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Posts posted by Barand

  1. Set a UNIQUE index on phone. Tablets can all have null values.


    CREATE TABLE `customers` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `fullName` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `phone` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
      `pin` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `device` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `idx_customers_phone` (`phone`)
    mysql> select * from customers;
    | id | fullName | phone    | pin  | device |
    |  1 | Cust_1   | 12346789 | 1234 | phone  |
    |  2 | Cust_2   | 12356789 | 3456 | phone  |
    |  3 | Cust_3   | 12366789 | 5678 | phone  |
    |  4 | Cust_4   | NULL     | NULL | tablet |
    |  5 | Cust_5   | NULL     | NULL | tablet |
    INSERT INTO customers (fullname,phone,pin,device)
    VALUES ('Cust_6', 12346789, 1010, 'phone')
    mysql> select * from customers;
    | id | fullName | phone    | pin  | device |
    |  1 | Cust_1   | 12346789 | 1010 | phone  |   <-- updated
    |  2 | Cust_2   | 12356789 | 3456 | phone  |
    |  3 | Cust_3   | 12366789 | 5678 | phone  |
    |  4 | Cust_4   | NULL     | NULL | tablet |
    |  5 | Cust_5   | NULL     | NULL | tablet |
    • Like 1
  2. No, you are still pulling the a_id and h_id magically from nowhere.



    INSERT INTO match_summ(MatchID ,match_venueID,stadium_LocationID,SeasonID,CompetitionID,Team_catId)
    SELECT 14,6,7,8,9, IFNULL(team_catid, 0)	
        SELECT a_id as teamid
        FROM matches
        SELECT h_id as teamid
        FROM matches
        ) teams
        LEFT JOIN teamcat tc USING (teamid);

    I'd be interested in seeing the entire data model for this application. It has a very weird feel to it.

  3. Make the primary key (pet_type, pet_id) where the pet_id is auto_increment. (This increments it within the pet type) EG

    mysql> CREATE TABLE `pet` (
        ->   `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        ->   `pet_type` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
        ->   `pet_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        ->   PRIMARY KEY (`pet_type`,`pet_id`)
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.34 sec)
    mysql> INSERT INTO pet (user_id, pet_type) VALUES
        -> (1, 'cat'),
        -> (2, 'cat'),
        -> (2, 'dog'),
        -> (3, 'cat'),
        -> (4, 'dog');
    Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    mysql> SELECT * FROM pet;
    | user_id | pet_type | pet_id |
    |       1 | cat      |      1 |
    |       2 | cat      |      2 |
    |       2 | dog      |      1 |
    |       3 | cat      |      3 |
    |       4 | dog      |      2 |
  4. Two methods. Loop through the query results


    1 ) When the occupation changes, start a new table (hence the order by occupation)




    2 ) store the results in an array indexed by occupation


    This is the second method (you may peep if you get stuck)



    $sql = "select sname
            , fname
            , foccup 
            from nroll 
            where fimp = 'Y' 
            order by foccup, sname";
    $res = $db->query($sql);
    # store data in arrays by occupation
    $data = [];
    foreach ($res as $student) {
        $data[$student['foccup']][] = $student;
    # now loop through the array data
    # creating your tables
    foreach ($data as $occup => $students) {
        # new occupation table
        echo "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse'>
                <tr><th colspan='2'>$occup</th></tr>
                <tr><th>Student Name</th><th>Fathers Name</th></tr>\n";
        # output student rows
        foreach ($students as $student) {
            echo "<tr><td>$student[sname]</td><td>$student[fname]</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table><br>\n";




    And this is the first method (again, no peeping)



    $sql = "select sname
            , fname
            , foccup 
            from nroll 
            where fimp = 'Y' 
            order by foccup, sname";
    $res = $db->query($sql);
    # process data, starting new table on change of occupation
    foreach ($res as $student) {
        if ($student['foccup'] != $current_occupation) {
            if ($current_occupation) {
                echo "</table><br>\n";  // end previous table
            # start new table
            echo "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse'>
                <tr><th colspan='2'>$student[foccup]</th></tr>
                <tr><th>Student Name</th><th>Fathers Name</th></tr>\n";
            $current_occupation = $student['foccup'];
        echo "<tr><td>$student[sname]</td><td>$student[fname]</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table><br>\n";  // end final table



  5. Provided that you can spell "February", only two of those formats do not work

    $dates = [  'feb 21, 1999',
                'February 21, 1999',
                'sun, Feb 21, 1999',
                'Sunday February 21, 1999'
    echo '<pre>';
    foreach ($dates as $dstr) {
                    date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dstr)),
                    strtotime($dstr)==0 ? 'X' : ''

    feb 21, 1999                  1999-02-21     
    February 21, 1999             1999-02-21     
    02/21/99                      1999-02-21     
    2/21/99                       1999-02-21     
    99/2/21                       1970-01-01     X
    2-21-1999                     1970-01-01     X
    19990221                      1999-02-21     
    sun, Feb 21, 1999             1999-02-21     
    Sunday February 21, 1999      1999-02-21     
    For rogue formats you can always use DateTime::createFromFormat()
  6. Have you tried it without the WHERE line? That will give all scores with ranks.


    Is $udid numeric? If not, it needs to be inside single quotes. (Really it shouldn't be in the query at all, it should be a prepared query with a placeholder for the udid parameter. But that's another lesson.

  7. You can do something like this


    my data

    mysql> select * from score;
    | name  | score |
    | Bob   |    75 |
    | David |   106 |
    | Jane  |    75 |
    | Joe   |    61 |
    | Mary  |    59 |
    | Mike  |    61 |
    | Sam   |    76 |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    SELECT a.name 
      , a.score
      , COUNT(b.name)+1 as rank
      , tot
    FROM score a
      JOIN (SELECT COUNT(name) as tot FROM score) as total
      LEFT JOIN score b ON b.score > a.score
    WHERE a.name = 'Jane'                                  -- OPTIONAL
    GROUP BY a.name
    ORDER BY a.score DESC;
    | name | score | rank | tot |
    | Jane |    75 |    3 |   7 |
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