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Posts posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. is it good to use deprecated tags, and functions in php, or should I always try to use the newest version of those deprecated, and if I find myself using deprecated tags at one point or another are they considered bad programming practice or against some specific standards.
  2. is it best to typecast each and every variable you use, like to make it a habit of always and every single time you create a variable you typecast it to what you want it to be set too.
  3. <?php
    $bool = true;
    print "Bool is set to $bool\n";
    $bool = false;
    print "Bool is set to ";
    print (int)$bool;
    I was wondering about one thing in this script.
    what is the (int) mean. I know bool is just a variable create which is short fo boolean, and it's set to the booleon true, here is the website it came off of the exact page actually I was just wondering if int was a preset something in php or something he named himself or what, and what it does.
    [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_3_0\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_3_0[/a]
  4. ok my first major project will be underway in 3 weeks. I wanted some advice here if possible.
    I already know css, Xhtml, javascript(a bit atleast).
    and a lot of other skills relating to web design in general. Someone wants a clone basically of
    but they are going to be a rival of autotrader. I am building it with php as server side, xhtml, css, some javascript, sql(mysql).
    Now I already know some I have to better my javascript, learn php, sql, mysql(variation) and general databasing.
    and better website content writing, overall website layout, graphic design(logo's banners, picture manipulation, and more with photoshop I have coming in about a week and a half the newest version.
    On top of that for my new career, I have had dreamweaver mx2004 for a long time, and rebuilt my own business website 4 times. Rebuilding it again after I learn php and sql, but I have order studio 8. This will me a lot as well, is there anythign else I need to study, learn, or do, before I start tackling my first, big portfolio project, for only 300 I might add, but it's basically "charity work" he doesn't have much money. It's
    www.autotrader.com and what I am building is something like autorid, is the name of what he wants done later or something, any advice ideas on this.
  5. After I dig deeper into php I am learning sql, and it's variations including mysql, but I was also told by numerous people, including people on this board, that you shoudl validate forms with javascript, and process them with php, if this is true then I would have no need for the isset() function in the forms right.
  6. What is the purpose and reasoning behind the isset() function. If you set a variable to something you should already know 100% that it is already set, why would you need isset() to tell you what you already know, what are the purposes and reasons behind this, I already read over www.php.net manuals a few times, under that section, but I still don't grasp this concept, I know unset() takes a variable off I guess you use that when you have a variable, and want to cut that variable off so you can use the same variable name later in the script, but isset() makes absolutely nosense to me, I know for debugging you could check your variables to make sure they are set, but I thought if you set them they were set, no if's ands or buts, the more help I get on this the better, and thank you in advance.
  7. I understood all that already, but I saw somethign somewhere, actually
    [a href=\"http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/javascript.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/javascript.html[/a]
    and somewhere else said specifically "javascript" and had a sub heading that said it could be used for server side scripting, was this false, or is it possible, that is could have meant something else.
  8. I know this is about javascript but it is direct correlation with the topic of php. specifically relating to the idea of server side scripting. Browser side scripting I know what is, server side scripting I know what is. Here is the problem
    Javascript I thought was browser side scripting, I read somewhere that it is in fact possible to use it for 3 different things.
    1. Browser side scripting as it is normally used for
    2.desktop applications(but that is wasn't reliable)
    3.Server side scripting
    I am thinking how it this possible, if it is, how do I learn to use it as server side scripting, and if so is it worth it, and does anything with it go better than with php.
  9. now the comparison to javascript and css external files really cleared that up, because I always use external css, and have started learning javascript with external files, so that does help a lot, thank you.
  10. What does this paragraph mean exactly in relation to php, why is this so, and what do I need to look out for, this was quoted from www.hudzilla.org.
    "You should be aware that floating-point numbers are complicated beasts, and are unpredictable. The classic example is the sum "(0.1+0.7)*10" converted to an integer. You might think, "that's easy - it's 8", but PHP will report 7. The reason for this is because inherent inconsistencies in floating-point numbers mean that the value will actually be 7.9999999999999991. Usually this is not a problem, because rounding that value even to 10 decimal places gives you 8, however it does mean that you should avoid comparing floating-point numbers wherever possible"
  11. Why can integers only hold a certain number, it's max number is
    from this point it is converted to a float.
    What is the point of this, does it have somethign to do with float being used also for fractions, or is there another reason, why the developers of php choose to make it's max number, that specific number
    And excuse me for saying htis
    but what is jan 1 whatever year
    i Have heard this everywhere with every program language, the "magical year" is january first, of some old long lost date, what does that have to do with.
  12. I have learnt include "" , I have some questions about this.
    What is this for, to keep people from being able to see the source code, and if so why. I also noticed if you put in a url like
    include "http://www.w3schools.com";
    For instance it loads the webpage, but not the graphic files and pictures for it, are there situations where one might need to pull an outer website into there website for some reason like this,I also noted if you try and do something like this
    include "http://www.w3schools.com";
    include "http://www.gamefaqs.com";
    include "http://www.phpfreaks.com";
    include "http://www.php.net";
    for instance, then it loads each webpage onto the php page, but one after another and they always stack, like the w3 schools would be on top, below that the gamefaqs would start, after that and it keeps going, is there ever a point for anything like this.
  13. I am meaning what are the uses of the while loop, and for loop, I know in major programs they can be of great helped, under heavily controlled situations. For instance, in a major forum program, would you ever need an infinite loop to do something specific, if so what, or are infinite loops completely uses on all levels when speaking about php, I know with javascript they are very helpful for instance, if you want scrolling text then you set an infinite loop to allow the text to scroll forever at a timed interval setting, also pictures, you want a gallery that cycles through all pictures in the file, you set an infinite loop, just under a specific guided speed, and with people having the ability to break the loop, by selecting buttons to go on there own pace, so I know it has good uses in javascript, but now what about php, what major purposes are they for.
  14. I have been playing with these, I can get the browser to create something over and over again and never stop, like have it say something for eternity, in what possible situations could an infinite while loop end up being effective, i can think of some small samples, but is there a few major samples anyone can give me to understand the effectiveness of these, I heard these also have there purposes in certain situations.
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