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Everything posted by virtuexru

  1. Damn, thought this would be a simple fix. Thanks for the links, will read through them now.
  2. Hey guys, Haven't been on the site for awhile. Been doing some freelance work with C#. Now I'm back into some PHP/MySQL development and need a little help. I currently have a PHP page that calls information like this: http://*****.com/inventory.php?id=6026&m=TOYOTA&md=CAMRY I want it re-written so that it show's up like this: http://*****.com/inventory/toyota/camry/6026 or http://*****.com/cars/toyota/camry/6026 Can anyone help me out on how to do key in on this? I know I have to do it through .htaccess. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Ok, someone please help. Im a total newb to servers, im more of a php/mysql guy. Im willing to paypal the person who helps me 10$ through paypal. Anyway. Lets get to my problem. I recently moved shared hosting to a dedicated server and am now having problems with my upload script. Here is the php error output: Warning: chmod() [function.chmod <http://*****.com/admin/function.chmod> ]: Operation not permitted in /home/*****/public_html/admin/upload_sub.php on line 49 ../videos/upload/img/thumb_ek52ktch.jpg Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg <http://*****.com/admin/function.imagejpeg> ]: Unable to open '../videos/upload/img/thumb_ek52ktch.jpg' for writing in /home/*****/public_html/admin/upload_sub.php on line 88 Warning: chmod() [function.chmod <http://voshy.com/admin/function.chmod> ]: No such file or directory in /home/*****/public_html/admin/upload_sub.php on line 89 Warning: copy(../videos/upload/ek52ktch.flv) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/*****/public_html/admin/upload_sub.php on line 95 The support guy from hostgator finally installed phpsuexec but that only fixed the chmod problem. Still having the other errors. Along with that, i also cant access phpmyadmin, says i have the wrong socket??
  4. Well the file folders where the stuff goes is modded to 755, the php script itself CHMODS it to 777 to move the file.
  5. Hey everyone, Need some help. Recently moved to a dedicated server from a shared one. I have a private video upload script but it isnt working any longer? Php globals are on. I end up getting this error: Warning: chmod() [function.chmod <http://*****.com/admin/function.chmod> ]: Operation not permitted in /home/v****/public_html/admin/upload_sub.php on line 49 I had hostgator move my files, and nothing in the scripts was changed. How do i fix this?? Edit: Changed subject to conform to forum rules.
  6. Did anyone tell you that you're a god damn genuis? Worked perfectly using: display: inline-block; Thanks man!!!!
  7. OK Guys, this is a wierd one. On http://voshy.com everything looks great in FireFox. Now, if you go with internet explorer, you will see that the top line (h1) is gone. The only way to get it back is to scroll down and scroll back up. Then it disappears again if you mouse over a link. What's going on here?
  8. ??? Hmmm, I wonder if you did it right. I use an old 15" CRT monitor at 1024 x 768 resolution. And Win 2K OS. Both Firefox and IE 6.0 handled my changes at a Window width of 918px (before the navbar menu items dropped beneath the banner). Here are screen-shots for both: in IE 6.0 - http://www.bluesmandeluxe.com/images/inIE2.jpg in FF - http://www.bluesmandeluxe.com/images/inFF2.jpg (I will remove the screenshots in a few days). Ah Maybe I explained myself wrong. If you go to a video... and then do that, you'll see some text overflow. Give me your PayPal ID, I'll send you $5 for helping me out anyway..
  9. So should I just query everytime a user goes into a login specific page? Like for instance I can remote-connect to the DB and check on the fly if a user is logged in or not?
  10. That worked, PERFECTLY on FireFox, but not in IE5, any ideas? It's fine if it works in IE7, can you check for me?. Thank you.
  11. Hey, thanks for all the help. I tried what you said, but the text from the content on the left is still overflowing :\.
  12. How would I check the cookie for that specific domain? What's the PHP func?
  13. Website is: http://vidbulge.com More of the CSS: #wrap { padding: 0 30px 0 30px; } #content { margin-right: 340px; border: 2px solid #f6e88c; text-align: left; background: #FFF url(http://****.com/img/img05.gif) repeat-x top; padding: 5px; } #sidebar { background: #FFF; float: right; width: 300px; border: 2px solid #CCC; text-align: left; padding: 5px; } What should I change to this?
  14. OK, so I have two domains. I want to 'inter-link' the users somehow. I'm using MySQL/PHP. Basically this is how it should work: 1. User logins in on Domain1.com 2. User moves to Domain2.com and is still logged in My 'check to see if user logged in' script is working through Cookies/Session. Is this possible or am I a complete moron? What are some options.
  15. Pulling out my hair over this.. basically my problem is resolution wise. If you're under 1024, my page looks crumpled and the div extends over the other div. I want to have a minimum width, so when your at a small resolution, you will have a "scrollbar" instead of the page just cramming together.. I'm willing to PayPal $5 to whoever can fix this first. Here are some screenshots: At 1280 res (everything is fine): http://www.filelime.com/upload/files/screen_02.jpg At 1024 res (messed up, content overflow, should have a bottom width bar): http://www.filelime.com/upload/files/screen2.jpg And the CSS for the main content and the sidebar: #content_half { margin-right: 400px; border: 2px solid #f6e88c; text-align: left; background: #FFF url(http://****.com/img/img05.gif) repeat-x top; padding: 5px; min-width: 750px; } #sidebar { background: #FFF; float: right; width: 300px; border: 2px solid #CCC; text-align: left; padding: 5px; }
  16. Tried that. It fixes the image but then the image is out of line with the menu.
  17. The menu, in regular IE (not 7), the icons in the menu (right top bar) are elongated for me and some of the other images on the page are not showing up in proper sizes.
  18. OK, so I just launched my new website duo: http://gamebulge.com http://vidbulge.com But if you go to gamebulge and vidbulge in IE, the menu and some other items are messed up as far as sizing. In opera and IE7 and FireFox, it displays perfectly. Any1 have a solution? It would be GREATLY appreciated.
  19. Can you move it for me please? I don't want to make a duplicate post.
  20. OK, so I just launched my new website trio: http://gamebulge.com http://vidbulge.com http://talkbulge.com But if you go to gamebulge and vidbulge in IE, the menu and some other items are messed up as far as sizing. In opera and IE7 and FireFox, it displays perfectly. Any1 have a solution? It would be GREATLY appreciated.
  21. OK, basically this is what I need. I need to be able to put in a YouTube or Break.com (or Google Video, etc) URL and have that selected video information to be stored in a MySQL database. I also need for it to create a screenshot (thumbnail) of the video. That's it! The video doesn't have to be downloaded, just all the information needs to be in the MySQL database so I can output the videos however I want in PHP/HTML. How should I start in reference to getting the information? Anyone have any ideas?
  22. I run a File Uploading site and I have a question. How can I set up a script so that my download link is "hidden" for 20 seconds and then shows up after the user waits that long? Anyone know? Thank you so much in advance!
  23. OK. Say a user hits a php page of mine, how can I set a 'wait 30 seconds to download' script? And it'll countdown or just show the link after 30 seconds? So example would be
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