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Everything posted by sKunKbad

  1. You should look into learning how to use the $_POST array and the $_GET array. It will probably be quite obvious how to make your form submission / results display after learning about $_POST and $_GET.
  2. Unless the main page has some ajax type javascript that is checking a database for changes made by the iframe, I really don't think there is another way. $_SESSION requires a page reload, or at least a request.
  3. You could make a custom 404 error page, set its location in your .htaccess file, and then put a redirect on that page . I do this on my website using javascript, because I like the user to know they had a 404 error. The redirect waits 10 or 15 seconds before redirecting, and that 10 or 15 seconds is counted down on screen. Try it, I think you'll like it.
  4. It's a major issue right now. I think most people assume it's the server getting hacked, when it's really their computer or one of their family members with a virus.
  5. I am envious of your short URL, but that being the most interesting thing about your site, I'd say you have some work to do.
  6. I don't like the orange colored links. While I am no human color wheel, this orange seems to clash with the rest of the design's color scheme.
  7. I once did a video editing project for a customer, and I listened to the background music so many times, it gave me brain damage. I really don't listen to music much anymore, so for me it was an especially terrible experience.
  8. These are links for accessibility. I think blind people with screen readers use them, but I might be wrong. If you read about accessibility, I'm sure you will find info on these links.
  9. I think you might be going about this all wrong... or at least that is my opinion. When playing war, player one and player two are both dealt a hand of cards, or 1/2 the deck. You might represent these cards as arrays that are held in a cookie or session array. These arrays would be added to (if the player wins), or subtracted from (if the player loses), but in your game the cards come from a sizeless deck that doesn't ever ends. Also, the cards in each players hand do not get played randomly in a real game of war. The card that is played comes off the top of the players dealt hand (which is face down in front of them). So, I think you need to go back to the basics of how to play the game of war, and then think about using cookies or the session array to hold your cards. There's only 52 cards in a deck, and none of them are the same (with the exception of jokers). Again, consider using cookies or the session array.
  10. It's hard to see what is going on without seeing cardfunctions.php
  11. Any basic MySQL w/ PHP tutorial should be sufficient to get your started. What you are trying to accomplish is the basics of a web database application. Try seaching Yahoo! or Google for tutorials. I'm sure you will find millions.
  12. You should simplify your script to the bare essentials for testing, and also use code tags when posting.
  13. Do you store your passwords in your FTP client? If so, you may have a virus on your computer that is sending the passwords to a bot net. Do you use secure FTP or some kind of encrypted FTP? If not, there may be an infected computer on your network that is sniffing your network traffic and sending the passwords to the bot net. I just went through this, and as soon as I used secure FTP the problem stopped. The infected computer on my network was my mom's computer, and she is notorious for getting viruses.
  14. The forum looks nice. I wouldn't expect that the design is keeping people away. Do you advertise? How do people find you? I think you might consider making a home page. This home page would describe your site, and your goals, and would be something better indexed by Google. That might give you some natural SEO, and more people might find your site. You might even have some ads for games, gamers, game systems, etc. I'm guessing that you have some very heavy competition, so unless some promotion is done, the forum will probably grow slowly at best. I've had a forum before, and have moderated a forum, so I know it can be exciting, and know you have high hopes. Unfortunately, without promotion (which often means $$$), then the dream doesn't go very far. I closed my forum about a year after launching it. It was just too much work for what it was worth.
  15. 2 things: 1) I get a horizontal scroll bar on a 1024 pixel width browser window. 2) The site design seems disorganized/cluttered.
  16. Well, the black and white image is actually an art project that I did. It was done on scratchboard, and was in an art show a while back. I know the page doesn't give the user any clues.... Originally I was a black and white artist. Much of what I've done is tedious rapidograph pen art. I got bored with art, and haven't done anything in a long time, and not sure what the future holds. I want my website to convey that I am more than the average freelancer. Hopefully people will not feel that my website is just like all the rest. Thanks for your comments.
  17. Well, as long as that's not 1000 * 0, then I guess I'm doing pretty good!
  18. That seems to be an awstats file, so perhaps your code is suggesting pages that exist, and this file must exist. Do you use awstats? My awestats is accessible through the control panel of my website. It's location on the server is above root though....
  19. You need to preload the menu hover image, or use a css sprite. On first hover, the background was plain white, and because the text is white I see nothing. Is there a reason why you had to use Wordpress? There isn't even a blog.
  20. You need to determine what page you are on at the time. My code is checking the URI segment through a class that is unique to the CodeIgniter framework, but you can parse the URI of your current page using php's built in function parse_url(). You'd use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] as the the string for the first parameter. It should then be obvious that as I am looping through and building my menu from the array, that I am checking the array values to see if the particular key corresponds to the link being built, and if it does, I insert the special class that applies to that link only. In my code, when the first link is "off", I apply a special ID for styling, but you will probably not need this. There are probably a few different ways to do this, but this is the way that works for me. I can't code it for you, or you'll never learn PHP. Play with the parse_url() function, and I'm sure you will see that what you are trying to do is quite easy.
  21. What do you mean by "include it in a document"?
  22. This is the way I'm doing it. Perhaps you can adapt the code to meet your needs: <?php $horz = array( 'Home' => array( 'home', 'Brian\'s Web Design - Home Page' ), 'Web Portfolio +' => array( 'portfolio', 'Brian\'s Web Design - My Web Design Portfolio & More' ), 'Development' => array( 'development', 'Brian\'s Web Design - Development Projects' ), 'About' => array( 'about', 'Brian\'s Web Design - About Me' ), 'FAQs' => array( 'faq', 'Brian\'s Web Design - Frequently Asked Questions' ), 'Contact' => array( 'contact', 'Brian\'s Web Design - Contact Page' ), 'Get an Estimate' => array( 'estimates', 'Brian\'s Web Design - Submit a Web Design or Development Application' ), 'Templates' => array( 'templates', 'Brian\'s Web Design - Website Design Template Showcase' ) ); foreach ($horz as $key => $value){ static $y = 1; if ($y != 1) { echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; } // If home page and current if ($value[0] == 'home' && ! $this->uri->segment(1)) { echo "<li>" . html_entity_decode( anchor('',$key, array( 'class'=>'active','title'=>$value[1])), ENT_QUOTES) . "</li>\n"; } // If not home page, but current else if($value[0] == $this->uri->segment(1)) { echo "<li><a class=\"active\" href=\"". base_url() ."{$value[0]}.php\" title=\"{$value[1]}\">{$key}</a></li>\n"; } // If home page link and not the current page else if($value[0] != $this->uri->segment(1) && $value[0] == 'home') { echo "<li><a id=\"first-off\" href=\"". base_url() ."\" title=\"{$value[1]}\">{$key}</a></li>\n"; } // If external or other else { echo "<li><a href=\"{$value[0]}.php\" title=\"{$value[1]}\">{$key}</a></li>\n"; } $y++; } ?>
  23. It is brighter than my eyes can handle. Bright pink on a white background started to blur my eyes instantly. Otherwise, the site looked good from what I could see through the blur.
  24. OK, no sense beating a dead horse. Not just you guys, but the background was either disliked by all, or they questioned, "why bricks?". I changed it to a simple gradient. Even so, I had received contacts from potential customers since putting up the new design. Obviously somebody thinks it's OK, even with the bricks. I'm not going after a design that looks like everyone else, so trying to make a site that looks like the "normal web designer site" isn't an option. I think the customers I get contact me because my site stands out as different. It always has, even before this re-design. In terms of colors, I got the color scheme from a beer bottle. I figured that beer companies must know something about attracting people to their product. I know a screen isn't a beer bottle, but .... whatever. The cool thing is is that this template allows for very simple theme changes. Depending on how many jobs I get, the current theme will either stay or go.
  25. Changed my stylesheet again.... Some people love it, some people hate it. What do you think? www.brianswebdesign.com
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