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Posts posted by marcus

  1. I'll show you dirty code.


    $let = "them be";
    function backOff($user){
    global $let;
    echo "Let " . $let . " " . $user;
    $peer = "TheFilmGod";


    Atleast they're trying to tweak it, don't tell them they're not learning. Most people started off on tutorials and got where they are now.

  2. Try playing around with array variables.


    if(!$this){ //$this is not set
    $err[] = "Errror One";
    if(!$that){ //$that is not set
    $err[] = "Error Two";
      foreach($err AS $errors){
        echo "<font color=\"red\">$errors</font><br />\n";
    }else {
    echo "OMG IT WORKED.\n";

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