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Everything posted by tibberous

  1. Great looking FLV player, lol. I haven't even published it on my website yet, but here is version 2.3 stable: http://www.trenttompkins.com/downloads/player_2.3.zip This release merges the PHP AddOn pack, fixes a bug with mute, and allows the video area to be clickable (adds clickurl and clicktarget params).
  2. If you put the width below ~900px, the header jumps out of the layout. Personally, I like tables better for layouts - the browser support for them is still better than divs. I'm not real sure why you are making your css file with PHP, but keep in mind browsers will naturally want to cache them.
  3. If you get rid of the content and the header, all thats left is a drop shadowed box.
  4. =( Your right - I had the volume up too high when I did the capture, tried to fixed it in post but didn't feel like re-encoding it. I'll fix it though - only takes like 20 minutes to do one.
  5. Its on this page: http://www.trenttompkins.com/Downloads/Open-Source-FLV-Player-2-RC1.html I made the video myself. It's a thing that lets you watch TV on your computer - the page gets like 200 uniques a day so I figured I'd try it. It's a commission-based program - I don't get any money unless someone actually buys the product. Do you think the ad looks good though?
  6. Surpass is good. http://www.surpasshosting.com/
  7. I'm pretty sure the data is stored based on how much traffic a site gets, and it's age. The data from alexa is inaccurate, due to the small percentage of people with the alexa bar, and that they don't accurately represent the typical internet user (webmasters tend to install the alexa bar far more often than regular users).
  8. You need to capitalize the single letter i on your contact page. I'll agree that it is a little too simple. You don't have to add a bunch of crap to fill up the space, just add some margins and some areas of color and it will look a lot fuller.
  9. Watch buying unmanaged hosting, especially from server powered.
  10. Sure, PM me or email to TrentTompkins. Thats at gmail, just TrentTompkins, no dots or anything. It sucks you already bought one, my player is free and open source, and it takes the movies as relative paths, but it does need to be 200px wide. It has volume controls in the player and in the embed code, it doesn't have skins, but you can set the foreground and background colors, which then get highlighted / shaded. If you really need the player smaller than 200px, you can edit the flv file. Do something like remove the playback time, and scoot the bar over, then shrink the height of the bar and increase the size of the movie. Be a little bit of a pain in the ass but if you mess with it for a while it isn't bad.
  11. How much did you pay? They screwed you... looking at there portfolio all there sites are like this :S cant say i would pay a penny for them Looking at their site, probably $200. It is hard to get anything good done for $200 - hell, I paid $200 for a 1 page png image for a site, just so I could get the colors and nav bar design - looked nice as hell though.
  12. No greater website was ever created in Flash 4. That said, don't create your website in Flash - unless you are trying to make the world smallest website. Even that site isn't solid Flash.
  13. why did you think this ? Does bare a striking resemblance to the old cracks.am...
  14. I'd either kill or increase the whitespace between the nav bar and the "Video Library". The FLV player your using is all screwed up, the play bar extends into the controls and the hit area is off. I'd recommend using the one I made: http://www.trenttompkins.com/Downloads/Open-Source-FLV-Player-2-RC1.html Plus with mine you can change the foreground and background colors, and mine works in Flash player 8 without fullscreen automatically if you use the code that comes with it. You might have to make the spot for it 200px wide, which wouldn't be a bad idea anyway. Mine also supports real full screen, yours is using javascript, which means it's probably old as shit or supporting old versions - 97% of Flash players are 8 and 9, the other 3% can upgrade. Other than that I'd say it's good, but you should set the selects in the menu to be the same width, it looks weird with them not lining up. Oh, and the video didn't play for me, and the additional videos section seems to show a random amount of videos.
  15. If the site doesn't have huge requirements, just put them on your hosting account and bill them. Use a VPS or better.
  16. 150-200 / day: http://www.trenttompkins.com/ Got 286 two days ago, and yes, those are uniques, not page views or hits. 30 / day: http://www.flashgamereviews.com/ Back-paged on google because of a damn typo =( Word of advise: if you have two domains pointing to the same place, use htaccess to 301 the one your not using, and for gods sake don't link to it. You might have better luck selling ads to individuals than you would with an ad program. I'm going to try to find some people to buy my video ad space if I ever get time.
  17. I am working on a project that needs to send back an email once it gets an email. I can't use the autoresponder in cpanel because it needs to include data from the database. Is there a way to detect and read emails in PHP? Or a way to set a script to run whenever an email is received?
  18. I'm trying to create a simple message board for my site. The only 'advanced' features I want are UBB code support for images, urls, b/u/i, lists, pre, code and code highlighting. I have tried twice to use PHPBB, but there is just too much to it. It's templating system doesn't let PHP run, so I would have had to change all the core pages, then change the skin, kill the extra crap, and replace template variables with real variables. I've decided to break down and just write the whole system, but was wondering if there were some UBB converting functions already out there - or at least a way to syntax highlight the php code similar to the way this board works.
  19. Google GeoIP, they provide both a free and a paid location database. You *can* use the CVS to load up a mysql database, but they also provide a command-line app that is faster.
  20. It depends on whether or not the mail service they are using allows html to be sent in emails. I would just sent the link as plain text.
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