('yahoo','google','.mail.live.com','search.msn','abv','google.de','google.se'); for($i=0;$i<count($bad_referers);$i++) if(strpos($the_referer_to_check, $bad_referers[$i]) !== FALSE) return TRUE; return FALSE; } echo (check_referer('google.com') ? "Bad" : "Good"), "\n"; echo (check_referer('site.com') ? "Bad" : "Good"), "\n"; echo (check_referer('abv.bg') ? "Bad" : "Good"), "\n"; ?>
  12. I made it myself - http://www.trenttompkins.com/ That is the general layout - plus a couple graphics I plan on using in the site. The site is basically a portfolio site, but I am going to release FLV player as GNU on there, and put up a couple articles I've written. It will have some how to stuff, but not basic how to stuff, more obscure how to stuff - with a comment system. Anyway, what do you guys think of the look? I'm trying to get it marked up tonight.
  13. I am launching my website today. It is mainly a portfolio, but I have a couple articles to post, and was hoping I to have a nice PHP system in the comments - kind of like how this site does. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
  14. I want to put in a resume, and that means setting up a portfolio. I got a bunch of projects to stick in it, but I suck at design. I just want something simple that doesn't suck. I'm not a web designer, I'm a programmer - just want something passable...
  15. Whenever index.php or .htaccess are created in a directory, they are automatically deleted. I'm guessing it is some kind of backdoor attack. Setting permissions to read only didn't help. Does anyone know how to see what is deleting the file? or protect it?
  16. I have two server. I am trying to copy all the files from one to the other. The problem is that there is 80gig to be copied - so I would like to send it from server to server without downloading and the uploading it again. Is there some way I can use ftp or mget or get or wget or something to move the files faster? Thanks
  17. Just typed this into the editor so there might be bugs - thats basically it though. $lines = file("yourfile.txt"); echo '<pre>'; foreach($lines as $line) echo str_replace("<", "<", $line)."\n"; echo '</pre>';
  18. Code is pretty easy, just going to take a while because the file is big. This should get you started, it reads in the gamelog data down to slider's stats, after that it's just more of the same. <?php $lines = file("gamelog.txt"); preg_match("/: (.*)/", $lines[1], $match); $gameTime = $match[1]; preg_match("/: (.*)/", $lines[2], $match); $skillLevel = $match[1]; preg_match("/: (.*)/", $lines[3], $match); $quarterLength = $match[1]; $slider = array(); $t = 6; do{ preg_match_all("/[\w]+/", $lines[$t++], $matches); $matches = $matches[0]; $stat = ""; if(count($matches) < 2) break; while(count($matches) > 2) $stat .= array_shift($matches) . " "; $stat = trim($stat); $slider[] = array('stat' => $stat, 'human' => $matches[0], 'cpu' => $matches[1]); }while(1); print_r($slider); ?>
  19. IonCube Encoder does not offer any protection against oparray_dumping or oparray disassembly but then again nor does ZendEncoder, its alittle better but with a littel time to can decrypt the opcodes, short and simple, if you give the source to someone they will hack it after X time.. its just how long X takes.. Agreed of course, but more practically it can be thought of as How long it takes to hack vs How long it takes to rewrite. If you make a 100 page facebook clone script, and ioncube every damn page, I'm not going to go through 100 pages of your opt codes - I'm going to open notepad and start typing.
  20. Trick question! Use ' instead of ", and escape the '! & [sOLVED]
  21. Also if you don't use regex, you can use explode, with pretty decent results. It takes longer, and there is more code. Same is true for strpos, and stripos if you are using PHP5.
  22. This is so god damn easy that you should be able to do it in 5 lines. You can do it with more lines using curl and thus make it better. Here is an example: $data = file_get_contents("http://www.filefactory.com/upload/upload_flash_begin.php?files=1"); if($data === FALSE) die("Couldn't load url."); preg_match_all("/<viewhash>([^<]*)/", $data, $viewhashes); return $viewhashes[1][0]; The first line reads in all the data at the site, in 1 line. Go PHP! Lines two and three are error handling. Line 4, that's your parsing. VERY important to learn regex, or pay someone to do your regex for you, like that one guy who is the only person I have seen take so much pride in not knowing something. Last line - your data! If you are not good with regex, or even if you are, you can use print_r on $matches to make sure you get the right thing. And that it. All you need to do. And it's done. And so and am and my bitch girlfriend, so I'm gonna go to sleep, by myself drink, and you can tell everyone what a nice guy I am, cause I'm suck a great fucking guy she left me.
  23. Doesn't work. Either does: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("HTTP_EXPECT: 0")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("HTTP_EXPECT: ")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("HTTP_EXPECT:")); Problem is that cURL is sending a file upload. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't use cURL at all and just use sockets.
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