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Posts posted by Barand

  1. I would go for

                +----------+                  +-------------------+                 +----------------+
                |  member  |                  |  membership_plan  |                 |  site_feature  |
                +----------+                  +-------------------+                 +----------------+
                           \                /                     \                /
                            \              /                       \              /
                            +--------------+                       +--------------+
                            | subscription |                       |  entitlement |
                            +--------------+                       +--------------+


  2. If you do an update without a WHERE clause ...

    UPDATE atable SET  acol = 'X'

    then every row gets the same update.

    Here's how I'd do it, selecting the ids of the records and allocating a key to each in an array. Then updating the records with their new values from the array

    $data = [];
    $res = $db->query("SELECT customer_id FROM customer ORDER BY customer_id");
    foreach ($res as $r) {
        $data[] = sprintf("(%d, '%s')", $r['customer_id'], randkey()) ;
                [0] => (1, '8abNT88U4c')
                [1] => (2, 'JZ0lIh958E')
                [2] => (3, '1s62XVkZQX')
                [3] => (4, '1j0SBRCOey')
                [4] => (5, 'DIvq8eBkL7')
                [5] => (6, 'IJWG8Vdevz')
                [6] => (7, 'Vv7OrJPw9t')
                [7] => (8, 'AwG8l87PcQ')
                [8] => (9, 'BG0cQLuybK')
                [9] => (10, 'Mv27T3oajx')
    $db->exec("INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, my_new_col)
               VALUES " . join(',', $data) .
               " ON DUPLICATE KEY 
                 UPDATE my_new_col = VALUES(my_new_col)


  3. My guesses would be

    1. A register of Dukes, Duchesses, Earls, Countesses, Barons and Knights and any other titled personnel
    2. A table defining access rights to products/services for users
    3. A table defining leave entitlement for employees
  4. 12 hours ago, SaranacLake said:

    How did you get the spacing to work on the web?

    Monospaced font (courier) between <pre>..</pre> tags does the job, as does using the <> button in this forum.

    12 hours ago, SaranacLake said:

    although the columns you have under User shouldn't be there

    Oops| Forgot to edit that one after copy/pasting.

    • Like 1
  5. Something like this, perhaps

        *********                                            BOOK
        - user_id           ---+                             *********
        - metadata fields      |                     +-----  - book_id           ------+
        - chapter_no           |                     |       - metadata fields         |
        - chapter_title        |                     |       - title                   |
        - chapter_content      |                     |       - author                  |
        - footnotes            |                     |       - preface                 |
                               |                     |                                 |
                               |                     |                                 |
                               |                     |                                 |
                               |     SUBSCRIPTION    |                                 |          CHAPTER
                               |     ***********     |                                 |          *********
                               +     - id            |                                 |          - chapter_id
                               +---< - user_id       |                                 +--------< - book_id
                                     - book_id  >----+                                            - metadata fields 
                                                                                                  - chapter_no 
                                                                                                  - chapter_title 
                                                                                                  - chapter_content 
                                                                                                  - footnotes


  6. 1 hour ago, SaranacLake said:

    If so, does taking that approach even make sense - to put one chapter in one column-row?

    I was giving you an option in response to your earlier comment, viz...

    14 hours ago, SaranacLake said:

    That works for articles that are maybe 1-5 pages, but I'm not sure that there is a MySQL datatype that would hold 30 pages of HTML/content. 

    I wasn't neccessarily recommending that approach. It depends on how you want to serve up the content to the users. If they a reading online, you may decide to serve it up page by page, storing individual page records (TEXT column).

    Alternatively, store each book in an offline zip file (each chapter being a separate file inside, maybe) and the user can download the whole zipped book.

  7. Let's assume each of your pages contains 50 lines of 80 characters, that is 4,000 characters per page (12,000 bytes if utf8). Also that the largest chapter is 50 pages. This would give a requirement for each chapter of 600,000 bytes. That's too big for a TEXT type column (max 65000) but a MEDIUMTEXT type would have no problems (with maximum capacity of 16,777,216‬)

    Your maximum packet size is probably 4,194,304 which would constrain your chapters to a maximimum of around 340 pages (enough for some books).

  8. Not even close. This code...

    $product_details = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE product_id=".$_GET['product_id'];    
    $prepare = $connect->prepare($product_details);

    ...would embed any SQL injection code contained in the GET into the query which would then be executed. (Just as an unprepared query would)

    In the correct version the injection code would only be treated as data and not part of the SQL code.

    • Like 1
    • Great Answer 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, gw1500se said:

    I didn't think there was a difference between the 2

    The principle behind prepared statements is the separation of user-provided data from the query SQL code. This is accomplished by putting placeholders in the query and then binding parameters to those placeholders when executing

  10. 56 minutes ago, gw1500se said:


    Not if $product_details is still as posted earlier IE

    1 hour ago, mahenda said:

    $product_details = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE product_id=".$_GET['product_id'];

    You need

    $product_details = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE product_id = ?";
    $prepare = $connect->prepare($product_details);
    $prepare->execute( [ $_GET['product_id'] ] );


  11. The whole point of using prepared statements with parameters is to avoid having to sanitize your inputs against SQL injection.

    Adding some attributes to your PDO connection also helps.

    • ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES - this is "true" by default so set it "false" to stop it emulating prepared statements
    • ATTR_ERRMODE - set this so that exceptions are thrown automatically and you don't have to keep checking for errors at every step
    • ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE - set this so you don't have to specify every time

    Why are you using "printf()" when you aren't formatting anything? Simple "echo" would suffice.

    1 hour ago, SheenLim08 said:


    that 3rd line in your try block might be causing problems.

    Try a simpler approach...

    require_once './login.php';
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' && isset($_POST['txtISBN']) ) {
        $sqlConnection = new PDO($mysqlDSN, $mySQLUsername, $mySQLUserPass);
        $sqlConnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        $sqlConnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $sqlConnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
        $sqlStatement = $sqlConnection->prepare("SELECT * FROM classics WHERE isbn = :isbnSearchID");
        $parameters = [
            ":isbnSearchID" => $_POST['txtISBN')
        if ($sqlStatement->execute($parameters)) {
            $result = $sqlStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            if ($result) {
                printf("<br />");
                printf("ISBN: "     . sanitiseForHTML($result['isbn'])      . "<br />");
                printf("Author: "   . sanitiseForHTML($result['author'])    . "<br />");
                printf("Book: "     . sanitiseForHTML($result['title'])     . "<br />");
                printf("Category: " . sanitiseForHTML($result['category'])  . "<br />");
                printf("Year: "     . sanitiseForHTML($result['year'])      . "<br />");
                printf("Type: "     . sanitiseForHTML($result['type'])      . "<br />");
            else {
                printf("<p>The ISBN you are looking for has not been found!</p>");
                printf("<a href=\"phpsearchbook.php\">Go back to Search page.</a>");
        } else {
            printf("<p>There was an issue during the search query!</p>");
            printf("<a href=\"phpsearchbook.php\">Go back to Search page.</a>");


  12. My 0.02 worth...

    Why are you "denormalizing" your data by creating several objects all with the same id and color code. Would it not be more sensible (and a lot easier) to create a merged data set like this...

            <ID>TOP BOX</ID>

    Below is my solution to your original quest using SimpleXML. Hava a go at it on your own as requinix suggested first then peek only if you really get stuck

    $xmlA = simplexml_load_file('A.xml');          // product info
    $xmlB = simplexml_load_file('B.xml');          // printing info
    // create empty output xml object
    $xmlC = new simpleXMLElement("<PRODUCTINFORMATION>                
    $products = $xmlC->addChild("PRODUCTS");
    // process file A
    foreach ($xmlA->PRODUCTS->PRODUCT as $proda) {
        $prodno = (string)$proda->PRODUCT_NUMBER;
        $prtid = (string)$proda->PRODUCT_PRINT_ID;
        $prodname = (string)$proda->PRODUCT_NAME;
        $color = (string)$proda->COLOR_CODE;
        // find related print info xml  from xml file B based on PRODUCT_PRINT_ID
        $prodarr = $xmlB->xpath("PRODUCTS/PRODUCT[PRODUCT_PRINT_ID='$prtid']");
        $prodb = $prodarr[0];
        $prtposid = (string)$prodb->PRINTING_POSITIONS->PRINTING_POSITION->ID;
        // build the output xml
        $prodnew = $products->addChild('PRODUCT');
        $prodnew->addChild('PRODUCT_NUMBER', $prodno);
        $prodnew->addChild('PRODUCT_PRINT_ID', $prtid);
        $prodnew->addChild('PRODUCT_NAME', $prodname);
        $prtposns = $prodnew->addChild('PRINTING_POSITIONS');
            $posnew = $prtposns->addChild('PRINTING_POSTION');
            $posnew->addChild('ID', $prtposid);
            $postech = $posnew->addChild('PRINTING_TECHNIQUE');
            $postech->addChild('ID', (string)$tech->ID);
            $posnew->addChild('COLOR_CODE', $color);
    file_put_contents('C.xml',  $xmlC->asXML() );    // write output to file C
    /* C.XML produced by above code  ******************************
                      <ID>TOP BOX</ID>
                      <ID>TOP BOX</ID>
                      <ID>TOP BOX</ID>

    • Great Answer 1
  13. You're createing a PDF object so that bit "new PDF()" stays the same

    class PDF extends FPDF
        private $B;
        private $I;
        private $U;
        private $HREF;
        function __construct($orientation='P', $unit='mm', $size='A4')
            // Call parent constructor
            // Initialization
            $this->B = 0;
            $this->I = 0;
            $this->U = 0;
            $this->HREF = '';
    $pdf = new PDF('L');


  14. I would replace

    $sofa = "http://pathtospreadsheet.com";
    $bedroom = "http://pathtospreadsheet.com";
    $dining = "http://pathtospreadsheet.com";

    with an array...

    $categories = [ 
                    "sofa"    => "http://pathtospreadsheet.com",
                    "bedroom" => "http://pathtospreadsheet.com",
                    "dining"  => "http://pathtospreadsheet.com"


    // get the required category from the url
    $cat = $_GET['category'] ?? '';         // blank if no category provided
    if ($cat) {
        $path = $categories[$cat];          // get path from the array
        $csv = readCSV($path);
        echo '<pre>', print_r($csv, 1), '</pre>';


  15. 38 minutes ago, Jim R said:

     echo '<div class="jump_menu">' . sectional_select() . '</div>';

    You need to pass the $con to your function. IE

    echo '<div class="jump_menu">' . sectional_select($con) . '</div>';

    Also your function should return the text value to be printed instead of echoing within the function EG

    function sectional_select($con)
        $output = '<select>';
        $output .= "<option value=''>- select sectional -</option>";
          // add options ...
        $output .= "</select>";
        return $output;


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