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Everything posted by grlayouts

  1. what have a missed its not runing all the queries. $txsql = "UPDATE players set cashaccount=cashaccount+5, UPDATE players set rank=Donator where user='$_POST[item_name]', insert into log (owner,log) values(1,'<b>$_POST[item_name] Has just bought upgrade 1</b>')"; $resultat_txsql = mysql_query($txsql);
  2. one missing i. lol thanks very much.
  3. unfortunatly not. it now completes but nothing prints or updates in the database.
  4. indentation. the script is about 20 lines long and i wouldnt say complex
  5. ok a have a php case where there is a drop down you select the feature and type the amount and it should run. but only my first case is working the weights one. any idea's? <?php print "<form method=post action=intrain.php?view=train&step=trainingturns>Use<input name=amount>Energy Training On <select name=training><option value=weights>Weights</option><option value=agility>Tredmill</option></select>. <input type=submit value=Buy></form>"; if (isset($_POST)){ switch($_POST['training']) { case "weights": if ($stat[energy] < $amount) { print "<br>Your going to need $amount to train that hard."; } elseif ($stat[hp] < 1.0) { print "<br>You cant train unless you are alive you loser."; } else { $chance = rand(1,10); $chance13 = rand(1,2) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; $chance14 = rand(3,5) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; if ($chance == 1) { print "<center>Man you were so bad in the gym<bR> you got kicked out for slacking<br>next time actually do some weights."; mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } else { print " <center>Hey $stat[user] i never knew you were that fast!<br> you should come here more often if you want to stay in that condition<bR>You gained $chance14 strength<br>and $chance13 agility<br> <a href=intrain.php?action=tredmill>Run Again</a><bR><br> "; mysql_query("update players set strength=strength+$chance14 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set agility=agility+$chance13 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } } } } break; case "agilty": if ($stat[energy] < $amount) { print "<br>Your going to need $amount to train that hard."; } elseif ($stat[hp] < 1.0) { print "<br>You cant train unless you are alive you loser."; } else { $chance = rand(1,10); $chance13 = rand(1,2) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; $chance14 = rand(3,5) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; if ($chance == 1) { print "<center>Man you were so bad in the gym<bR> you got kicked out for slacking<br>next time actually do some weights."; mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } else { print " <center>Hey $stat[user] i never knew you were that fast!<br> you should come here more often if you want to stay in that condition<bR>You gained $chance14 strength<br>and $chance13 agility<br> <a href=intrain.php?action=tredmill>Run Again</a><bR><br> "; mysql_query("update players set strength=strength+$chance13 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set agility=agility+$chance14 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } } } } ?>
  6. invalid? the first case works fine only the second fails.
  7. training echo's nothing.
  8. post training is for the drop down then the two cases are inside, weights and agility.
  9. did that as you said now completing but not doing the sql updates or prints.
  10. 214 which realates to line case "agilty":
  11. when i run the following i get. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in intrain.php on line # <?php print "<form method=post action=intrain.php?view=train&step=trainingturns>Use<input name=amount>Energy Training On <select name=training><option value=weights>Weights</option><option value=agility>Tredmill</option></select>. <input type=submit value=Buy></form>"; if (isset($_POST)){ switch($_POST['training']) { case "weights": if ($stat[energy] < $amount) { print "<br>Your going to need $amount to train that hard."; } elseif ($stat[hp] < 1.0) { print "<br>You cant train unless you are alive you loser."; } else { $chance = rand(1,10); $chance13 = rand(1,2) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; $chance14 = rand(3,5) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; if ($chance == 1) { print "<center>Man you were so bad in the gym<bR> you got kicked out for slacking<br>next time actually do some weights."; mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } else { print " <center>Hey $stat[user] i never knew you were that fast!<br> you should come here more often if you want to stay in that condition<bR>You gained $chance14 strength<br>and $chance13 agility<br> <a href=intrain.php?action=tredmill>Run Again</a><bR><br> "; mysql_query("update players set strength=strength+$chance14 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set agility=agility+$chance13 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } } } } break; case "agilty": if ($stat[energy] < $amount) { print "<br>Your going to need $amount to train that hard."; } elseif ($stat[hp] < 1.0) { print "<br>You cant train unless you are alive you loser."; } else { $chance = rand(1,10); $chance13 = rand(1,2) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; $chance14 = rand(3,5) / 700 / $stat[level] * $amount; if ($chance == 1) { print "<center>Man you were so bad in the gym<bR> you got kicked out for slacking<br>next time actually do some weights."; mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } else { print " <center>Hey $stat[user] i never knew you were that fast!<br> you should come here more often if you want to stay in that condition<bR>You gained $chance14 strength<br>and $chance13 agility<br> <a href=intrain.php?action=tredmill>Run Again</a><bR><br> "; mysql_query("update players set strength=strength+$chance13 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set agility=agility+$chance14 where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update players set energy=energy-$amount where id=$stat[id]"); } } } } ?>
  12. if i have the following how do i make the new chat message a link? <? $numbernow=($chat[0])?> <? if ($stat[chatnow] < $numbernow) { print "NEW CHAT MESSAGES"; } ?>
  13. it could be the , ie 10000 instead of 10,000 may be throughing it off. are you using a shopping cart or can you provide the rest of the code?
  14. you have the wrong host name. if you have uploaded it to bravehost ftp try using localhost as the host.
  15. sorry i had update user instead of ID.. thanks alot though.
  16. the code i have uploads the file ok but it's not placing the images location into the database. the error i get is Could not update database". but i cant see the problem? move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], 'uploads/'. $_FILES["file"]["name"] .''); echo "Stored in: " . "uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]; print '<p>'.$type.'</p>'; $fileName = $_FILES['file']['name']; mysql_query("insert into images (user, image) values('$stat[id]','$fileName')") or die("Could not update database."); } } }
  17. why would i need to assign when i can use images/uploads/$Files[name].$files[extension] ??
  18. none. it is the link i want to save in the database?? but the image uploads fine. just not the database part?
  19. i have an upload script that uploads the file fine. however it will not add the image to the database. i have placed the bit of code below, any ideas? { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], 'uploads/'. $_FILES["file"]["name"] .''); echo "Stored in: " . "uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]; print '<p>'.$type.'</p>'; mysql_query("insert into images (user, image) values('$stat[id]','. $_FILES["file"]["name"] .')") or die("Could not update database."); }
  20. cant you use if prod > quantity process.. else $quantity = $instock for example.
  21. i'm on pda so i cant write the code you need. http://www.terrawebdesign.com/multidimensional.php that should help you get a rough idea using arrays to create what you need.. if you cant get it msg me and i'll code it when im on a pc.
  22. porta your script has no table html. ie rows and colums.
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