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Everything posted by taith

  1. when you check the output'd source code... what do you get for that url? for the img...
  2. personally... i wouldnt make a new table for just that... i'd probably set it right into the table which controls those webpages :-)... once you have the id list... $list=explode('|',$row[lastusers]); foreach($list as $v){ $query=mysql_query("SELECT `name` FROM `users` WHERE `id`='$v' LIMIT 1"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($query); $lastusers[]=$row[name]; } you could instead store the name into the table... however i like stuff being automatic(if they changed names, etc)... thats just me tho :-)
  3. are they going to be other users? if so... storing their userid's to the database... say "12324|324|2121|4352|435"... then explode, and grab usernames from database... are your best/fastest method i would say :-)
  4. ignore me... i was using an old version... i updated... works perfectly
  5. yup... <div onfocus="javascript:enablemouse();"></div>
  6. include('yourfilepath.php');
  7. put your links in a seperate file... then include/require it into multiple pages... then... you change on one page, it changes it everywhere :-)
  8. the disable works perfectly... however the reenableing on select tags, doesnt any ideas? function disablemouse(){ var target=document.body; target.onselectstart=function(){return false} target.onmousedown=function(){return false} } function enablemouse(){ this.onselectstart=function(){return true;} this.onmousedown=function(){return true;} }
  9. echo "The Cherry costs".$backery[Cherry][0]."for". $bakery[Cherry][1]."<br>"; echo "The Apple costs". $backery[Apple][0] ."for". $bakery[Apple][1]."<br>";
  10. basically... if i were to type this... links are obviousally created via tinymce... this is <a href="http://www.google.com">just</a> a test <a href="http://www.google.ca">message</a> i'd get this on $_POST this is <a href="http://www.google.com">just</a> a test <a href="/">message</a>
  11. yup! then use how many items/limit, to build a list of #s that direct to each page :-)
  12. i know this isnt really the right board for this... but i'm sure theres someone out there who's dealt with it before... hyperlinks... when we create a link to a .com address(http://www.google.com)... it works beautifully... but when we create a link to http://www.google.ca, it replaces it with a "/"... any ideas on how to fix it?
  13. or just put a hidden field with the name of submit...
  14. technically... no... you can switch a database out for straight files... but databases make everyones lives SO EASY!
  15. we are php coding HELP... not php coding DOERS... if you want someone to program FOR you... post in freelancing...
  16. meaning... a) you have a typo b) the database doesnt exist yet c) your mysql is pooched
  17. lets just say no... if you want to include a file, you must have the filepath typed out somewhere... wether you hide a define somewhere and just use its key... or make it a variable somewhere, you still need to have it in there... now... php is server side... so nomater what way you do it... the only way to find that filepath, is to have file level access(ftp/filemanager) and view the file directly...
  18. $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()); $db = mysql_select_db("runnerse_profiles", "images") or die(mysql_error());
  19. $conn is needed so the mysql_* functions know what connection to use, if you do not do this you will have problems handling multiple db servers. Why it is optional to pass the connection to mysql_* functions it is not optional in other database apis. The reason for the connection problems is you are using two strings followed by $conn in your mysql_select_db, it should be mysql_select_db($name, $conn) //$conn being optional usually i'd agree... but unless your doing a server of massive proportions... having 2 databases powering one page... is not really necessary...
  20. LOL $text='lots, and lots, and lots of words'; #string with ,es $array=explode(',',$text);#turns it into an array... $array=array("lots","and lots","and lots of words"); echo '<select>'; foreach($array as $k=>$v){ #for each of the array, split it into its $k=key, $v=value echo '<option value="'.$k.'">'.trim($v).'</option>'; } echo '</select>';
  21. like so? that trims it down.... <? function filter_charlimit($string, $length="50"){ if(strlen($string)<$length) return $string; else return trim(substr($string, 0, $length)).'...'; } ?>
  22. php works well for memberships, ya...
  23. assuming what your meaning... $text='lots, and lots, and lots of words'; $array=explode(',',$text); echo '<select>'; foreach($array as $k=>$v){ echo '<option value="'.$k.'">'.trim($val).'</option>'; } echo '</select>';
  24. personally... i'd use str_replace()...
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